Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 170 Ning Caier

Chapter 170 Ning Caier

Isn't Ning Cai'er the girl who wants to divorce him?
At this time, the members of the Huo family should also be with Ning Caier, because, outside the courtyard, the Huo family's car and the Ning family's car were parked together.

Is it finally time to meet?
Ye Luo narrowed his eyes slightly.

Ye Luo and his party went upstairs, and the stone-cutter hunchback Mr. Liu couldn't help but take another look at Ye Luo and his party. Finally, his eyes fell on Wu Banxian's back.

The hunchbacked Mr. Liu was stunned for a moment, this figure seemed familiar, very familiar, where did he see it?
"An old friend?"

The hunchbacked old Liu's expression finally showed a wave of turmoil, but he was more uncertain, so he stepped up and followed.


The layout of the third floor is similar to that of the second floor, but there are a lot fewer people.

On the east side of the third floor, many people gathered in front of a stone that was the size of a millstone and shaped like a huge turtle.

Among these people, there are two girls who are particularly eye-catching.

One of them was a girl with an indifferent expression and a breath-taking beauty.

Ye Luo asked Ah Er in a low voice: "What's your eldest lady's name?"

Since Ah Er received the six spirit stones from Ye Luo, his attitude improved a lot, and he replied in a low voice, "Mo Shanshan."

"Mo Shanshan, even the name is a little indifferent, such a beautiful, fresh and refined girl, how can she have the temperament of not eating the fireworks of the world." Ye Luo murmured to himself.

Then, Ye Luo looked at another girl.

If it is said that Mo Shanshan has an indifference that rejects others thousands of miles away, but the other girl exudes a strong arrogance that despises everything.

This person should be Ning Caier!

She was dressed in fiery red clothes, and in her eyes, there was an aura of superiority everywhere. Her appearance was exquisite, and her thin lips curled up seductively, as if she had a kind of burning beauty.

Ye Luo asked Ah Er again: "Who is that girl in red?"

Ah Er said in a low voice: "Ms. Ning Caier of the Ning family was a genius girl a long time ago, but I heard that her fiancé is an ordinary person who can't practice ancient martial arts."

"Is the Ning family very powerful?" Ye Luo frowned slightly.

Ah Er nodded, and said: "Of course it's amazing. To be honest, the Ning family was lucky. It is rumored that Ning Cai'er's grandfather was just a fisherman back then. Later, when he went out to sea, the boat capsized when he was caught in a storm. He landed on an uninhabited desert island, and on that desert island, he picked up a very powerful practice formula. With this volume of practice formula, the Ning family rose to prominence.

However, I heard that Ning Cai'er's grandfather didn't know that it was a practice formula at the time. After he took the volume of the formula, he tried every means to leave the isolated island and built a wooden boat, intending to return to the mainland.

However, during the voyage, there was another storm, the boat capsized, and he fell into the sea again. He didn't deserve it. He met an old man, and the old man rescued him.

I heard that it was because of this that the old man and Ning Caier's grandfather became friends for many years. In the end, they married their two grandchildren. "

When Ye Luo heard this, he was taken aback for a moment. He only heard about this engagement once when his grandfather was alive, but he really didn't know how it was actually settled.

Ah Er, Ye Luo, Wu Banxian and Fatty had already approached the strange rock. Ah Er led the three of them and stood behind the indifferent girl Mo Shanshan.

Mo Shanshan was looking at the strange rock, when he saw Ah Er bringing Ye Luo and the other three over, he frowned slightly, but did not speak.

Beside Ning Caier, there were also three people standing, they were two restrained old men, and a young man with a stern look in his eyes.

"Mo Shanshan, I heard that Huo Aotian, the second son of the Huo family, once worked with you?" Ning Caier patted the strange stone with her hand, and suddenly looked at the indifferent girl Mo Shanshan.

The indifferent girl Mo Shanshan just looked at the strange stone and didn't answer Ning Caier's words.

"Heh! It seems that rumors say that you are a genius girl from the Mo family, and Huo Aotian is a genius boy from the Huo family. He is a talented man and a beautiful girl, and he is a good match." Ning Cai'er stared at Mo Shanshan and continued.

Mo Shanshan's face became even more indifferent, and he still didn't speak.

When the people around heard this, their eyes all turned away from the strange stone, and turned to Ning Caier and Mo Shanshan, two girls with completely different temperaments.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there are gossip rumors. Rumors about Ning Caier, Mo Shanshan and Huo Aotian, three famous genius boys, have suddenly increased among ancient martial arts practitioners recently.

Especially the Huo family, the recent strength of the Huo family has attracted a lot of attention.

At the age of only 23, Huo Aotian has cultivated to the fifth level of Qi training, while Mo Shanshan and Ning Caier have cultivated to the fourth level of Qi training at the age of 19. In a generation, they are all extremely famous.

They are all geniuses!
Before Ning Caier appeared, many people thought that Mo Shanshan and Huo Aotian would become a couple, but after Ning Caier appeared, the relationship between the three became a bit confusing. Recently, it was once rumored that Ning Caier She is going to marry Huo Aotian.

"Stop talking? Oh! I forgot to tell you, one year later, I will marry Huo Aotian, and I came to Hidden Dragon Mountain this time to invite you to our wedding." Ning Caier stared at Mo Shanshan, Continued to say something.

"Oh." Mo Shanshan finally responded, and then said casually: "It seems that you have another purpose, you want to divorce the engagement."

break off an engagement?
After this sentence fell, the people around were stunned for a moment. What does this mean?
Aren't you going to get married soon?Why are you retiring?
Ning Caier's complexion also changed, and she said slightly angrily: "Hmph! I didn't expect you to know, so what's the matter with retiring the engagement, that trash who hasn't even practiced ancient martial arts, still wants to marry me, Ning Caier!"

"Really? I heard that that person's grandfather saved your grandfather's life, and the rise of your Ning family is due to the practice book that your grandfather picked up. You divorced so rashly, does your grandfather know?" Mo Shanshan said another casually.

There was an uproar in the crowd, and at the same time, I felt that there seemed to be a strong smell of gunpowder between these two talented girls. Mo Shanshan's words seemed casual, but they had a deep meaning. There was a hidden meaning of saying that the Ning family was ungrateful .

"Hmph! An ordinary person still wants to marry me, Ning Cai'er? However, since his ancestors have been kind to my Ning family, I will give him something as compensation.

I, Ning Caier, will divorce that person tomorrow, and the place will be in the hotel in Hidden Dragon Town. If you have time, you can go to watch the ceremony and make a proof for me, Ning Caier. "Ning Caier looked at Mo Shanshan and said word by word.

Hearing what Ning Cai'er said, Ye Luo couldn't help but stepped forward, and said coldly, "If you say you're going to quit the engagement, you're going to quit the engagement, and if you're talking about compensation, you're going to make it up. Do you think you're the Queen Mother, and Qiankun insists on one thing?"

(End of this chapter)

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