Chapter 168 Gambling
"Hahaha! Ah Er, the country bumpkin you brought is really extraordinary. He even dared to buy waste rocks like ghost cracking stones. Could this be your silly relative?" Zhao Si laughed contemptuously.

The onlookers also burst into laughter when they saw Ye Luo and the Ghost Cracking Stone in his hand.

After all, in the stone gambling world, in the eyes of most people, ghost cracking stones are worthless waste rocks, which can rarely be cut out, and are basically used to deceive fools.

Ah Er blushed, and said angrily: "Where are you talking so much nonsense? After picking out the rough stone, go and cut the stone to see who is blind."

"If it's just a matter of better eyesight than anyone else, wouldn't it be a bit boring, why don't we add a bit of color?" Zhao Si looked at Ah Er and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"What prize?" Ah Er glared at Zhao Si.

"I'll just bet three spirit stones. Whoever picks the rough stone and cuts out the lower price will lose, and the loser will give three spirit stones to the winning party." Zhao Si looked at Ah provocatively. Two glances.

Three spirit stones?

When everyone heard this, there was an uproar. No matter who it is, three spirit stones are a huge number, enough for ordinary ancient martial arts practitioners to practice for three months.

Ah Er also hesitated.

"Haha! Get over it, Er, your Mo family doesn't even have that little courage, tsk tsk, the people of the Mo family are really getting worse and worse." Zhao Si's eyes were even more contemptuous.

As soon as Ah Er heard that Zhao Si slandered the reputation of the Mo family, he immediately became angry, and said in a low voice: "Bet, just bet, I will bet you three Lingshi today!"

When Zhao Si heard this, joy flashed across his eyes, because before that, he had invited a master to look at the rough stone he wanted to buy, and it was very likely that there were two spirit stones in it!
For him, this bet is almost a sure win!
"What, can I take part in the gamble too!" Ye Luo took a ghost cracking stone, and suddenly took a step forward, pretending to be a little impulsive.

Zhao Si was taken aback, glanced at Ye Luo, and said, "You country bumpkin also want to participate in the game, do you have a spirit stone?"

Ye Luo scratched his head and pretended to be stupid: "What is a spirit stone? I am rich. My family runs a coal mine. I still have 4000 million in my bank card, of which 1000 million is used to buy this ghost cracking stone, and there is another 3000 million that can be bought." use!"

"Pfft, I want to participate in the gamble with only 3000 million yuan. Okay, today you, Mr. Zhao, are in a good mood, so I will let you participate in this bet. If you lose, you can hand over the 3000 million yuan. However, you still have to call me three times." Grandpa!" Zhao Si's tone was full of arrogance that he had the chance to win.

"What if I win?" Ye Luo said weakly.

"You still want to win? Hahaha! If you win, Ah Er and I will each give you three spirit stones. This gamble is for the three of us, but, just like you silly, hehe, It is absolutely impossible to win!" Zhao Si was full of contempt.

The people around shook their heads, looking at Ye Luo with sympathy.

The fat man grabbed Ye Luo, and said in a low voice, "You are just a cleaning lady, pretending to be a local tyrant who runs a coal mine. These are all perverts who practice ancient martial arts. Why are you meddling?"

Wu Banxian also pulled Ye Luo, and said: "Are you a tiger, you can also bet on ghost cracking stones? You are going bankrupt!"

An old man who was watching couldn't bear it, and said: "Little brother, forget it, it's better not to get involved in this kind of gambling between ancient martial arts practitioners!"

But Ye Luo didn't seem to hear these voices of dissuasion. He took a step forward, stiffened his neck, and said with a straight face: "Gambling! I'm going to fight it out today!"

Seeing this, Ah Er frowned, and wanted to stop Ye Luo, but was interrupted by Zhao Si.

Zhao Si said directly: "Okay! Mr. Liu, cut the stone!"

A hunchbacked old man, holding a three-inch long special machete, walked over with somewhat staggering steps. When the people around saw this old man, they all took the initiative to get out of the way.

It seems that vaguely, this old man has a high status, not just an old man who cuts stones in a gambling shop.

Ye Luo looked at the hunchbacked old man, and there was a look of solemnity in his eyes. This old man seemed to be similar to an ordinary old man, but there seemed to be a terrifying energy hidden in his body, which made people tremble instinctively.

When Zhao Si and Ah Er saw the old man coming, they followed the rules and dutifully handed in the spirit stone to buy the original stone, while Ye Luo also swiped his card, transferred 1000 million, and bought the ghost cracking stone.

Both Fatty and Wu Banxian were shocked. They didn't expect Ye Luo to have 1000 million.

However, a few seconds later, the fat man suddenly came to his senses, and said to Wu Banxian, "I'm paralyzed, I know where the money for this product came from. A few days ago, I was in the Mengji Antique Store in Nanjiang City. I bought a thousand-year-old phoenix blood stone, I guess, this guy sold the thousand-year-old phoenix blood stone and made so much money!"

Wu Banxian was also surprised, and said: "No way, he is so lucky. He also picked up a hundred-year-old ginseng at my stall, and he also took away a three-leaf spirit grass for free!"

"What?" The fat man went on to say: "This luck is a bit against the sky, it won't be against the sky again today, right?"

Wu Banxian shook his head and said, "Impossible, how can luck be so good all the time."

The hunchbacked old man had already started cutting stones, and the first piece he cut was Zhao Si's rough stone.

The hunchbacked old man seemed to be old, but when he started cutting stones, he seemed to have changed his aura. In his hands, a three-inch stone-cutting machete seemed to have life. Like potatoes.

Stone chips flew, and the original stone shrank rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, Zhao Si's original stone was about the size of a fist, and after a few seconds, the old man picked out a thumb-sized piece from the stone with a knife, which was crystal clear and full of aura. The white jade-like stone.

"A spiritual stone." The hunchbacked old man looked calm.

Zhao Si frowned slightly. The expert he was looking for said that there were two spirit stones in this rough stone, how could there be only one after cutting it?That tall man lost his eyes?
Zhao Si looked at that piece of spirit stone, feeling a little lacking in confidence.

Then, the hunchbacked old man began to cut Ah Er's rough stone. The tall and strong Ah Er suddenly showed a nervous look on his face. He lost the bet, but the three spirit stones were what he used for three months of cultivation. .

The old man cut very quickly. In the blink of an eye, a rough stone the size of a human head was cut. However, among the stone chips on the table, there was only a piece of ordinary jade the size of a fingernail.

Jade is incomparable with spirit stones. One spirit stone is enough to buy hundreds of high-grade jade stones. After all, spirit stones are used by ancient martial arts practitioners, while jade stones are just decorations for ordinary people.

When Zhao Si saw it, he laughed wildly: "Hahaha! Ah Er, Ah Er, I didn't expect that you only cut out one piece of jade. If you lose, take out three pieces of spirit stones, and that kid, take the money first." , Call me Grandpa again!"

Ah Er's face suddenly turned pale, and a few drops of cold sweat flowed from his forehead. He gritted his teeth and wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Ye Luo.

Ye Luo said weakly: "Well, it seems that the game is not over yet, and my stone has not been cut."

(End of this chapter)

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