Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 437 Yin Yang Road

Chapter 437 Yin Yang Road

The Shimen, which had been covered in dust for an unknown number of years, was pushed open, and some of the dust on the Shimen was also scattered. On the Shimen, under the dust, the original appearance like blood stained, also appeared on everyone a little fiercely. in the eyes of.

Behind the stone gate, after the desolate, terrifying, mysterious, weird, dark and simple atmosphere flowed out, everyone felt, as if, the surrounding atmosphere had changed a bit.

However, no one could feel what it was exactly.

"Look, behind the stone gate is the Bronze Sacred Tree, the coffin of the Demon Emperor, at the top of the branches of the Bronze Sacred Tree!" Someone suddenly shouted towards the back of the stone gate.

"I saw the ancient palace of the Demon Emperor..."

"Ah! Is that the Demon Emperor's Supreme Treasure, the Desolate Bell..."

In front of the stone gate, many monks with terrifying cultivation bases looked behind the stone gate in the darkness at the moment the stone gate opened, and were shocked.

However, at the moment when the stone door was pushed open, a blood-colored mist suddenly appeared. I don't know where this strange mist began to appear. It was just a time to breathe. The fog had already enveloped the entire Ancient Demon Emperor's Palace.

Since the space behind the stone gate was originally dark, the monks who shouted out earlier were not sure whether what they saw was what they said. After the strange bloody mist rose, behind the gate The world is even more unclear.


The stone gate was finally pushed open completely!

The stone gate opened, and almost all the monks, after a very short period of silence, suddenly felt agitated in their hearts, and rushed towards it.

In this ghost valley secret treasure, everyone's cultivation is suppressed at the fifth level of Qi training, even the mysterious, terrifying, and powerful Taoist Cangsong is no exception.

If it was in the outside world, with Taoist Cangsong around, they would never dare to make any changes before Taoist Cangsong opened his mouth, but it is different here, after all, this is the secret place of Ghost Valley where everyone's strength will be suppressed at the fifth level of Qi training. Tibetan.

Anything in the Ancient Demon Emperor's Palace is enough to make everyone, even the great forces, go crazy.In the city, double the profit is enough to make people take risks and break the law, and ten times the profit is enough to make people desperate, and the same is true in the cultivation world.

Strength has changed, but humanity has not.


The moment the door opened, a powerful casual cultivator suddenly rushed towards the stone door, and at the same time, members of several other big families followed closely behind.

Although the way they rushed was far away from Taoist Cangsong, their footsteps were extremely crazy.

And these few people who rushed over first aroused the greed and courage in the hearts of most of the others. Suddenly, many monks rushed towards the cave like a torrent.

However, Taoist Cangsong didn't move, not only didn't move, even the horrifying pine needle-like eyelashes on his eyes trembled slightly the moment the door opened.

At this time, no one seemed to care. In front of the Shimen, the genius of the Zhao family who pushed open the Shimen, the body of Yanyang, Zhao Yang!

After he pushed open the entire stone door, he seemed to have no movement at all, and his whole body seemed to be frozen, motionless, like a stone sculpture.

At the same time, no one paid attention to Fan, Ye Luo who was seven steps ahead of the door.

Ye Luo's face was contorted, and the moment the left eye opened at the stone door, and the breath inside rushed out, a burning pain began to appear.

After Ye Luo's left eye came into contact with the breath behind the door, it felt as if it was going to explode. It was hot and painful. He lowered his head, and the dark scriptures in his eyes flickered.

At the same time, Ye Luo also felt that a vague message was transmitted from his left eye to his mind.

for a long time.

Ye Luo felt that a thousand years had passed, but in fact it was only an instant.

Ye Luo opened his left eye, the bloody light appeared and then disappeared in a flash.

"Flaws, there are flaws in combat skills, there are flaws in taboos, there are flaws in everything in the world, and there are gaps in the avenue." Ye Luo stood alone and humble at the corner of the stone gate, whispering to himself.

Then, Ye Luo frowned tightly, and said again: "Before, in that ancient temple, on the altar, what is the scripture that got into my left eye? My left eye Why are eyes like this?"

Ye Luo muttered to himself, then raised his head.

Ye Luo found that when he looked at the scene in front of the stone gate with his right eye, everything was normal, but when he looked at the surrounding scenes with his left eye, only black, white and blood remained!

"Ghosts follow the dark path, people follow the white path, and taboo things follow the path of blood." Ye Luo murmured to himself. This sentence was also the message sent to his mind after his left eye was stimulated by the stone gate.

Ye Luo lowered his head and found that he was standing in the narrow and narrow white road between his left eyes, which was the only way to survive.

After that, Ye Luo raised his head and looked at the Shimen that had been completely pushed open. In front of Shimen, the extremely arrogant and rampant genius of the Zhao family had his back turned to him, and his body was already stiff and motionless.

With the right eye, it seemed that he was just standing still, as if he had been shocked and frightened, but in the left eye, Ye Luo saw that the rampant Zhao family's prodigal genius, on his proudly white clothes, had already Red hair stained with blood red.

And the position where he was standing was impressively in the blood in his left eye.

Afterwards, Ye Luo turned around, only to see a group of terrifying high-ranking monks rushing towards him frantically.

Ye Luo unexpectedly saw Fatty's figure among these crazy high-ranking monks. Fatty's face was excited, and he rushed in as if he had been injected with chicken blood, and shouted: "Paralyzed, don't run like this!" Hurry up, there will be an unknown change ahead, let Fatty find the way for you!"

However, what was greeted was a burst of contempt. It seemed that all fools knew that such words could only deceive fools.

"Fatty, don't run away, stand still!" Ye Luo yelled at the fat man, and then said: "The horrible and unknown mutation has already appeared!"

"Day! Ye Luo, I'm just yelling and fooling people, and I'm just fooling fools. Where's the unknown change, rush, paralyzed, haven't you seen the treasure of the Demon Emperor? First come, first served!" Fatty Upon hearing this, seeing Ye Luo still standing at the door, he couldn't help saying.

When the others heard this, they felt a burst of contempt and contempt. The door was opened, but no vision was seen. This trash star like an ant dared to shout that there was a change.

At this time, this trash star actually wants to fool people?

The humble ants dare to lie!
"Wow woof woof! Mahler Gobi, don't make a sound, just hold the fat man and let them rush in. This place is reserved by the emperor. As long as you stand here and don't move, nothing will happen! Wait until you die!" It’s time to whip corpses to pick up treasures, and the demon emperor’s bedroom is swept away! Paralyzed, good people will not be rewarded!” Seeing the frightening monk, the donkey rushed in, so he stopped pretending, and directly smashed the petrification on his body, The man stood upright and said something quietly.

"Ah! Zhao Yang, the direct genius of the Zhao family, is dead! The center of his eyebrows has been hollowed out, and he has become a skeleton!" At this moment, someone finally rushed to the door of Shimen, and suddenly shouted in shock and fear, The body froze suddenly!
"What? Dead? Is there an unknown and terrifying change?" A terrifying figure in the Foundation Establishment period suddenly stopped in his tracks.

(End of this chapter)

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