Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 155 Be a Patriotic Bad Guy

Chapter 155 Be a Patriotic Bad Guy

"My heart is hurting again, fat man, call the police! Hurry up!" Seeing this, Ye Luo yelled again.

Seeing that Ye Luo really wanted to call the police, the liar who pretended to be a farmer gave up immediately, wiped the sweat from his forehead, leaned in front of Ye Luo, and said in a low voice: "Brother, we are all out to mess around. Easy, do you think it can be less?"

"How much?" Ye Luo also replied in a low voice.

The liar who pretended to be a farmer wiped his sweat again, gritted his teeth, and said, "[-], I will give you [-] at most, you should also know the market. You have been keeping tight on the papers recently, and people have learned to be smart in the past few years." , It’s not easy to be a cheater on the train, the three of us worked hard for three months, and we only cheated the [-] yuan, so I’ll give it all to you, okay?”

Ye Luo reluctantly said: "Well, for the sake of your piousness, I will forgive you once. However, being a liar is not a long-term solution after all. Go to the south to work. Entering any factory is better than yours. You can make a lot of money doing this.”

The liar who pretended to be a farmer nodded quickly, and said: "Okay, the three of us have already had this idea, but we are not going to the south, we are going to go abroad to work, I heard that foreigners have a lot of money and are easy to cheat, no, It’s because the wages paid in foreign factories are high, so we go to work.”

"That's it, that's all right, give me the money, and the matter will be settled." Ye Luo touched his nose, and then Ye Luo said again: "For the sake of your honesty, let me tell you a secret." , if you really go abroad, this trick will not work, you have to upgrade!"

The liar who pretended to be a farmer was taken aback for a moment, and asked doubtfully, "Why not?"

"Your deceit, as long as it takes a long time, it is easy to be exposed. If you go abroad and the three of you get together, the target is too obvious. After the deceived person calls the police, it is easy to find you. If you are caught If they are repatriated, they will simply discredit the motherland, and they will be sentenced to severe punishment!" Ye Luo said seriously.

"Then what should we do?" The liar pretending to be a farmer felt that what Ye Luo said made sense, so he couldn't help but asked again.

Ye Luo approached, and then said in a low voice: "First of all, you should learn a foreign language first. I suggest you learn the Japanese of the island country. If you are really arrested, you must not say that you are from China. If you want to say that you are from the island country, you must Take not being able to discredit the motherland as a belief in life.

Secondly, you need to learn, research, and improve deception. This is a high-tech era, low-level deception is easy to see through, and the deception is less money, and the crime is serious. You need to study high-tech deception, no, it should be called high-tech technology.

Then, once you initially have funds, you must hire the best lawyers to build a highly educated team. You can go to some famous universities abroad to recruit some high-tech talents to build your own team, be good at innovation, and dare to make breakthroughs. , forming the most obscure industrial chain.

Finally, there is an important step, which is to whitewash your identity and hand over this kind of work to foreigners. You are the boss behind the scenes. Remember, the objects of your disaster must be foreigners, and you must not touch Chinese people. In this way, in case something happens abroad, they can still be smuggled back to the country.

Don't worry, as long as you are patriotic and make some special contributions to the country abroad, if something goes wrong, the motherland will definitely protect you after returning home.

Even if you are a bad guy, you have to be a patriotic bad guy! "

The more the liar pretending to be a farmer listened, the brighter his eyes became, and suddenly he felt that a bright road to life was in front of his eyes, and this person who touched porcelain was simply the noble person in his life!
If this is done well, maybe I will really become a figure at the level of a predator in the world!
At this moment, a great dream rose in the heart of the liar who pretended to be a farmer. He took out the 5 yuan he had with him, handed it to Ye Luo respectfully, and said gratefully: "Brother, I will remember what you said." Yes, I will definitely work hard, and if I get good grades, I will definitely repay you a lot!"

Ye Luo patted the liar's head, stood up, and said in a low voice: "Go, if you succeed, you can win glory for the country!"

The liar's eyes grew more grateful, he bowed deeply to Ye Luo, turned around and left resolutely.

Ye Luo didn't know that this liar was a man with a firm will and good luck. Soon, a huge dark organization spanning several countries would rise in the western countries!

In the carriage, all the people watching this scene were stunned for a while. Since the conversation between Ye Luo and the liar was conducted in a low voice, they didn't know what Ye Luo said to the liar.

However, they all saw that the liar not only paid Ye Luo 5 yuan willingly, but also expressed his gratitude to Ye Luo, as if repaying his favor. What's going on?

And the girl who was looking at the book with a stunning figure and an indifferent expression before looked at Ye Luo with a strange look in her eyes.

The fat man directly pulled Ye Luo back to his seat, and asked anxiously, "Is that jade slip really fake?"

"Of course it's fake, here it is." Ye Luo casually handed the jade slip to the fat man.

The fat man approached the jade slip, carefully read the words engraved on it according to what Ye Luo said before, and immediately threw the jade slip aside, and said cursingly: "It really is fake, and the paralyzed one is a liar!"

Then, the fat man continued, "Well, give me my money!"

Ye Luo took the jade slip back casually, and said, "As agreed earlier, if you give me the money, I'll get the jade slip back for you."

"This is fake! Fake! You have cheated that liar 5 yuan, you can't cheat me too!" The fat man became anxious immediately!

At this time, Wu Banxian suddenly patted the fat man on the shoulder, looked at Ye Luo with some amazement, and said, "You are a talent, you can even cheat a liar's money. In this way, I think you have the talent to do my job. After you Don't work in the hospital, go to Babao Street with me to set up a stall, with your talent, it's no problem to earn a house a year."

"You make money by setting up a stall to sell fake goods?" the fat man turned around and asked.

"Fake products? All I sell are genuine products at a real price!" Wu Banxian said with a serious face.

"Pfft!" The fat man was delighted, and said, "I saw you sold bronze wares at your stall the day before yesterday. Those things are national treasures. If they were real, you would be squatting in prison now!"

"I'm risking my life to sell national treasures, and I've never sold fakes!" Wu Banxian was upright.

Seeing the two quarreling, Ye Luo casually threw the fat man's money over, and then quietly put the jade slip into his pocket.

Is this jade slip really a prop?
Perhaps in the eyes of liars, it is also true in the eyes of everyone on the train, but in Ye Luo's eyes, it is definitely not!

Because this jade slip caused the beads to vibrate, and the vibration was much larger than those top-notch jade wares in Mengji Antique Store before.

Just relying on this point, it is enough to prove that the origin of this jade slip is absolutely extraordinary.

Everyone has lost their eyes!
(End of this chapter)

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