Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 180 1 Force Down Meeting

Chapter 180
"Do you really think that you can kill me like this? Trash, ants, you are a mere mortal, and you want to kill an ancient martial arts practitioner? What a dream!"

At this time, behind Ye Luo, a young man who was in a bit of a mess, but only suffered a little skin trauma, extremely angry and cold, walked out from behind a boulder, with terrifying spiritual energy surging in his hands, and fiercely moved towards Ye Luo's heart thumped.

When Ye Luo saw no one in the car, he was already extremely vigilant. Hearing the sound, he didn't turn his head back. His body suddenly turned around strangely. With his extremely flexible body, he bent abruptly into a An arc, dodging the young man's terrifying punch.

Afterwards, Ye Luo's eyes also burst out with crazy murderous intent, instead of retreating, he suddenly took two steps in front of the young man, and directly punched him hard with an unpretentious punch.

The strength of Ye Luo's body has already reached the limit of human beings, and after taking the leaves of the mysterious five-leaf tree and devouring the holy grass, the strength of one hand has already reached a terrifying 600 kilograms, and the strength of one punch , It even reached thousands of catties!
This is Ye Luo's hidden method. With the naked eye alone, almost no one can see the terrifying power contained in this simple punch.

Seeing that Ye Luo dodged his own attack, the young man punched him instead, a cruel sneer flashed across the corner of his mouth, a punch from an ordinary person wanted to hurt him, dreaming!It's just asking for death!
The moment the fist was thrown out, Ye Luo saw the cruel sneer from the corner of the young man's mouth out of the corner of his eye. His eyes could not help shrinking, his vigilance was raised to the extreme, and at the same time, his strength could not help but increase a little.

One punch is more powerful than a thousand catties!


The fist hit the young man, and there was a sound of gold and stone colliding!

However, the young man's body was not broken or broken as imagined, let alone died on the spot, the fist stopped an inch away from the young man's skin, no matter how difficult it was to smash into it.

It was as if, around the young man's body, there was a thin layer of invisible substance, stronger than steel, which was not broken by this punch.

Reiki gauze!

Ye Luo immediately thought of it. Mo Shanshan once said that once an ancient martial arts practitioner reaches the third level of Qi training, a kind of aura gauze will be produced around the body. This aura gauze is a layer of absolute defense , ordinary people's swords, weapons, and even bullets cannot penetrate!

As long as the aura gauze is cultivated, the ancient martial arts practitioners will have a qualitative leap, and can completely despise and kill the most powerful soldier kings, killers and the like among ordinary people.

It was also at this moment that Ye Luo fully felt the power of the ancient martial arts practitioners.

Ye Luo was shocked back, and his blood was surging.

However, the young man's face was also flushed. The aura gauze was very solid. Even before Ye Luo's punch fell, he was still looking forward to it. When Ye Luo found the aura gauze, he looked desperate.

However, after Ye Luo's punch fell, under the aura gauze, the young man was horrified to feel that Ye Luo's punch carried a terrifying power beyond the limits of human beings.

How can this be?

How could a normal person have such powerful and terrifying power?

This strength has far exceeded the limit of a normal person, and even surpassed the strength of a practitioner in the Qi refining period. When this punch fell, his seemingly solid and indestructible aura gauze showed signs of collapse.

Young people are violent and frightened!
It's just an ant, and it actually poses a slight threat to him!

"you wanna die!"

Frightened and furious, the young man slapped Ye Luo with a palm. This palm carried the power of thunder, as fast as thunder, and the aura wrapped in his hand was even more terrifying.


Ye Luo had accumulated endless depression and anger in his heart these two days. Seeing the young man attacking actively and living in seclusion in Nanjiang City for three years, he completely released the powerful aura of a generation of war doctors that he had never released.

At this moment, Ye Luo's momentum skyrocketed!

The killing intent is overwhelming, the blood is boiling, on the battlefield in the Middle East, Ye Luo, who kills one person in ten steps and never stays behind for thousands of miles, is back again!
Ye Luo punched again, this punch met the young man's punch fiercely, and directly blasted past.


When the two fists collided, an invisible energy erupted, and the surrounding vegetation, sand and rocks rolled.

After one punch, under the terrifying force, Ye Luo took two steps back, but the violent young man took three steps back, another crack appeared on the aura gauze!
"Are you a physical trainer?" There was finally a hint of shock in the violent young man's eyes. Looking at Ye Luo, who was getting stronger and stronger, he couldn't help asking while suppressing his blood.

"What kind of thing is body repair? I'm a war doctor!" Ye Luo's body was like a sharp javelin, standing on the spot, bursting out with cold killing intent and boiling blood!

For three years, Ye Luo has never really made a move!

"Hmph! Battle doctor? I don't care what you are, if you have this little ability, you will die too. Ants are just ants, just trash, go die!"

The violent young man had already had a real cold killing intent in his heart, but he was beaten back three steps by a small person like an ant. In his opinion, this was his shame and an unforgivable low-level mistake!
The violent young man said three words in a strict manner: "Fireball!"

The young man quickly made a strange mark on his hands, a strange energy gathered around the young man's hands, and the aura formed a strange and dazzling fireball beside his hands. Afterwards, the young man pushed the ball of fire towards Ye Luo fiercely. .

Ye Luo's fighting spirit was overwhelming. Seeing this energy, he didn't dodge or retreat. He directly strode forward and punched the ball of fire. The power of thunder.


The fist collided with the fireball, and the fireball was blown up abruptly, sparks flew everywhere, and there was a scorched and burnt mark on Ye Luo's hand, causing severe pain.

To Ye Luo, this little injury was nothing. As a generation of war doctor, on the battlefield in the Middle East, even bullets pierced his flesh without blinking his eyes, let alone a mere burn.

In the battle, the heart is as hard as iron!
At this time, Ye Luo was in an unprecedented peak state, his fighting spirit was burning, his blood was soaring, and every punch he took was powerful.

Seeing this scene, the violent young man narrowed his eyes fiercely. Only then did he finally feel a strong threat.

How could an ordinary ant have such terrifying fighting spirit and strength?
How exactly did he do it?
Knowing that if the stalemate continues, he will definitely be defeated, the young man's violent eyes turned fierce, and his hands quickly formed seals. He decided to use the forbidden technique to kill Ye Luo in one fell swoop.

(End of this chapter)

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