Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 415 Do whatever you want

Chapter 415 Do whatever you want (3 more tickets requested)
When Ye Luo heard this, while being vigilant against the donkey, he swung the moon wheel, a sacred object, to mobilize his blood, and smashed it directly at the blood-red golden lotus.

Overthrow the saint, no matter what!

The girl with red makeup has already sealed herself in the secret treasure blood-colored golden lotus, and when it is sealed, people will be in a deep sleep state. As long as the golden lotus is smashed, the holy and noble saint who is high above and contemptuous of everything is a defenseless lamb. Let him do whatever he wants.

Bang, bang.

The moon wheel smashed hard on the blood-red golden lotus.

Fatty watched in horror, Ye Luo was really determined to be the saint this time, behind this saint was the huge Feng family with a history of 5000 years!

Once this news gets out, it will definitely shock the entire cultivation world. A generation of celestial beauties from the Feng family were overthrown by astral waste, doomed?

The donkey first scolded righteously, and then stared at Ye Luo faintly. However, looking at the sacred moon wheel in Ye Luo's hand, he didn't dare to mess around. This mysterious thing can already hurt people. it's gone.

"Wang! Damn, I don't have [-] spirit stones. If you want to eat alone, it seems that you can't do it. It seems that you have to cooperate." There was a gleam in the eyes of the donkey, and he muttered first.

Then the donkey man stood up, his face became more righteous and awe-inspiring, and said: "Yes, hit it hard, I tell you, this girl has a lot of benefits, not to mention, this girl is a virgin at first glance. You kid can have a bridal chamber with her, and the pure and powerful virgin yin in her body is enough to raise you to a higher level.

Since ancient times, those who blended with this young ** and Yang have benefited a lot.It is rumored that in the ancient times, there was a hooligan supreme. In order to quickly increase his cultivation level when he was young, he did not hesitate to hunt down saintesses from the various holy places to testify against the sky.

I think you, kid, seem to have potential in this area too. Now that you are the saintess of a thousand-year-old family, you may be able to hunt for saintesses from ancient sects who have not yet emerged from the world. Cough, this is a great opportunity for you. A new great start. "

The donkey is clamoring and its eyes are shining. It seems that hunting the saint is a very promising career.


The donkey's words fell, and the moon wheel in Ye Luo's hand finally hit the blood-red golden lotus. However, the moment the red snow lotus was attacked, it emitted a strong blood-colored light curtain, covering the whole snow lotus. in.

The moon fell, but this strong blood-colored light curtain showed no trace of damage after being attacked. Even Ye Luo's hands were numb due to the shock force from the blood-colored light curtain.

"What is this?" Ye Luo narrowed his eyes severely.

The donkey turned his face faster than the book, and after he had made up his mind about cooperation, he took another step forward, took a look, and said, "Wow, woof! Hey! Damn, the bronze of Long Xuanba The ancient lamp is an imitation, but this blood-colored golden lotus is real, it's a dog, it's really a holy thing."

Then, the donkey stared at the blood-colored golden lotus, and said in surprise, "Wow! It's over, you can't smash it. The emperor has seen this blood-colored golden lotus before. It is a defective sacred object of the Feng family. However, this defective Pin means that when an amazing power in the Feng family was refining this sacred object, some accidents occurred, which completely abolished the offensive power of this sacred object, leaving only the defensive ability.

That is to say, this sacred object has no attacking ability, but has a sacred object-level defensive ability, and the moon wheel is powerful, but compared with the blood-colored golden lotus, it is also at a level.

With your current cultivation base, it is impossible to fully activate the moon wheel, or even activate one-thousandth of its power. It is impossible to destroy the blood-colored golden lotus with super defensive ability at the same level.

However, this girl with red makeup, Feng Jiu, did not threaten within seven days. She used the seven-bead seal method to seal herself in the holy object. This method can seal herself for seven days, that is to say, Within seven days, she would not wake up, but after seven days, she would automatically break the seal and come out. "

When the fat man heard this, before Ye Luo could open his mouth, his eyes widened, and he suddenly said: "It's paralyzed, it's broken, I heard that the Feng family's secret treasures all have internal magic circles that can be positioned automatically. Based on this positioning ability, how did you find those terrifying big shots?"

"Hehehe! Wait to die, after seven days, all of you will die!" As soon as the fat man finished speaking, a murderous sneer suddenly came from the blood-colored golden lotus, and this laughter was definitely Feng Jiu's.

"How can she still speak?" The fat man was startled.

"Wow! This is what she left before she sealed herself, and now she is released by the blood-red golden lotus. She is still in a coma, but what she said seems to make sense. Cough, boy, you seem to have stabbed a big one this time. It's a waste.

It's fun to overthrow the saint, but if you don't have strong abilities and background, being hunted down by a huge and terrifying 5000-year-old family doesn't seem to be so fun, boy, you've made a big mess! The donkey seemed to have thought of something, changed the subject, and began to show sympathy in his eyes, gloating in his tone.

"This is a ticking time bomb." The fat man also got hairy.

Ye Luo's expression was very calm, positioning?Break the seal within seven days?hunt?

Ye Luo didn't panic at all, because at the moment when the donkey's words fell, Ye Luo thought of the three-acre land in the bead on his neck. When he got the bead, the bead had passed a piece of land to him. Information, that one-third of an acre of land can decompose and absorb all spiritual things in the world.

Moreover, the decomposed aura can also be used to catalyze the birth of spiritual plants and make them grow crazily.

The moon cannot break the seal, can it?

Then use the one-third of an acre of land in the bead to decompose.

As long as it is decomposed within seven days, the sleeping saint is like a sleeping lamb waiting for the bridal chamber. When the blood-colored golden lotus is dissolved, the internal positioning circle will inevitably fail.

Moreover, using the decomposed mass of spiritual energy to produce the taboo fruit on the small tree is also very likely to be successful, and once the taboo fruit containing the law of space is spawned, after taking it, one can master a small amount of it. Part of the law of space, he is still afraid of chasing and killing?

However, with a donkey by his side, Ye Luo didn't use the beads rashly. It would be a very troublesome thing if the donkey caught his eye.

"What are you afraid of, isn't she just a saint? Even if the ancestors of the Feng family come, I will still suppress it!" Ye Luo said flatly, and put the blood-colored golden lotus into his arms, ready to find a chance to take this Bloody golden lotus, throw in the beads.

"Ye Luo, it's time now, don't pretend to be aggressive! I feel that this time the sky is really broken. If this spreads to the outside world, it will definitely cause a sensation in the whole cultivation world!" The fat man looked at him in fear. Ye Luo, I feel that the blood-red golden lotus is a time bomb, and this thing has a positioning function.

position?Time bomb?With the beads around, Ye Luo remained calm.

Ye Luo waved his hand and said, "It's just a small matter, don't worry, take out all your spirit stones, I still have nearly 2000 yuan on me, enough to pay for the toll, let's go to the secret treasure of Ghost Valley!"

(End of this chapter)

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