Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 406 Immortal Bridge Beast

Chapter 406 Immortal Bridge Beast

Above the abyss, at the head of the broken bridge, the fog is raging.

"Old man, no, Second Master, let's stop fooling around, if this is really a beast, I'm a god, Fat Lord! I'm really busy here, I'll give you some more pornographic movies later, hang up." Fatty If you still don't believe me, you have to hang up the video call first.

Ye Luo snatched the phone from the fat man at the moment when the fat man was about to hang up.

"What are you doing?" the fat man wondered.

"You let him finish. What the old man said seems to make sense." Ye Luo took the phone and straightened it. Then, Ye Luo lowered his head, looked at the phone, and asked Zhu Yang, the big man of the Zhu family in the video. One sentence: "What, the fat man's second master, take your time, don't worry, the second half is obviously a bridge, how did it become a mythical beast? Still blocking the road and robbing?"

Ye Luo looked at the gray-haired big man Zhu Yang on the screen, seeing that the old man seemed very ordinary, plus the fat man's tone towards this terrifying big man in the Zhu family's foundation period was very casual. It's just an old man who is an ordinary cultivator, and he hasn't seen his true cultivation.

The corners of Zhu Yang’s mouth twitched. As a foundation-building ancestor, in this age, no matter where he goes, whoever doesn’t pay him a three-point respect, or even worship him, is at the level of a hegemony, especially in the Zhu family. One of the most prominent figures.

However, when he came to the fat man, he was an old man who opened his mouth and kept his mouth shut. He hung up the phone before he finished listening, and he dared to say that he was fooling around. This fat man is a bit rebellious.

Ghost Valley Secret Treasure is just ahead, this fat man almost ruined the event!

"You are the war doctor Ye Luo?" The Zhu family's bigwig took a deep breath and suppressed the urge to fix Fatty right now.

"Yes! What is that? Fatty, his second master, what is this bridge? How did you get there? Are you sure you're not fooling around?" Ye Luo's tone was very casual because he thought Zhu Yang, the big man of the Zhu family, was just an ordinary old man.

"Hey, let's not talk about this bridge. I see that you have a full sky, clear bones, and your gestures are like a master. In this way, I have a suggestion. How about you worship me as a teacher? I will teach you how to cultivate." Zhu Zhu Yang, a big man in the family, touched his beard, but he was not angry because of Ye Luo's casualness. Instead, he made a stunned suggestion.

Zhu Yang, a member of the Zhu family, thought about it. Since the ancestors are optimistic about Ye Luo, and he is also optimistic about him, instead of making friends, it is better to accept apprentices. When everyone treats him as trash, directly accept apprentices and establish a master-apprentice relationship. Isn't the relationship between master and apprentice more stable than friendship?
Besides, how cheap it is to recruit apprentices, just teach them with words, even if you fail to practice in the future, there is not much loss. It makes people excited. Hundreds of years later, when I walked to the street, when everyone was talking about how awesome the war doctor is, I just coughed and said lightly: Astral, um, it’s really powerful, he It was an apprentice I took hundreds of years ago.

Isn't this amazing practice world?
This apprentice can be accepted!

Now, with his lofty status as a great figure in the foundation-building period, not to mention other things, only the Zhu family, those who want to worship him as a teacher, can step down the threshold every day, and he never takes a second look. Now he takes the initiative to accept Ye Luo As a disciple, wouldn't Ye Luo have to be grateful and immediately kowtow?
"Apprenticeship?" Ye Luo was stunned for a moment, then looked back at Fatty, suddenly felt that the people he knew with Fatty seemed strange, and then directly changed the subject, saying: "What, let's talk about this bridge."

"The rules of our apprenticeship are very simple. In this way, I am not too fussy. If you kowtow three times to the video, you should first recognize it. When you come out, we will formally worship you." apprenticeship.

"That bridge..."

"Well, you can worship, just on this bridge, the deity is watching seriously." Zhu Yang, the big man of the Zhu family, said in a serious tone.

As soon as Ye Luo heard it, he immediately felt that the fat man was justified in wanting to hang up the phone earlier. The old man seemed to have some mental problems. First he was a bridge and then a beast, and now he wanted to recruit disciples for no reason. receive?
This old man is also a wonder!

Ye Luo didn't want to waste any more time, so he covered the video camera, then shook it from far and near, and said, "Hey... Hey! The signal... seems a bit bad..."

Then, Ye Luo took the opportunity to hang up the phone, threw the phone to the fat man, and said to the fat man: "I feel that your second master seems to have some mental problems. You can bring your second master here, and I will treat him , it should be a minor illness, but it should be treated early to prevent it before it happens."

The fat man took the phone and said carelessly: "It's okay, he's just like that, he's not sick, oh, don't talk about the old man, let's talk about this bridge, how can we get across."


As soon as the fat man finished speaking, the phone rang again. The fat man didn't dare to hang up when he saw that it was Zhu Yang, the big man of the Zhu family. , but if he really angered him, the consequences would be very serious.

The fat man has seen it before. This old man once got angry and directly slaughtered a powerful and evil cultivation organization. It was also blood-stained and shocked the cultivation world.

"Hey! Second Master, I'm really busy. I hung up. I'll talk later when I get back. My phone is almost out of battery and it's going to shut itself off automatically." The fat man made an excuse and wanted to hang up again.

"The half-changing Broken Bridge in front of you is called the Immortal Bridge Beast. It is the most powerful, longest-lived, and most terrifying beast in ancient times, not one of them!" These two guys had the urge to shoot to death, so they hurriedly got down to business, lest they be ruthlessly hung up again.

Then, he said again: "However, although it is the most terrifying beast, it has a very distinctive feature, that is, it never hurts people, and its IQ is the only existence with the lowest IQ among the legendary beasts.

From its birth to the present, for millions of years, it has been doing one thing. This thing is to turn into bridges in the major Jedi, holy places, abysses, rivers, and dangerous taboo places, so that the original impassable The hopeless situation and the taboo place become passable.

It can restrain all the breath in the body, so that people can't feel how terrifying it is. It just transforms into a shape that is exactly the same as the real bridge, allowing people to pass through it.

However, if you want to walk across the bridge it incarnates, you have to hand in spirit stones. If you don't hand in spirit stones, even a powerful man can't pass through. If you hand in spirit stones, even a beggar can walk at will.

I remember, there are historical records that in the ancient times, there was an ancient giant who dominated the world and traversed the world. When he encountered this bridge, he wanted to cross the bridge without handing over the spirit stone, but the bridge accepted death. No one can cross the Lingshi. In the end, the ancient tycoon was furious and wanted to destroy the bridge by shocking means.

As a result, this bridge was the only time it was angry since its birth. It opened its mouth and ate that terrifying giant who dominated the world and swept the world! "

Zhu Yang, a member of the Zhu family, finished speaking in one breath.

Above the abyss, the mist surged.

The fat man was shocked, looked at the bridge behind him, and then looked at Zhu Yang in the mobile phone video, and said in surprise: "Why do I feel that you are still talking nonsense, there are such gods and beasts? This is so amazing, it can be swallowed in one gulp The beast of the ancient giant, transformed into a bridge to collect tolls?"

(End of this chapter)

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