Chapter 423
The ice archery technique is terrifying, the curtain of arrows sent out all over the sky can penetrate a five centimeter thick steel plate, let alone a mere waste, the male cultivator smiled, in his opinion, this astral waste must die.

He has had bad luck twice, and it is absolutely impossible for him to have a third time.

This waste has been dragging them for several seconds, and the male cultivator was already very dissatisfied, it was just a waste, so that he didn't care at all when he saw a cold wheel that Ye Luo took out, as if he wanted to counterattack.

The ice arrow shot out close to his face, and he had never seen anyone who could dodge it.

The female cultivator watching from the side also said: "Brother, kill him, let's hurry to the tomb of the demon emperor, I heard someone shouting that the tomb of the demon emperor was born in the distance, look, there seems to be a shocking aura over there!" break out."

The female cultivator also thought that Ye Luo must die.


But at this moment, a strange scene appeared!

Ye Luo actually passed through the dense ice arrow rain curtain intact. When the ice arrow was released, the two were already close at hand. After Ye Luo passed through the ice arrow rain curtain, the two of them were basically close to each other. up.

Then, the moon wheel that had been raised in Ye Luo's hand fell down at this moment!
"You..." Nanxiu was completely shocked. This kind of ice arrow technique issued so close, even the big shots of their family, could not dodge it with the same level of combat power. Ye Luo actually dodged it?

How did Ye Luo escape?
How can this be?

Is his luck really against heaven?
However, Ye Luo didn't give him time to be shocked. The moon wheel smashed directly towards his face. The aura armor that was originally protecting his body cracked and shattered as the wheel fell, and then, the sacred moon The wheel hit him in the face.

There was a bang at first, and then there was the sound of bones breaking and shattering. The male cultivator of the Feng family had half of the bones in his face broken by the sacred moon wheel!

The male cultivator screamed, covered his face and flew upside down, his eyes were full of disbelief, this trash not only easily broke through his ice arrow technique, but also directly broke his body with this cold wheel The aura armor hit him in the face?
The nun was also shocked.

This turning point is also too amazing. If Ye Luo had easily avoided her combat skill Fire Rain Technique just by taking two steps before, it could still be used with the ice arrow technique that the male cultivator used for the first time. Heaven-defying luck can explain it, but, for the third time, he has performed such a dense ice arrow technique so close to his face, how can he use heaven-defying luck to explain it?
However, if luck is not used, what else can be used to explain it?
It's impossible for him to see where the flaw is the moment they cast the spell, right?This is absolutely impossible, not to mention him, even their saintess is absolutely unable to do it.

Ye Luo ignored their shock, and after smashing the male cultivator of the Feng family with one round, he ran straight towards the Yaohuang's tomb, because something was going to happen to the Yaohuang's tomb.

At the same time, Ye Luo touched his left eye while running wildly, and was also shocked. With his left eye, he could really see the flaws and weaknesses in other people's combat skills and attacks.

What exactly is the dark ancient scripture that got into his eyes is simply against the sky, and Ye Luo vaguely feels that his left eye may not only have these abilities, it is very likely that there are other abilities that have not yet been displayed.

However, at this time, Ye Luo didn't have time to think about it. The demon emperor's tomb was cracked, and the demon emperor's heart inside had to be snatched. , or a weakling.

The heart of the demon emperor can change the fate of the stars against the sky, so as to truly practice Qi.

At the same time, Ye Luo suddenly had a thought. If he really got the heart of the demon emperor and embarked on the road of astral body Qi training, then can he also use the swallowing volume of the seventh volume of the Heavenly Book to train his body?
Astral Qi training and Tianshu body training at the same time!

In this world, it seems that I have never heard of it before. There is such a precedent. Dacheng star body can compete with the supreme. What was the result?
Ye Luo's heart skipped a beat!

"Trash, humble, insignificant, divorced, a one-year contract, island ninjas, various hermit families, heh..." Ye Luo showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and a dark determination in his eyes.

The palm-sized Xianqiao Beast in Ye Luo's pocket seemed to sense something, and now he came to his senses, muttering to himself, dazed, immature, and dull: "Dad, I don't want my son to inherit his father's career." I have collected tolls, my dream is to rob..."

Ye Luo ran wildly, and when he was about to reach the tomb of the Demon Emperor, he suddenly heard another group of powerful loose cultivators who were in a hurry, talking about something.

"Paralyzed, that fairy bridge beast is really pitiful. Now it has collected [-] spirit stones in front of it, and when it is on the bridge, it has collected another [-]. If it is not given, it will swallow people alive. This is so direct. Let us go bankrupt!"

"Who said it wasn't? Fortunately, in our casual cultivator, there is a genius named Xu Tian who organized us to raise money together. Otherwise, we really can't make it through. If we can't find any treasures in the hidden treasure of Ghost Valley, then It’s a big loss, I really envy those thousand-year-old families, they are really rich..."

"Those thousand-year-old families are also having a hard time. The first [-] is fine, but the next [-], those big families have also emptied their own spirit stones. Who can take so many spirit stones with them when they go out!"

"Oh, pit, this is so paralyzed, if you cross a bridge, you can go bankrupt. By the way, I heard from my ancestors that the bridge seemed to be fine in the ancient times, but I don't know why. I started to learn badly..."

"I heard that in the ancient times, there was an eternal scourge, knocking sap sticks, digging ancestral graves, shameless robbery, cheating people, and being favored by others. It was a big black dog, paralyzed, and that scourge dog. The Xianqiao beast has been taught badly!"

"I've also heard that, you said, why did the Xianqiao Beast, which can swallow the giants of the ages, meet that scourge dog in ancient times? If I were the Xianqiao Beast, I would kill that dog first. Eat it, so that it will not harm the world, but, fortunately, after so many years, that dog should have died..."

Ye Luo couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth when he heard these words, dead?

Paralyzed, that dog has turned into a donkey for some reason, and it is now in this secret treasure. If the donkey hears this, according to the character of the donkey who bared its teeth, it is estimated that these casual cultivators will have a few days. It's not easy.

However, the big pit I dug myself, the major forces and casual cultivators who came in, fell into it after all.

When you go out and bring back those spirit stones, it will definitely be a sky-high amount. This matter must be kept a secret. If outsiders find out that the pit was dug by yourself, it will be a lot of fun.

This time, I have pitted more than a dozen terrifying and powerful forces, as well as so many powerful casual cultivators.

Fatty's big mouth shouldn't be talking nonsense, right?

Ye Luo's heart was turbulent, his expression was calm, and he ignored these casual cultivators. These casual cultivators didn't recognize Ye Luo in a hurry, and they didn't pay attention to each other. However, they all ran to the tomb of the Demon Emperor. The tomb is cracked, and everything in the tomb will come out.

"The tomb of the Demon Emperor is cracked!" Suddenly, there was another exclamation in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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