Chapter 292
Ye Luo looked towards the bottom of the vortex, and could vaguely see that there was a five-color ancient altar just like the trapped donkey, three stories high, exuding mystery, simplicity, time, and vicissitudes!
On the top of the ancient altar, there seemed to be two completely different energies emanating, one of which formed a huge suction force on the surroundings, while the other formed a huge repulsion force on the surroundings. , forming the vortex.

Surprised, Ye Luo glanced around and found that at the bottom of the river, there was not only this one ancient altar, but a row of nine altars, each with a distance of a thousand steps, occupying the underground space of the dark river. of all locations.

In this underground space, no matter where you want to cross the river, you must cross the nine ancient altars.

However, the other ancient altars are all at rest now, only this one exudes two terrifying energies, forming a huge vortex.

Ye Luo stood on the awning boat, thinking quickly about how to deal with it.

The vortex was huge, and if he didn't respond in time, he and the small boat with the black awning under his feet might be sucked to the ancient altar by the huge suction force of the vortex.

The donkey was trapped on the ancient altar on the east bank of the river, and it still hasn't come down.

The ancient altar is weird, and no one knows what will happen once it falls on this evil ancient altar.

On the east bank of the dark river, on the ancient altar, the donkey who watched this scene suddenly stood up, half of the donkey's face was shocked, half was ecstatic, and he praised in his mouth: "That kid has some skills, and he is here!" The imprint was swallowed and survived, but this is the best, just to help the empress get out of trouble."

Ye Luo ignored the donkey, and saw that the vortex was spinning faster and faster, and the strong attraction produced a strong wind, which hurt people's faces, like ants on a hot pot.

How to do?
Ye Luo thought, the oars had been broken, and it was almost impossible to change the course of the awning boat, should he jump off the boat?
There are female corpses in palace costumes swimming under the water, God knows what will happen if you jump down?
Seeing Ye Luo's thoughts at the time, the donkey shouted from a distance: "Boy, I advise you, it's best not to think about jumping into the river, that's asking for death."

"If you don't jump into the river, are you waiting to be swallowed by the whirlpool?" Ye Luo rolled his eyes and said.

"That's not bad at all, at least you can save your life." The donkey said something, excitedly said: "The emperor was attracted by the vortex from your position back then, so you don't have to think about resisting or escaping, even Even the emperor accidentally got tricked, let alone you."

"What? You know? You cheated me?" Ye Luo turned around suddenly, killing intent burst out in his eyes, was it another hole dug by a donkey?

"You're not too stupid, kid." Donkey said, "Do you think that the heaven-defying thing of the nine-story demon tower is easy to get? If that's the case, it's not your turn."

"Dead donkey, what good will it do you if I'm sucked into the vortex?" Ye Luo was startled and angry when he heard that, and the urge to kill the donkey became stronger.

"Woof, woof! Of course there are benefits, my lord, I have spent so much effort to cheat you, if there is no benefit, what will my lord do?

The ancient altars on the shore and the ancient altars in the water are essentially ancient teleportation formations. However, the teleportation formations on both sides have been arranged with several other terrifying formations, forming a Jiuyi death formation.

These ten ancient altars have been in a state of silence on weekdays. In this state, the ancient altars on the shore, under the blessing of another formation, have become an unbreakable cage that can trap Live everything in the world and form a dead end.

And once a human being crosses the river, the ancient underwater altar will be activated immediately, forming a vortex, sucking the people in the water into the teleportation array, teleporting to the ancient altar on the bank, and then trapped to death on the ancient altar on the bank.

The donkey ostentatiously said a lot, seeing that Ye Luo was at a loss, he rolled the donkey's eyes and said, "To put it simply, as long as someone wants to cross the river and pass above the underwater ancient altar, the formation will be activated, forming a vortex, and People inhale it, and then send it to the ancient altar on the shore, where the ancient altar is like a cage, trapping people to death!"

"Even if I was sucked into the vortex, teleported to the ancient altar on the bank, and trapped to death inside, what good would it do you?" Ye Luo was furious, and wanted to kill the donkey even more. It's really harmful. Damn it, this donkey is really smart.

"Wow, woof, woof! The teleportation array is bidirectional. When it is activated, the moment someone transmits it in, those who are trapped in the array can take the opportunity to get out!"

"Woof, woof, now you understand why the empress wants to cheat you. Only when you are sucked in and trapped to death, can the empress go out and dominate for nine days!"

The donkey has been trapped for more than 2000 years. At the thought of getting out, a flash of excitement flashed through the eyes of the donkey the size of a walnut.

After Ye Luo heard this, he was furious, the donkey was going to screw him to death!

Since the first meeting, the donkey has always said that there are things against the sky in the ten-story demon tower, and has always emphasized that there are dangers in the ten-story demon tower, and has never mentioned this dark river.

However, all the pits are on the dark river.

It wants to take the opportunity to come out when it is sucked into the teleportation array!

"Quack quack! Young man, you are younger than me with a dark belly. Since you entered this dry well, every road you have taken has been calculated by me!" Standing up, there is a momentum to point out the country and stimulate the writing.

Ye Luo was furious, this stupid donkey is really smart!
However, under the rage, Ye Luo did not panic, but calmed down very quickly. At this time, resentment and anger are of no benefit, and the most important thing is to quickly find a way to break the situation.

But, is there a way to break the situation?
Ye Luo knew nothing about this so-called formation.

Ye Luo turned his head and stared quietly at the ancient altar which was already close at hand. From this distance, the real face of the ancient altar could be seen clearly.

At this time, the ancient altar was divided into two halves by two forces, one sucked and one repelled. There was a vague pattern between them, like a Taiji pattern, and in the middle of the pattern, there was a spar the size of a human head. The spar flickered strangely.

What is this spar?
It seems to be an important part of the formation, if this spar is smashed, what will happen?
At this moment, a thought popped into Ye Luo's mind.

Ye Luo had already been sucked half a foot away from the ancient altar, and the crisis was imminent.

If all the tricks of the donkey are really successful, it will be dangerous. If the donkey gets out of the trap, but he himself will be trapped, he will never get out in this life.


Ye Luo gritted his teeth, took out a small blood-red sword from his bosom as fast as he could, and stabbed at the spar fiercely with all his strength.

(End of this chapter)

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