Chapter 196

Su Mu's body suddenly froze for a moment, and then, instead of being happy, his eyes showed an even more angry look, and said coldly, "You think I'm a three-year-old child? You're just a cleaner, and you shamelessly Can you help me deal with Huo Qianchou?"

Then, Su Mu said with murderous intent: "I think you want to take advantage of me! Shameless scum!"

"I'm serious." Ye Luo said seriously.

"Seriously? Heh! A traitor deserves to be serious? You are an ordinary person, do you know the strength of ancient martial arts practitioners? I'm afraid Huo Qianchou can stretch out his fingers and crush you to death!" Su Mu didn't believe Ye Luo a word .

"Do I look like a bad guy?" Ye Luo was annoyed.

"You are!" Su Mu bit her lips, trying to break free from Ye Luo's embrace, but she didn't have any strength at all.

Ye Luo felt Su Mu's struggle, but the corner of his mouth turned up slightly, and then, Ye Luo's eyes fell on the two killers guarding the door.

The two killers must be killed silently, so that the next plan can be conveniently launched.

It is not difficult to kill two killers, but it is a bit difficult to do it silently and prevent them from warning.

However, Ye Luo couldn't be troubled by this, he squinted his eyes and couldn't help thinking of a plan.

During Su Mu's struggle again, Ye Luo suddenly let go of Su Mu, took a few steps back, pretended to be furious, and said, "Damn it, I play with you because I think highly of you, yet I dare to push you Uncle Ben, it looks like you are forcing me, the Overlord, to fight hard!"

This movement not only attracted the attention of everyone in the room, but also attracted the attention of the two killers at the door.

Su Mu was confused and didn't understand what Ye Luo was singing. He was about to yell at Ye Luo, but Ye Luo turned his head and waved at the two killers at the door, saying, "You two are still here!" What are you doing in a daze, didn't you see that I was being beaten by this bitch? If you still don't come over, help me hold this bitch, I want the overlord to fight hard!"

Almost all the people who heard this sentence became stiff. The Bawang bowed hard and asked someone to hold it down. How shameless is that?
Su Mu's anger rose suddenly. This Ye Luo was so shameless. She stared at Ye Luo firmly and said word by word: "Ye Luo, if you dare to touch one of my fingers, I will definitely will kill you!"

Su Ying, who was on the side, panicked when she saw this scene. Ye Luo in front of her was completely different from Ye Luo, who had been with Ye Luo for three years. Although she was an asshole before, she could still accept being an asshole. Not only a jerk, but a beast!
"What are you two still doing in a daze? Don't you know that I am Huo Qiandu Huo's second brother's brother? Didn't you just see how Huo 32 served my uncle? Let me tell you, if you really mess with me My uncle is not happy, I will sue you with the second brother Huo, and the consequences..." Ye Luo blatantly threatened!

Seeing this, the two killers guarding the door looked at each other, thought for a few seconds, and exchanged a few words in a low voice. The killer on the left finally walked towards the room unwillingly.

There is a strict hierarchy between Huo family's ancient martial arts practitioners and killers. Ancient martial arts practitioners have the power to kill killers, especially Huo Qiandu, who is famous for his violent temper. He can kill killers without blinking an eye. people.

Ye Luo's threat was very deadly to them.

When Su Mu and Su Ying saw that the killer really came, their expressions changed drastically!

Seeing this, Ye Luo turned to look at Su Mu again, and said, "I'll give you two choices now, one is to lie down by yourself and let me have a comfortable rest, and the other is to let the killer press the You, Lao Tzu, overlord, attack hard!"

"How dare you!" Su Mu's eyes were cold and furious.

"Haven't you heard the famous saying that life is like robbery, since you can't resist, then enjoy it?" Ye Luo said seriously.

"Ye Luo, you, you can't treat my sister like this. If you really want to, then rush at me, I, my sister is still young." Su Ying saw that Ye Luo seemed to really want to do something, so she quickly stopped Su Mu. In front of him, his teeth were biting his lips, his little face was pale.

"Well, it seems to be good, hey, but if the two come together, wouldn't it be more comfortable? Sisters, hehe, I haven't played like this in my life!" Ye Luo's eyes brightened.

The vice president Gao Qingyun and the handsome male doctor Gao Yingjie all watched this scene happen helplessly. They could have stopped it at this time.

However, when they thought that Ye Luo was Huo Qianchou's person now, if Ye Luo's good deed was ruined, they, who had a chance of survival, might be very likely to be killed by Ye Luo, who became angry from embarrassment.

It's all up to this time, no matter what happens, as long as you are alive.

They even thought that if Ye Luo had fun, maybe they would let them go.

As for Long Qingshu at the side, he was angry, angry and frightened. He wanted to stop him once in the middle of the journey, but in the end he swallowed it forcefully. He was cowardly and scared.

"You..." Su Mu was in extreme rage and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by a sudden change.

Because, at the moment she was speaking, the killer whom Ye Luo called over had already approached, and at the moment when he faced Su Mu and turned his back to Ye Luo, Ye Luo's eyes suddenly burst out with a touch of coldness. Murderous.

Ye Luo quietly stretched out one hand, clenching his fingers into a fist, and silently smashed the back of the killer's head with extremely violent and terrifying force.

The strength of Ye Luo's single hand had already reached [-] jin, but this violent blow was more than [-] jin!
The killer barely uttered a word, his skull was shattered, and blood splashed from his mouth and nose, spraying Su Mu all over his face.

It took Ye Luo less than one-third of a second for this lore. After punching out, Ye Luo didn't even look at the killer, but turned around suddenly, and with a stride, he had already turned to the door. .

The guard at the door barely saw what was going on, Ye Luo had already shot again!

Ye Luo directly punched again, and this punch hit the killer's neck, and the killer didn't even have time to make any effective defense.


The killer's neck was like a broken branch, it snapped off and hung down feebly, without making any sound at the same time, it slowly fell to the ground.

After that, Ye Luo grabbed the limp killer and dragged him into the room.

All these ups and downs, from Ye Luo's violent attack to killing the two killers, took no more than a second.

(End of this chapter)

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