Chapter 400
"Go to hell! How dare you tease this old man!"

That terrifying big man, furious, directly tore the ninja into pieces.

The big man from the third family also arrived. He barely said a word, and with a powerful aura, he rushed directly towards the entrance of the Ghost Valley Secret Treasure.

However, just as he broke into the entrance of the cave, a ninja from the Miyamoto family with the same powerful aura stood in front of him quietly, and he slapped it with a palm, which was so terrifying.

The big man of that family shouted violently: "Whoever blocks my way, die!"


Two big figures from the foundation establishment period fought at the entrance, and there was a thunderous roar, and the powerful coercion swept violently in all directions.

However, the battle only lasted for a few seconds, because after a few seconds, the big figures from various thousand-year-old families rushed to the entrance, almost after a short judgment.

At this moment, the important figures from the great families who came to Nanjiang did not hide any more, their auras were domineering, and their attitudes were also very tough. Whoever dared to block the way would directly destroy and kill them!

Ghost Valley is hidden in front, whoever stops and kills whoever!
The big shots of the Miyamoto family also arrived. They were already extremely angry and wanted to kill the donkey and the people, and snatch the moon wheel back, and go to the secret treasure of Ghost Valley, but unexpectedly, after they arrived, they saw Huaxia's Many big names from millennium families!

Has the location of Ghost Valley's secret treasure been completely exposed?
The members of the Miyamoto family were shocked and angry!
They have been preparing for hundreds of years, and even invited out the most important treasure of the island country, secretly planning and laying out the layout. Originally, they could quietly locate with the destiny astrolabe and enter with the sacred moon wheel, and then no one in the entire Huaxia When he reacted, he swept through the entire Ghost Valley Secret Store.

However, all the hard work, all the devotion, and all the great situation were ruined by one person and one donkey, because of the chaos last night, their layout was completely shattered.

Now, the situation is out of control!
On the west side of the entrance, 300 meters away.

A woman wearing a light veil, wearing a cherry blossom kimono, with a light air flowing around her body, was silent for a long time when she saw this, and then said softly: "Let our people withdraw."

"Yes, Saintess!" A powerful high-ranking ninja, after hearing this voice, almost without any thought or hesitation, immediately carried out the order to deliver the message.

"Senior Emperor, when will our second sacred object arrive at the earliest?" the island saintess asked softly.

"Tomorrow at the earliest." A person covered in black veil and with a bamboo hat covering his head, who couldn't tell if he was a man or a woman, said in an indifferent and neutral voice.

"My lord saint, you don't have to worry. Without the holy object, no matter who it is, they will not be able to enter. These thousand-year-old families don't know the existence of this taboo circle, and no one will bring the holy object. They will not enter for the time being. No. If they want to enter, they have to transfer the sacred treasures of the clan from the family." An old man of the Miyamoto family said.

"We can't get in, and neither can the people from the thousand-year-old family. We all need time. They should not be as fast as us. We have already started to act." Another old man from the Miyamoto family also said.

"You seem to have forgotten that none of us can get in, but people and donkeys can get in..."

"That despicable man and donkey, we must kill them! They simply took away all our preparations, hundreds of years of planning, and the calculation of the country's heavy weapons. ruined..."

At the entrance, before the saintess of the island country gave the order, there were already several big figures from aristocratic families, carrying powerful auras, rushing into the entrance. There's not much that a big man can do.


The same strength, under the absolute difference in numbers, is simply crushing.


However, the first big man who rushed in suddenly let out a furious roar just after entering for a while, and then the figure who rushed in quickly retreated back.

Then, there were also a few shocked roars, and there were also a few powerful voices.

"Swallow the power of the original life?"

"Suppress cultivation!"

"It's a taboo magic circle, even with the old man's cultivation, he can't break through it by force?"

"In this taboo circle, why is there an aura of restricted life..."

All the powerful figures of the aristocratic families who rushed in were all shocked. Everyone rushed in frantically, and all retreated backwards. No one could really go in.

The night was raging, and the silence of the cemetery in the western suburbs had been completely shattered. As time went by, a dozen or so bigwigs from a thousand-year-old family, after a brief attempt and shock, gradually subsided and gradually formed a confrontation.

And the geniuses of the millennium families, as well as others, as well as some powerful casual cultivators, finally arrived.

These days, all the monks who gathered in Nanjiang City to search for the Ghost Valley Secret Treasure almost gathered at the Western Suburb Cemetery, and the news that the Ghost Valley Secret Treasure was located in the Western Suburb Cemetery had spread wildly.

However, more than a dozen thousand-year-old families who formed an alliance have forcibly occupied a position each, blocking the entire Western Suburb Cemetery. The major forces have formed a delicate balance.

Among them, in the southwest direction, Zhu's house.

Fatty's aunt, Ji Yanjue, looked at a gray-haired and imposing old man in the Foundation Establishment Stage, and asked, "Second Uncle, what's going on with the taboo magic circle at the entrance?"

"It's hard to say. This is a taboo formation that I have never seen before. It can suppress people's cultivation, devour people's life essence, and a girl can turn white hair with a snap of a finger. Even I can't force it in. Now, everyone No one from a big family can enter." The gray-haired old man shook his head.

"Is there a way to crack it?" At this moment, Zhu Tianyi, who followed, also asked.

"Not yet, Tianyi, your character should be restrained. In the mansion in the southern suburbs, when selecting people to calculate the location of the ghost valley secret, you should not make a move. The special physiques of the major families are definitely not only you and Huo Lingfeng from the Huo Family, you have just arrived in Nanjiang City, the situation here is complicated, you need to be patient and don't get unnecessary limelight easily.

You are too concerned about gains and losses. In this regard, you are not as good as a fat man for half a month, hey!By the way, where did Fatty go?How did I not see him?If there is a way to break it, I need to take him in. "The gray-haired old man of the Zhu family said.

Not as good as that trash fat man who takes half a month?
As soon as Zhu Tian heard the words, his breathing couldn't help but he couldn't help but flashed in his mind that fat man with big ears who didn't do anything but eat, sleep and steal things, his eyes couldn't help but turn cold.

"Your character really needs to be honed. This time coming to Nanjiang is just an experience for you." Ji Yanjue also took a look at Zhu Tianyi, and her tone sounded like an elder guiding a younger generation. Although Ji Yanjue She is not much older than Zhu Tian, ​​but her seniority is a generation higher.

Then, Ji Yanjue looked at the gray-haired big man in the foundation-building period of the Zhu family, and said, "Second Uncle, this fat man has caused a lot of trouble, and he has been placed under house arrest by me, and he is still in the hotel."

"Yanjue, you still don't know enough about this chubby, just your subordinates, can you put him under house arrest? As long as you leave, if he wants to sneak out, your subordinates may not be able to stop him. Call him Give him a call and call him."

The big man of the Zhu family, the second uncle, shook his head, and then said: "By the way, he also called his friend, Ye Luo, the war doctor who was said to be a waste. Before I came here, the ancestors of the family ordered us to Make friends with this little friend."

(End of this chapter)

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