Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 429 Breaking into the Tomb of the Demon Emperor

Chapter 429 Breaking into the Tomb of the Demon Emperor (3 more tickets requested)
Huo Lingtian was even more shocked. No one knew the power of the ancient combat skill Fire Dragon Palm better than him. He had never seen anyone in the same realm who could really do what Ye Luo did. Even Huo Aotian, the first genius in the Huo family, can't do it!

Are there any flaws in the ancient combat skills?Why has he never heard from the big men in the family?How did this trash Ye Luo in front of him do it?
Do not!
He is not a waste at all, he is a hidden boss!
"Wow woof woof! From Mahler Gobi, even the emperor was almost entangled by you, his hands were burnt, and he pretended to be aggressive." The donkey was the closest to Ye Luo, and he punched the fire dragon at Ye Luo, and at the same time quietly moved his hands When retracting into the sleeve, the donkey keenly captured this subtle movement.

Then, the donkey said again: "Wow, woof! Paralyzed, that bastard from the Huo family is also an idiot, it's just a defective ancient combat technique, and he dared to show it, but even if it's a defective ancient combat technique, Except for one more flaw, but it has not been reduced, this flaw is extremely difficult to find, how did Ye Luo see the flaw, why did this kid start to become a bit evil after not seeing him for a long time?"

The donkey quietly leaned towards the tomb of the Demon Emperor, while staring at Ye Luo, scanning it non-stop.

"Oh! Have you taken it?" Ye Luoyun glanced at Huo Lingtian lightly, then glanced around, sighed slightly, and said, "All living beings are ants. I want to ride the wind and go home. I'm also afraid that Qionglou Yuyu, the heights are extremely cold."

Some people from all major forces have begun to slowly accept that Ye Luo is a hidden boss. Even if other people did not accept this unbelievable fact, they were extremely shocked by Ye Luo's two consecutive shots.

This is a waste star in the rumors. It is predicted that he will never be able to cultivate. It can only be cultivated to the fifth level of body refining.

Now, flying soaring into the sky, her identity was reversed so shockingly that her jaw dropped in shock.

However, now that several people suddenly heard what Ye Luo just said, they had some new doubts.

"Ye Luo, no, what does Ye Lao mean? Why does he say that all living beings are ants, and he wants to ride the wind to go back, and he is afraid that Qionglou Yuyu will be too cold at the heights?"

"Don't call him Ye Lao, he is so young, he should be called Ye Shen! This is the real monster against the sky. A person who despises all major forces and directly hates the powerful Miyamoto family and the terrifying Huo family is simply against the sky. His meaning is also very obvious, that is, masters are lonely, and the heights are extremely cold!"

"God Ye is really different. We can only look up to him in his realm! Don't speculate on God Ye's words at will. I feel that every word of his is full of deep meaning."

Seeing Ye Luo's sudden and shocking counterattack at this time, a few dilapidated casual cultivators with low cultivation bases and no sects have completely believed that Ye Luo is the legendary hermit boss. At this time, looking at Ye Luo His eyes are full of admiration.

Huo Lingfeng was still standing ten steps across from Ye Luo. After Ye Luo punched the fire dragon, he was shocked for a long time, and suddenly stretched his hand into his arms. A look of sternness flashed in his eyes, and he suddenly said, "Even if it is You are a hidden boss, but in the secret realm, you are at most the fifth level of body training, heh! You are amazing, but the timing of your revealing your identity is not right. You are also at the fifth level of Qi training, and you only have one People, but there are many people in our Huo family, who can completely kill you in this secret realm, and never cause future troubles!"

"That's right! The timing of your revealing your identity is not right. Since you are already in the same position as fire and water, in this secret treasure, your realm is also suppressed at the fifth level of body refining. There are so many of us, we can kill you!" A big figure in the foundation period of the Huo family suddenly took a step forward, his eyes flashed with a hint of sternness.

Then, the big man of the Huo family's foundation period turned his head to look at the Miyamoto family of the island country, and said, "Aren't you going to do it together? He killed more elites from your island country than our Huo family. If you kill him, once he leaves this secret treasure and loses the realm suppression, it will probably be a disaster for your Miyamoto family, right?"

The members of the Miyamoto family were also a little moved when they heard it. The man in black gauze next to the island country saint looked at the saint.

When the donkey saw it, gloating immediately appeared in his eyes, and he murmured to himself: "Wow, woof, woof! Mahler Gobi, let you pretend, let you pretend! Is this troublesome?"

However, at this moment, the fat man suddenly yelled: "Ye Luo, don't be afraid, there are quite a few people from the Mahle Gobi, and there are quite a few people from my Zhu family this time, and they can't beat you if you single them out. They may not be as many as us if we beat them!"

Ji Yanjue reached out and grabbed the fat man's ear, twisted it twice, and said coldly, "Who told you to speak?"

"Ye Luo, my brother, the hidden boss, help me, as long as I go to the outside world, I'm a big grass, and follow Brother Ye, isn't that rampant?" The fat man rarely spoke confidently.

But at this moment, Ye Luo suddenly walked forward three steps in a row, suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, his aura surged, his smile was full of arrogance and contempt, contempt and arrogance, and he stood side by side with Huojia and Nangong Before the family, slowly said: "Do you really think that my realm is suppressed? Too naive!"

After the words fell, everyone was shocked and suddenly realized something.

A big man in the foundation building period suddenly said: "If the cultivation base is really high to a terrifying level, or if there is something against the sky, maybe in this secret realm, the original cultivation base can be restored."

"Damn! If this is the case, if God Ye really recovers the cultivation base of the hermit boss, and the people of those two families are all suppressed in the fifth level of Qi training, wouldn't Ye Luo be able to knock him out with a single palm?" They all shot to death?"

"The Huo family and the Miyamoto family are trying to kill each other and want to gang up? It's not a joke, is it?" Some people are suspicious, but they are not sure.

Ye Luo laughed wildly, with murderous intent on his body, and his aura was vertical and horizontal. Suddenly, Ye Luo took out the sacred moon wheel of the island country from the bead, and the blood crazily poured into the holy moon wheel. On the holy moon wheel, suddenly there was A shocking icy air appeared, and a divine light flickered.

"Ten steps to kill a person, a thousand miles away!" Ye Luo spoke word by word, in a deep voice.

Everyone in the Huo family and the Miyamoto family shrank their eyes when they saw Ye Luo in such a state. Could it be that his realm has not been suppressed, otherwise, why would he be so rampant?

Seeing this, a ninja from the Miyamoto family suddenly said: "I, our Miyamoto family didn't say they wanted to beat you up, it was the Huo family who said it!"

"That's right! A despicable and shameless family like the Huo family would have such nasty thoughts, and our Miyamoto family disdains to associate with them!" Another ninja from the Miyamoto family who was close to Ye Luo also said something.

A big man in the Miyamoto family frowned when he heard the two ninjas speak like this, but he didn't stop him. The saint of the island country had a cold look between her brows. face.

However, she also didn't stop her, she just looked at Ye Luo, her brows slowly wrinkled, even she didn't see through the mysterious Ye Luo for a while.

"Really? Then I will temporarily spare your Miyamoto family's life, Huo family, then you all will die to me!" Ye Luo roared, and his momentum exploded.

However, after the roar, everyone was stunned, because Ye Luo didn't rush towards the Huo family, but in the opposite direction, that is, the direction of the Demon Emperor's tomb. He even yelled: "A group of retarded people!"

The seal of the Demon Emperor's tomb has suddenly collapsed with a gap!
The moment Ye Luo rushed in, the donkey also rushed in.

"Woof, woof, woof! Why don't you continue to pretend to be aggressive, and follow the emperor to rush inside, hey, you mother, slow down, there is a terrifying change in the tomb of the ancient demon emperor, how dangerous it is, let me The emperor comes first!"

(End of this chapter)

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