Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 186 The Ignorant Little Girl

Chapter 186 The Ignorant Little Girl

Killer card, framing.

Paralyzed, the old one is not at home, so you want to bully the young one?
This card really ate the heart of a bear and the guts of a leopard!

Ye Luo's heart surged with killing intent, when he suddenly heard Yang Ying ask Chu Xiaohuan to find him a wife, the murderous intent in his heart dissipated in an instant, and he murmured softly: "Yang Ying is a good girl, it's not in vain that uncle loves you."

Thinking of this, Ye Luo stepped harder on purpose, went outside and knocked on the door, pretending not to know anything, and asked, "Is anyone there, I'm back!"

"Xiaohuan, Uncle Ye is back."

Along with a whisper, there was a messy voice from inside.

After a while, the door opened, and the class flower Yang Ying looked at Ye Luo in surprise, and said, "Uncle Ye, you are back, we are doing our homework."

Ye Luo patted Yang Ying's head, smiled, and said, "So good?"

Afterwards, he took another look into the room and saw that Chu Xiaohuan was contemplating deeply, holding a pen in his hand, very seriously. After hearing the conversation between the two, he turned his head and looked at Ye Luo, dissatisfied: "I'll be back when I come back, don't keep your voice down, you interrupted my homework."

The corner of Ye Luo's mouth twitched, he led Yang Ying in, and smiled apologetically, "I will definitely pay attention next time."

"Hmph! That's about the same." Chu Xiaohuan nodded.

"Hey! Did you take your math textbook upside down? Why are all the characters upside down?" Ye Luo suddenly pointed to the textbook in front of Chu Xiaohuan and asked in surprise.

Book down?

Chu Xiaohuan couldn't help being startled, then looked down calmly, and saw that the book was indeed upside down, but she said calmly: "The teacher said, read the book backwards to exercise the thinking ability of the left brain."

Ye Luo slapped her on the forehead, and said angrily: "Pretending is just pretending, and even reading a book backwards to exercise my left brain thinking ability, I really think I'm stupid."


Chu Xiaohuan glared at Ye Luo, feeling guilty after all, lowered his head resentfully, and changed the subject after a while and asked, "Did you bring us any presents during your business trip?"


Ye Luo was slightly taken aback, this trip to the Northeast was too hasty, I really forgot to buy it.

His body was slightly stiff, but who was he, he returned to normal in an instant, and said unhappily: "I didn't study hard at home, and even pretended to lie to me, the gift was cancelled."


Chu Xiaohuan curled her lips, and said contemptuously, "If you didn't buy it, you didn't buy it. What excuses are you looking for, and what's more, you're looking for such a lousy excuse."

"Who said I didn't buy it, but I bought two pieces of jade, worth hundreds of millions!" Ye Luo refused to accept, took out two pieces of spiritual stones from his body, and handed them to Chu Xiaohuan in pain.

"Emerald? You think I'm stupid. Is the emerald transparent? You picked up two broken stones from the mountain, and you lied to me that it was emerald. Do you really think I'm a three-year-old child?" Chu Xiaohuan glanced, He curled his lips in disdain.

"I..." Ye Luo couldn't help but froze. Lingshi is priceless to practitioners. I don't know how many people want it but can't get it. When they come to Chu Xiaohuan, they are actually disgusted.

"You ignorant girl, this is very expensive, okay?" Ye Luo glared at Chu Xiaohuan.

"Cut! Chu Xiaohuan shook her head disdainfully, and then said: "Stingy, I won't tell you anymore, we have to do homework, Xiaoying, take your things, let's go, go to your house. "

But Yang Ying hesitated for a moment, and said, "Uncle Ye, the stone looks pretty to me, so give it to me, and I'll keep it for Xiaohuan."

"Okay, you put it away, let me tell you, these two stones are really priceless!" Ye Luo handed the Lingshi to Yang Ying, and then said: "Be sure to put it away."

Yang Ying nodded obediently, and said with a smile: "A few days ago, I watched an auction on TV. At that auction, there was a piece of something called a spirit stone that was sold for a sky-high price. The two stones are quite similar to the spirit stone on TV."

"Don't think about it, Ye Luo is fooling the two of us, the poor can't even marry a wife, how can there be spirit stones, Xiaoying, let's go." Chu Xiaohuan had already packed his things, and pulled Yang Ying went out.

The corner of Ye Luo's mouth twitched, he glared at Chu Xiaohuan, and said, "It's fine if you can't write at home, why go to Xiaoying's house?"

Chu Xiaohuan glanced at Ye Luo and said, "You packing up at home will affect my studies. Let me tell you, I've been very busy with my studies recently, and I'm about to pass the entrance exam. If I fail to pass the high school exam, I will drop out of school." work."

"The last time you saved someone, didn't the school say that they would recommend you to enter a key high school without taking the exam?" Ye Luo wondered.

"Hey! You can believe everything the school promises." Chu Xiaohuan pulled Yang Ying out of the rental house.

Really go to do homework?
Ye Luo didn't stop her either. Looking at the backs of the two little girls, the corners of her mouth twitched silently, and she muttered to herself, "This girl is getting harder and harder to discipline."

However, Ye Luo let go of her suspended heart.

It turned out that everything was framed by the killer card, and although Chu Xiaohuan was furious, she did not lose her mind. With her current strength, it is absolutely impossible to beat the No. 12 killer card in the world, even if she takes Dan After taking all the medicines, it may not be possible to fight against them.

There were still seven days before Chu Xiaohuan used up the medicine. During these seven days, according to Chu Xiaohuan's personality, he would not take action easily.

"This girl is becoming more and more restless. If you give Chu Xiaohuan a share of the exercises she cultivated, and then give her spirit stones and spirit herbs, let her practice too. I don't know what effect will appear, but I don't know that this little girl Will Lori have a spiritual root?" Ye Luo muttered to herself, and then added: "When she comes back, think of an excuse to try."

Seeing the backs of Chu Xiaohuan and Yang Ying disappear, and whispering a few words, Ye Luo's thoughts turned to Gu Wu's practice and Kanda's space in an instant, and he locked the door of the rental house with his backhand.

Then, Ye Luo took out the "Tao Canon", black jade, the seeds of the devoured holy grass, and the remaining five spirit stones.

Ye Luo took these things and silently entered the Kanda space of the beads.

In the space of Kanda, there is only one mysterious little tree that has grown to three feet high, but only has seven leaves left on one-third of an acre of land, which looks a bit lonely.

And at the two ends of the one-acre three-point land, there is a stone tablet and a statue of a goddess.

After Ye Luo entered, he thought for a while, put the mysterious black jade aside temporarily, and buried the seeds of the devouring holy grass in the soil five meters away from the mysterious small tree, so as to avoid the mutual influence of the two plants.

Then, around the seeds, four spirit stones were buried.

Then, Ye Luo stared closely at the changes in Tanaka.

The four spirit stones fell into the ground, and were decomposed by Kanda at a speed almost visible to the naked eye, turning into streams of rich spiritual energy, which frantically poured into the seeds that devoured the holy grass.

PS: Three chapters ask for tickets, the excitement will continue tomorrow, please support, friends who have a shortage of books, you can read my old book, it is more funny and pretentious than this book, the title of the book is "Super Soldier King", the pen name is the best Good and evil.

(End of this chapter)

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