Chapter 235
Rental house outside.

The killing intent on Kaka's face.

The day before yesterday, I asked Ye Luo to go to the hotel to find her, but after being released as a pigeon, she couldn't contact Ye Luo at all. This made her very angry. After many investigations, she finally confirmed the address of Ye Luo's residence early this morning. That is, rental houses in urban villages!
Afterwards, without any hesitation, Kaka went directly to the rented house in the village in the city, wanting to clean up Ye Luo.

Tuk Tuk!

Because of the resentment in her heart, she couldn't wait to clean up Ye Luo. After the first knock on the door and no one responded, she knocked on the door again.

When Chu Xiaohuan heard the knock on the door, he couldn't help being taken aback, and said angrily, "Ye Luo is back? This guy hasn't come back all night, what did he do?"

While talking, Chu Xiaohuan opened the door casually.

The door opened, and a beautiful woman with a cold face, anger in her eyes, and a bit of evil spirit appeared outside the door of the rental house.

"Hey, why is it you?" Chu Xiaohuan saw that it wasn't Ye Luo, her pretty face immediately pulled down.

As for the cards, Chu Xiaohuan had already seen them on the flyover last time. At that time, Ye Luo told Chu Xiaohuan that the cards were his new girlfriend, but Chu Xiaohuan did not know the true identity of the cards. .

However, since the first time they met, Chu Xiaohuan didn't like cards. From Chu Xiaohuan's point of view, it is very difficult for Ye Luo to be happy living with such a woman.

Chu Xiaohuan has been thinking about how to break them up.

"Where's Ye Luo?" Kaka looked into the room and asked in a cold tone. Ye Luo missed an appointment the day before yesterday and made her wait in the hotel all night. Kaka was extremely angry, and no one had ever dared to let her go.

"Ye Luo, he said he's on a date, isn't he with you?" Chu Xiaohuan turned his eyes and said something directly.

"What, a date?" Hearing Kaka's words, the anger in his eyes became heavier. It's this time, yet Ye Luo still has the leisure to go on a date!
Moreover, Ye Luo had already confessed to her before, although she was hypocrisy, but she still went on a date when she already had a girlfriend, isn't this the legendary scumbag?

"That's right, he told me that that woman is beautiful, she can cook and wash clothes, and she has a good attitude. I thought it was you..." Chu Xiaohuan pointed at Sang and scolded Huai.

At the door, there was a strong smell of gunpowder.

Card card was furious, a little girl dared to sneer at her like this, she almost couldn't help bursting out with murderous intent, but, thinking that all the faults were with Ye Luo, the scumbag, and the news about Guigu's secret store also came to an end. With regard to Ye Luo and his uncle, if they were exposed at this time, it would be a failure.

Kaka finally held back his anger and asked, "Where did he go on a date?"

"It's so strange, you came to ask me where your boyfriend went." Chu Xiaohuan said angrily, and pulled Yang Ying out, "Xiaoying, let's go, let's hurry to school, or we'll be late." "

Chu Xiaohuan and Yang Ying left without forgetting to lock the door before leaving.

This situation smoked the Qiqiao of the card.

Of course, what made her even more angry was that Chu Xiaohuan actually said to Yang Ying in a low voice: "This woman is really bad, her temper is too bad, and her character is not good. We have to find a way to break them up quickly, and then introduce our head teacher. To Ye Luo."

Yang Ying also nodded firmly, and said, "I also think our head teacher is good. If Ye Luo marries the head teacher, he won't scold you when checking homework."

Ka Pai was so angry that his nose was almost crooked. He tightened his fists and then loosened them again. He finally resisted the urge to strike.

However, Ye Luo was responsible for this. After watching Chu Xiaohuan and Yang Ying leave, she directly opened the lock on the door of the rental house with a palm, and then went straight into the rental house.

"I'll wait for you here today, and wait for you to come back, and see how I deal with you!" Killer Card's tone was angry and cold.


A sneeze!

Beside the dry well, Ye Luo was blocking the mouth of the well with a big stone when he sneezed suddenly.

He looked at the sky strangely, it wasn't cold today, and with his physique, there was no possibility of catching cold.

"Could it be that someone came to me?" Muttered, Ye Luo glanced left and right, saw that there were signs of construction on the construction site in the demolition area not far away, and murmured involuntarily: "It seems, You must find what you need immediately, otherwise, once someone finds out, you will be in trouble, time is urgent, you must hurry up."

This dry well, we must hurry up and try again!
Ye Luo made up his mind, glanced left and right, and walked towards the village in the city, the rental house.

Ye Luo had just walked to the door of the rental house, and when he was about to open the door, his hands shrank slightly, and his body tensed up, because Ye Luo found that the door was ajar, and the door lock was opened by someone!
There is someone inside the door!
who is it?

Ye Luo narrowed his eyes slightly, and opened the door vigilantly.

The door opened, and there was a cold, angry gaze directly looking at Ye Luo.

"Hey! Why are you here?" Ye Luo frowned slightly. The person inside the door was the cold beauty killer card. Now, Ye Luo's strength has been fully recovered, and he will face the No.12 card in the world's killer list. cards, you can kill them at will.

"I asked you to find me the night before yesterday, why didn't you go?" Killer Card Card's eyes were cold, and he asked the teacher directly.

Ye Luo's heart moved, the palms he had already held suddenly loosened, and he said solemnly: "Shh! Keep your voice down, didn't I tell you earlier? My uncle, a national archaeological expert, has already found out The news of Ghost Valley Secret Store.

I just came back the night before yesterday and was taken away by my uncle. We went to the black market and bought some things needed to go down to the hidden treasure of Ghost Valley.

By the way, my uncle specifically told me to buy cinnabar and donkey hooves that have been stored for more than 300 years. Alas, cinnabar is easy to handle, but the donkey hooves that have been stored for more than 300 years are hard to find. If you can’t find them , you can’t go down to Ghost Valley Secret Store. "

"Are you planning to go to Ghost Valley Secret Treasure?" Killer Kaka was startled, and stared closely at Ye Luo.

"Of course, as long as everything is in place, you can go down at any time!" Ye Luo affirmed, almost slapping his chest to promise.

But this affirmative gesture did not convince Ka Kaba, on the contrary, she was filled with anger.

She knew from Chu Xiaohuan that Ye Luo went on a date with another woman, and now he is still running the train with his mouth full of words, fooling her into saying that he went to buy something hidden away, does he really think she is a fool?

With a sullen face, Kaka sneered, "Hmph, why didn't you just go down today."

Ye Luo's complexion changed slightly, he went down the dry well, how did he know the card, could it be that she followed him?
Although I don't know the reason, and I didn't feel that someone was following me, but the dry well has a lot to do with it, and there is absolutely no room for loss. Now that the card is known, she should not leave safely, or she will die, or become his woman...

(End of this chapter)

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