Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 290 Come on, hurt each other

Chapter 290 Come on, hurt each other
put all one's eggs in one basket!
Ye Luo crazily ran the mysterious scriptures on the ancient bronze book, urging the operation of the devouring skill in the body to the limit, completely letting go, without reservation.

The mysterious scriptures in Ye Luo's body seemed to feel the meaning of madness. The golden scriptures that had been silent in Ye Luo's body suddenly turned blood red, and the scriptures trembled.

Afterwards, the scripture culture turned into blood and melted into Ye Luo's body.

Ye Luo's body shook, and a frightening red flashed in his crazy eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the blood energy on Ye Luo's body was stopped by the speed of imprint extraction, and these blood energy transformed into countless tiny blood energy threads in a strange way, slowly immersed in the body's meridians, flesh, and cells.

Immediately afterwards, the blood energy that turned into tiny threads automatically started to rotate, and the threads turned into a vortex shape, and the speed of the rotation was quietly accelerating.

All over the body, suddenly, countless small vortexes of blood and blood were formed, and the speed of these vortexes continued to increase. Each vortex formed a trace of attraction, and countless weak attraction began to flow in Ye Luo's body gather.

The astonishing crimson color in Ye Luo's eyes became more and more obvious.

The imprint of the ancient bronze coffin on the chest, after a short period of stagnation, suddenly distorted, as if it had been provoked by some kind of provocation, a strange, gloomy and terrifying aura emanated from the imprint. Extract, devour Ye Luo's blood energy.

Ye Luo has already sensed the formation of the devouring power in his body. While the imprint increased the devouring power to devour his blood, Ye Luo also controlled the amazing devouring power in his body, and crazily moved towards the ancient bronze coffin on his chest The imprint surged away.

The devouring power in Ye Luo's body came into contact with the imprint!
A terrifying, strange, powerful blue energy with a vicissitudes of life was suddenly sucked out of the imprint and poured into Ye Luo's body.


Ye Luo felt a terrifyingly abundant aura pouring into his body, and while the flesh and blood were being devoured, Ye Luo already had some withered flesh and blood. After encountering this energy, it seemed like a dry land that had been dry for a long time and met with sweet rain. , began to absorb crazily.

The cyan energy devoured from the imprint is far stronger than the original blood energy in his body. Most importantly, there seems to be an extremely mysterious and powerful rule contained in the cyan energy. Into the flesh and blood.

On the chest, the imprint of the ancient bronze coffin, at this moment, immediately felt swallowed.

In the imprint, there was a touch of anger and terror, like a shocking big man, who was raging and dominating the world, and was suddenly slapped in the face by a humble ant!
From ancient times to the present, only it devours others, and no one else has ever devoured it!
In the depths of the bronze imprint, with such furious and terrifying emotions, the devouring power doubled again.

Ye Luo obviously noticed that a flash of madness flashed in his eyes, and with unreserved means, he once again stimulated the devouring power in his body, and counterattacked the devouring force!

Two devouring forces entangled in Ye Luo's chest.

One devours blood energy, the other devours cyan energy, exchanging devouring.

The aura on Ye Luo's body is changing at an astonishing speed. As the exchange devours, Ye Luo is regaining strength at a terrifying speed.

It is also devouring, but the green energy is one level higher than Ye Luo's blood energy. In the same exchange, Ye Luo has gained huge profits!
In the depths of the bronze imprint, the meaning of wrath became more and more terrifying, and there seemed to be something terrifying hidden deep in the imprint.

Devouring continued, and in just ten seconds, Ye Luo's strength had returned to its peak!
Moreover, this is only the result of the cyan energy, without counting the mysterious and terrifying rule fragments in the cyan energy.

Ye Luo became more and more crazy, devouring, and Ye Luo was also driven crazy by the imprint of the ancient bronze coffin, and only one thought of devouring remained in his mind.

He wants to devour the imprint of this ancient bronze coffin!

At this time, Ye Luo's breath exploded completely, and the killing intent on his body, like substance, condensed around his side, with a sense of madness, which made people daunting.


On the big black canopy boat, the thing in the huge ancient bronze coffin seemed to feel something, the knocking sound became more and more intense, and even vaguely, there was a terrifying anger that was almost exactly the same as in the imprint.

The imprint is like a very small part of the thing in the ancient bronze coffin.

Now, devouring other people's marks, in turn, was devoured!

A humble little person not only resisted him, but also devoured him. How could he not get angry? It was like being slapped in the face by an ant attack.

The lid of the coffin vibrated, and the things in the coffin seemed to want to rush out of the coffin under the rage. A monstrous, terrifying, world-ending aura leaked out from the lid of the coffin.

When this trace of breath leaked out, cracks appeared in the void outside the coffin, and a trace of breath could actually shatter the void!

The knocking sound was violent, the coffin coffin lid vibrated and shook, that thing was about to lift the coffin lid!
On the ancient altar, the donkey who had already given up was startled when he heard the sound, and suddenly stood up, looking into the distance in shock from his walnut-sized donkey eyes, and said suspiciously: "F, what happened?" Son? Huh! That kid is still alive? What is he doing?"

Crazy Ye Luo, indifferent to the outside world, was devouring the scriptures with all his energy, devouring the energy in the imprint of the ancient bronze coffin at a bursting speed.

Ye Luo's flesh and blood, after absorbing the cyan energy, is beginning to break through at an abnormal speed. The flesh and blood are surging, nourishing every part of the body, and the flesh and blood are becoming stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Moreover, those mysterious and strange rules contained in the cyan energy, gathered together from fragments, and slowly formed a thin thread, ups and downs in the turbulent flesh and blood.


A roar that seemed to come from the depths of the Nine Nethers, a terrifying creature came out of the coffin, making everything tremble, as if it was about to wake up and break out.


"Jingle Bell--"

When the mysterious being in the huge bronze coffin on the big black canopy boat was about to hit the lid of the coffin with the most violent and terrifying force, beside the ancient coffin, there was a bell tied below one, and there was a grimace that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, or crying but not crying. The dilapidated lantern suddenly shook.

The lanterns moved, the lights flickered, and the bells rang.

An inexplicable dao rhyme swayed, dissipated in the darkness, and landed on the ancient bronze coffin. On the ancient coffin, the mysterious lines carved on it faintly lit up.

Inside the huge bronze coffin, the terrifying aura suddenly stagnated, the movement stopped abruptly, and a shocking aura mixed with anger, fear and unwillingness disappeared in a flash.

In the blink of an eye, the ancient bronze coffin returned to calm, as if nothing had happened.

At this moment, the imprint of the ancient bronze coffin on Ye Luo's chest seemed to feel something, and instantly shut off the power of devouring, wanting to stop the mutual devouring with Ye Luo.

"It's not that easy to escape!" Ye Luo said fiercely.

The imprint stopped, but he didn't stop, running the exercises with all his strength, trying to swallow all the imprints on this ancient bronze coffin!
(End of this chapter)

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