Chapter 288 Curse
On the dark river, the big black-covered boat was ups and downs, and the sound of knocking came from the ancient bronze coffin, which was low, mysterious, strange, and terrifying.

Ye Luo turned his head to look, all the hairs on his body stood on end immediately, he was sweating profusely, his scalp was so numb that it burst.

Is there something in the ancient bronze coffin?

Still alive?

This huge ancient bronze coffin is more than 20 meters long, and its huge size is terrifying. If there is something in the coffin, what will it be?
It is hitting the ancient bronze coffin, is it going to crawl out of the ancient coffin?

The big black boat was only ten meters away from the small one he was riding in. If something really crawled out of the coffin, what would happen at such a short distance?
At this moment, Ye Luo suddenly remembered that when he killed Hei Snake, Hei Snake had said that during the War of Resistance Against Japan, the Miyamoto family of the island country had forcibly robbed a piece of bronze from an ancient tomb in Huaxia. Giant coffin.

At that time, in order to transport the huge bronze coffin from China to the island country, even the largest aircraft carrier of the island country was used, but during the transportation process, a horrible change occurred. As a result, most of the transport personnel on the aircraft carrier died. Afterwards, everything that happened on the aircraft carrier was secretly banned and became a top secret event, and the ban has not been lifted until today.

After the giant bronze coffin was transported to the base of the Miyamoto family in the island country, the Miyamoto family immediately sent top talents and monks to study it. However, no matter what method was used, the coffin did not even have a lid. However, the people involved in the research all died strangely one after another, the research was forced to stop, and the ancient bronze coffin was sealed up.

Until half a year ago, in the middle of the night, there was a sudden knocking sound on the sealed giant bronze coffin, and the Miyamoto family once again undergone terrifying changes.

However, when Black Snake said this, he launched a surprise attack and was killed by himself.

At that time, although Ye Luo was curious about the news, after all, the island country was far away, and the black snake died again, and the card didn't know the secret, and he was busy these days, so he didn't investigate deeply.

Unexpectedly, it was only a few days later that this weird scene appeared vividly in front of his eyes.

Is there any relationship between this ancient bronze coffin and the ancient bronze coffin stolen from Huaxia by the Miyamoto family of the island country during the Anti-Japanese War?

Half a year ago, the ancient bronze coffin sounded in the Miyamoto family, and a terrible change took place. What was that change?

The knocking sound became more and more intense, and the lid of the coffin began to vibrate. An invisible and strange dark wave emerged from the lid of the coffin. shoot away.

Invisible, silent, without warning.

Ye Luo didn't see it at all.


Ye Luo, who was vigilant, suddenly felt a pain in his chest, and then a strange feeling spread from his chest to his whole body.

Ye Luo was shocked!

Almost subconsciously, Ye Luo peeled off the clothes on his chest, and then, Ye Luo saw that there was a strange mark on the chest that was originally empty.

The imprint is about the size of a palm, and its shape is almost exactly the same as the ancient bronze coffin in front of you.

Ye Luo's eyes shrank suddenly!
How could there be an imprint of an ancient bronze coffin on the chest?

On the east side of the dark river, on the three-story ancient altar, when the donkey heard the knocking of the ancient bronze coffin, his body was also shocked, and anxiety and surprise flashed in the eyes of the donkey.

"Wow, woof, woof, woof, woof! Oh no, I forgot about this." The donkey patted its head with its hoof and said to itself.

Then, the donkey said again: "Impossible, the ancient bronze coffin on the big black-padded boat has been floating on this dark river for thousands of years, and it has never made a sound. Why is it ringing now? Bow woof woof! This is so special!" As soon as it rang, wouldn't that guy be finished?"

The donkey's heart was terrified. If the boy died, no one could rescue him. Wouldn't he have to be trapped here for many years?That must drive the donkey crazy!

"The ancient bronze coffin has changed. This is a sign that the sky is about to change. Could it be that the secret treasure of Ghost Valley will also be born? Mahler Gobi, countless powerful, saints, and supreme beings have not waited for one of the most prosperous, immortal roads. The prosperous world that will appear, was I waiting for you, Mr. Dog?" Amidst the anxiety, the donkey suddenly thought of something, and his whole body cheered up.

However, this excitement didn't last long, and soon he died, "Wow, woof! The prosperous age is here, but Lord Dog, I'm going to be trapped here?"

"Wow, woof! Young man, you are dying. If you follow my command now, you may still have a way out!" the donkey was anxious, and roared at the top of his voice.

Ye Luo was looking at the imprint on the ancient bronze coffin on his chest and was startled. At this time, when he heard the donkey's shout, he remembered that the donkey had completely tricked him into crossing the dark river. He was furious and yelled too. : "Dead donkey, who are you yelling at? Who are you yelling at to die? I think you are going to die. When I go out, I will have to peel your skin and boil the donkey skin for donkey-hide gelatin."

"Wow, woof! It's not the emperor who cursed you, but the thing in the ancient bronze coffin!" The donkey yelled anxiously, and then asked, "Is there an imprint of the ancient bronze coffin on your chest? That's a curse!"


It's already this time, isn't this donkey still fooling people?
This thing on the chest is really a curse?


While Ye Luo was in shock, the ancient bronze coffin rang again.

At this moment, the ancient bronze coffin imprint on his chest seemed to wake up following the sound. It moved a bit, and then, a cold, evil, and strange aura emanated from it.

Ye Luo felt a chill in his chest, followed by an evil and cold breath that pierced towards his heart. Afterwards, this breath spread along his heart and spread to his whole body.

Afterwards, Ye Luo clearly felt that this breath seemed to faintly produce a devouring force, pulling the blood in the heart and flesh and blood, pouring into the imprint on his chest.

"The one who devours blood?" Ye Luo was shocked and terrified.

"Woof woof! Young man, it's already at this time. What's the use of me fooling you, hurry up, take out the cinnabar and paste it on your chest." The donkey roared anxiously.

The imprint of the ancient bronze coffin was awakened, from the cold breath of evil entering the body, to the time when it began to devour and attract blood, it only took a blink of an eye.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Luo felt that the blood in his body had begun to be swallowed and drawn out, and was accelerating at an astonishing speed.

Ye Luo wanted to resist, but he couldn't deal with it at all. Kong had a strong body of strength, but he couldn't find a place to exert it. This kind of engulfment from the inside of the body couldn't be dealt with by strength.

"How to do?"

Ye Luo was very anxious. According to this situation, if he didn't do something to deal with it, he might be beaten up in a few minutes.

(End of this chapter)

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