Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 211 Let You Play Dead

Chapter 211 Let You Play Dead
A group of people nodded in various ways, eager to try.

Brother Hu frowned, and said to the excited Brother Scar, "Wait a minute, this kid is under the protection of the Tang family, so it's not easy to do anything here, first cheat the money here, after cheating the money here, wait until you get out of the pharmacy, find him A place where no one is around, and then deal with him."

When Brother Scar heard it, it was the same reason, and passed the message to the few punks behind him.

The conversations of several people fell into Ye Luo's ears, but he couldn't sit still. He took a few steps forward and said, "Hey! I'm asking you something, you are deaf."

"This pharmacy sells counterfeit medicines, poisoning people to death. Didn't you see that you're blind, get out, go aside! Don't get in the way!" Brother Scar's teeth were itchy and his mouth was naturally not polite.

At this time, Ye Luo had already walked up to the gangster who was pretending to be dead, Brother Scar's words fell to the ground, and Ye Luo's foot also seemed to be a coincidence, stepping on the hand of the gangster who was pretending to be dead on the ground.

"Is it poisonous?" Ye Luo gave the bald tiger brother a faint look, and slowly pressed down with his feet.

The little gangster pretending to be dead on the ground trembled slightly, and the pain from his fingers was slowly intensifying. With his fingers connected to his heart, he stepped on it, and the gangster on the ground forcibly endured it with his blood for a while. .

"Of course! Didn't you see that my brothers are already dead?" Brother Hu said viciously.

"Are you sure you're really dead?" Ye Luo's feet paused.

"Nonsense! Numb, get out, don't get in the way here!" Brother Hu cursed fiercely.

Seeing this scene, the onlookers couldn't help but sweat for Ye Luo. Many people felt that if Ye Luo annoyed this group of people, they might be beaten.

Even Zhou Xiaoyu looked at Ye Luo with a hint of worry in his fearful eyes.

Ye Luo stood still. After Brother Hu cursed this sentence, Ye Luo raised his head, glanced at Brother Hu, and then shot without warning.

Raise your hand!


An extremely loud slap rang out in the store, and that sturdy Brother Hu was sent flying three meters backwards, three of his teeth fell out, and his face became red and swollen.

This slap was extremely hard and there was no warning, Brother Hu didn't expect it at all, and he couldn't dodge it.


Brother Hu fell to the ground and let out a scream like killing a pig.

"If you have something to say, don't scold people. I have a bad habit. When I see someone scolding me, I want to smash their face." Ye Luo said lightly.

Inside and outside the pharmacy, apart from Brother Hu's screams and Ye Luoyun's calm words, there was silence.

Some people rubbed their eyes and couldn't believe what they saw was real!
How many times did this ordinary young man, who looked like he was wearing street clothes, smoke this bald man until he lost several teeth?

Then, Ye Luo made another amazing move.

I saw that Ye Luo was stepping on the gangster's hand, pressed down hard, and made a [-]-degree rotation, and directly stepped on the hand of the gangster who was lying on the ground pretending to be dead. There was a crackling sound.

"Ah—it hurts, it hurts, let go, ah—"

The gangster who was lying down pretending to be dead suddenly sat up like a corpse under the severe pain, and let out an even more tragic roar.

The surrounding onlookers were still in shock before, and now they suddenly heard this scream, and they were all startled. A dead person on the ground suddenly sat up and let out a scream?
Zhou Xiaoyu's eyes also stared. After seeing this scene, she pointed at Brother Scar and said loudly: "Your people are not dead at all. You are pretending. You are liars!"

The people watching outside the store also realized this scene when they saw this scene.

The people on the ground were pretending to be dead, and they were all liars who made money. Immediately afterward, there was a discussion in the crowd, and many people's eyes fell on Ye Luo.

Many of the onlookers were from this street, and some of them knew Ye Luo.

"Who is it? So it's a liar, but Ye Luo saw it!"

"Yes! I remembered, didn't Ye Luo work as a cleaner in the No. 1 civilian hospital in Nanjiang City? He must have seen this kind of medical trouble a lot. Fortunately, Ye Luo was there. Otherwise, Zhou Xiaoyu and her Mom will be miserable!"

"However, will these people let it go? They may explode. I don't think they are good people. Ye Luo may be in danger."

The onlookers talked a lot, feeling that Ye Luo might want these people to call, someone secretly took out his mobile phone and called the police.


Brother Scar, who took the lead, saw that Brother Hu was slapped away in the blink of an eye, and his well-designed deception was also seen through. In addition, there was a task assigned by Ding Yuan before, and the evil came out of his guts.

"Everyone has seen that this person first took the initiative to hit my brother, and then stepped on one of my brothers' hands. He is looking for death!" black and white.

Then, he yelled again: "Brothers, don't be dazed, fuck me, tie him up, and send him to the police station!"

Although Brother Scar yelled like this, he didn’t think so in his heart. Sending him to the police station was just an excuse. As long as Ye Luo was tied up, he found a place where no one was around, and he wanted to kill and scratch. Calculate?
As soon as Brother Scar finished speaking, two gangsters rushed up, viciously, and directly punched Ye Luo's face and lower abdomen with their fists, trying to beat Ye Luo to death!
Ye Luo's eyes turned cold, and he stretched out one hand. At twice the speed of ordinary people, he first held a small gangster's hand, and folded it upwards, and a [-]-degree fracture angle appeared directly.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Luo let go, condensed his palm into a fist, and directly punched the second gangster, punching him hard.


The two fists collided, and the little gangster's fist, forearm, and even the entire arm seemed to have been subjected to a huge force, and there were horrible fracture marks.

In an instant, the two punks let out a more miserable scream, folded their arms, and fell directly to the ground, twitching back and forth.

At this moment, everyone was dumbfounded.

Almost all the onlookers stared wide-eyed. This young man dressed all over the floor had ruined two strong men in the blink of an eye?
A few people who lived on this street and knew Ye Luo were even more shocked. When did Ye Luo become so powerful?Did you practice martial arts, why didn't you see it before?

Zhou Xiaoyu's clear eyes, after fear, anger, and shock, looked at Ye Luo, and finally exuded a touch of splendor. She muttered to herself: "Ye, brother Ye is a hidden master!"

Brother Scar was also surprised, but as the boss of Xijiekou, he was not too frightened, and shouted: "Everyone pull out the guy in the clothes, I don't believe it, Mahler Gobi , What a big wave can a cleaner turn over!"

(End of this chapter)

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