Chapter 433 Shimen
The stone gate was half-closed, and seven paper figurines carried a brightly red embroidered shoe and just entered the dark stone gate. The sound of Yin soldiers passing through the passage behind the gate hadn't disappeared yet, and frightening monks from various thousand-year-old families rushed over.

The stone gate was stained with dust for an unknown number of years, and it was gently shaken off. Under the dust, a horrifying bloody red color appeared. It seemed that the stone gate had once been soaked in blood.

Behind the stone gate, a red embroidered shoe carried by seven paper figurines seemed to pause for a moment. The red shoe was so bright that it looked like a girl who had just left the court.

"Wow, woof, woof! If you rush again, you will die. Everyone will die..." The donkey roared again. Once the stone gate is opened, there will be a terrible change, and everyone will die. The donkey is really anxious this time up.

Seeing this, Ye Luo gritted his teeth, and faced the turbulent and terrifying crowd alone, his eyes froze, and he put his hand directly into the inner pocket of his arms, and roared, "You are not forced!" I'm going to use a big move! Everyone back up quickly, or you will die if you don't back up!"

After finishing the words, Ye Luo took out two black, fist-sized objects from the inside pocket of his arms, aroused his blood, and threw them directly at the crowd rushing in.

Almost at the moment when the object was thrown, Ye Luo turned around and ran towards the back without even the slightest hesitation. The donkey looked at it, stared at it, and the donkey's hair couldn't help but stand up again, saying: "Wow, woof! Damn it, Why do you have such a thing, if you don’t take it out sooner, if you take it out sooner, how can you waste so many tongues with me!”

As the donkey said, without even looking back, it also ran towards the back, lest it might fall!
"Damn, are you scaring people again?"

"Hmph, pretentious!"

"This astral waste will fool you!"

"Hurry up and catch up with the two of them, the two of them are going to break into the stone gate!"

After Ye Luo threw those two black things, the people who rushed in behind thought that Ye Luo was going to pretend to be aggressive again, so many of them roared and rushed up again.

In the crowd of the Zhu family, the fat man grabbed Ji Yanjue and the ancestor of the Zhu family when he saw this, and said in a low and hasty voice: "This is our family's Zhentianlei. Before, I gave it to him!"

As soon as the fat man finished speaking, the expressions of the Zhu family members changed when they heard the words. They almost didn't think much, and they all backed away at the same time. Even Ji Yanjue and Zhu Yang, a big figure in the Zhu family's foundation period, stopped in their tracks.

The fat man wanted to follow the Zhu family back, but Ji Yanjue pinched his ears again. Ji Yanjue's eyes became colder, staring at the fat man and said: "You dare not even shake the thunder in the family?" steal!"



Zhen Tianlei finally exploded at the moment when many people who didn't believe Ye Luo's words rushed forward!
When Fatty gave Ye Luo the two thunderbolts that he stole from Zhu's house and used to deal with monks as collateral, he had said that in front of these thunderbolts, even half a step A big man in the base, if you encounter it, you have to stay away.

Now, all the people who entered the Ghost Valley Secret Vault were suppressed at the fifth level of Qi training.

Ye Luo originally wanted these two Thunderbolts to deal with the Miyamoto family at the entrance to the Secret Store of Ghost Valley. Unexpectedly, they didn't use them at that time, but they used them here instead.

Two thunderbolts exploded at the same time!
A violent and terrifying explosion shook the entire cave, and the aura swept across the entire cave like a storm towards the two sections.

This power far exceeded Ye Luo's expectations.

Although Ye Luo and the donkey had already started running backwards at the same time as the explosion, the shock wave of the powerful aura explosion still terribly hit the man and the donkey.


Ye Luo and the donkey were hit by the shock wave at the same time.

"Wow, woof, woof! Damn, you wouldn't have reminded me first before throwing it away, woohoo—" The terrifying aura shock wave, carrying the terrifying high temperature, directly burned the donkey's skin, and I couldn't help cursing said a word.

Ye Luo was more prepared than the donkey. After throwing out the two thunderbolts, he directly blocked himself with a moon wheel, a holy object of the island country. The moon wheel was made of unknown material. Yes, it completely cut off the terrifying high temperature of the aura shock wave, Ye Luo just suffered some huge impact.

But even so, Ye Luo let out a muffled snort and was directly knocked into the air.


The man and the donkey fell to the ground and rolled a few times at the same time before completely dispelling the impact from their bodies. However, after the man and the donkey stabilized their figures, before they had time to say a word, all the hairs on their bodies exploded. !

Because, the huge impact directly sent them flying to the door of Shimen.

Almost at the same time, from the half-closed stone gate, they all felt a breath of death from ancient times, their backs were cold, and they also saw the true face of the dark red gate under the dust of the stone gate!

And at the edge of the stone gate, a white paper figure seemed to have sensed something, and came out from the gate, raised his head, and seemed to glance at the two of them.

Then, the white paper man seemed to have received some order, and wrote a line of very small words in front of the door with his fingers smaller than a match: Do not enter the stone gate, otherwise, there will be a change, and everyone will have to die. die!
The paper figurine cut out of white paper, after writing this sentence, turned around and entered the door again.

Ye Luo and the donkey both felt their scalps go numb almost at the same time!

"Dead donkey, what is behind this door?" Ye Luo stared at the donkey.

"Woof, woof, woof! How does this emperor know, just don't go in, not only we can't go in, but before we go out, we can't let that group of idiots in, otherwise it will harm the innocent, what a fucking dog!" , This is the first time in this emperor's life that he has made such great efforts to save someone, grandma is a bear, and she doesn't appreciate it at all!" The donkey's face was distorted.

Never do bad things, do good things once, but still don't appreciate it!

Ye Luo ignored the donkey, stood up from the door in shock, and looked behind him.

Due to the many monks rushing over, many of them did not have time to defend themselves. After throwing out these two thunderbolts, the effect was very obvious. Many monks who rushed up were directly blasted back, and even a few with low cultivation base were directly seriously injured. .

Even if they were not injured, they were all blown back by the powerful aura shock wave. Fortunately, those who can rush forward are all people with advanced cultivation. There are not many injured people, and most of them were blown back .

However, after the explosion, in the center of the explosion, there was a person who was completely motionless. He had no scars on his body, and even his clothes were not wrinkled. It seemed that the powerful and terrifying shock wave that could hurt monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage did not affect him at all. harm.

That person didn't seem to care about the violent explosion at all, and he didn't even care about Ye Luo and the donkey. He was looking at the stone gate, as if he could see through the red stone gate, into the void, and said a word indifferently: "Behind the gate , You really have the heart of a demon emperor, Supreme Emperor Soldiers!"

(End of this chapter)

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