Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 463 Being Targeted by Donkey Stealers

Chapter 463 Being Targeted by Donkey Stealers (Part 3 Asking for Tickets)
When the donkey asked, Ye Luo, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, couldn't help turning his head to look at the past again.

What did the donkey say?
When Shenshi City was born, the city was dead silent and empty. In the center of the city, there was a huge, simple, and mysterious bronze coffin, and that bronze coffin was pulled by nine ancient dragon corpses?

Kowloon pull coffin?

Dragons, such legendary things, actually existed?
Ye Luo was shocked.

Is this donkey making up, or just talking nonsense?
"Ah! seems to be there. I don't know much about this. It is rumored that when Shang Qingzong took over the newly born, dead, and empty Shenshi City, many strange things happened. I heard that Shang Qingzong One of the Supreme Elders, even made a move, and even sacrificed the legendary Zhuxian ancient sword that had beheaded the emperor, but this is just a rumor, and I don't know what it really looks like." The monk said.

After hearing this, the donkey seemed to think of something, his face twisted immediately, and he said, "Wow, woof, woof! It turns out that the story of Mahler Gobi is true. Back then, Qin Shihuang and Xu Fu were looking for Jiulong to pull the coffin. What will be in the coffin?
Paralyzed, even in order to find this thing, he forcibly used the huge ancient Great Wall as a big formation to search against the sky. If he hadn't offended Meng Shi at the beginning, a tear from Meng Shi had broken the most important part of the ancient formation Kei, maybe they really succeeded!

I remembered that perhaps the ancient taboos that were suppressed in Qin Shihuang's tomb came out of Shenshi City, but what did the group of Confucian scholars who were murdered discover? "

"What are you talking about?" Ye Luo was shocked.


The donkey knocked the monk in Ye Luo's hand unconscious with one hoof, and then directly ransacked the monk. Then, the donkey walked to another monk, knocked him unconscious again without any explanation, and then ransacked the monk again.

"Wow, woof! Damn, this god stone city is an ancient thing. I didn't expect it to be taken over by Shang Qingzong, who was born at the same time. No, I remember that when I was digging the ancestral grave of Qin Shihuang, I was in a In the ancestral tomb, I got an ancient book. It seems to be recorded in the ancient book that the reason why the Divine Stone City is called the Divine Stone City is because, in the lost ancient times, this city was the largest gambling stone city in ancient times.

The gambling stones in the city all come from the ancient mines in the early Yuan Dynasty, the barren ancient forbidden land, and even the rough stones in the magic cave under the Nine Netherworld. The largest gambling stone workshop seems to be called Yun's gambling workshop.

No, the emperor seems to have forgotten some important things. When Qin Shihuang and Xu Fu mentioned Nine Dragons coffin, they seemed to have mentioned Yun's gambling house, Styx. The donkey frowned more and more.

Ye Luo was also very shocked and confused when he heard that, this donkey seemed to know many secrets.

"Wow, woof! Let's go to God's Stone City! What the hell, many secrets may be answered in the city. What, isn't your niece also in God's Stone City? Tsk tsk, Huo Aotian and Ning Caier are going to get married soon So, what are you going to do with your one-year appointment? The prosperous wedding, countless thousand-year-old powerful forces, hidden sects, and even the rumored Great Zen Temple, Medicine God Valley, and even people from the Holy Land will come. It's a good time to pretend..."

After dark.

An ancient, magnificent city wall tens of feet tall, so long that it couldn't be seen, which seemed to be completely stained with blood, and which depicted countless terrifying and mysterious magic circles, appeared in the eyes of Ye Luo and the donkey.

Although it was already dark, Shenshi City was brightly lit!

Ye Luo and the donkey stared at the city wall in a daze. Standing in front of the city wall, both the man and the donkey felt a sense of simplicity, vicissitudes, mystery, and grand historical heaviness of the pavement almost at the same time.

One person and one donkey entered the ancient city.

Ye Luo clearly felt that at the gate of the city gate, the guards of the Shang Qingzong had a powerful and terrifying aura against the sky. The middle-aged general who guarded the gate was very likely to have a cultivation base of the foundation stage !
The main road of the ancient city is very wide, and the huge sacred stone city is full of hustle and bustle. Almost most of the people walking in the sacred stone city are monks, and there are various monk shops on both sides.

Restaurants, magical artifacts, spirit herbs, elixir, exercises, even monsters, ancient objects, gambling stones, etc., amidst the simplicity and heaviness, there is an overwhelming atmosphere of the market.

Walking into this sacred stone city, Ye Luo and the donkey looked a little shocked.

Even, on the street, there is a powerful monster with scales on its hooves, which resembles a dragon horse, pulling a mysterious carriage engraved with mysterious symbols, carrying an extremely powerful aura, rumbling past.

Just when the man and the donkey were looking at the scene in the city in shock, two monks with mouse-eyed eyes appeared on the side of the street, and they stared at them the first time they entered the city.

"Brother Dao, are you really going to rob him? That kid is a monk." A short-built monk with mischievous brows and stern eyes said in a low voice.

"A small miscellaneous fish at the first level of Qi training is not worth mentioning at all. Now it is no better than ten months ago..." A monk with a scar on his face said confidently, "And look at this person's expression, he is definitely the first!" The next time I come to God Stone City."

"Tsk tsk! We are going to make a small fortune. That donkey has weak spiritual power fluctuations, and it looks like a low-level spiritual pet. Hehe, we just need to do a little trick to lure that kid away and get this donkey away." Stolen it and sold it in the pet market, at least five middle-grade spirit stones can be sold." The sly-eyed monk whispered.

"Almost, after all, it's a spiritual thing, and it's still a donkey. Even if it can't be sold in the spiritual pet market, if you kill it and skin it, and sell it to the Wang family's donkey meat shop, at least you can sell it at this price. It's a spiritual thing after all." The scarred monk continued.

"That donkey is easy to chase, and its spiritual energy is very weak. As long as you can lure that kid who is practicing Qi training away, and directly stab the donkey with poisonous bee needles, the donkey will faint, so just drag it away."

"Go, keep up, and be careful. The inspectors of the Shang Qingzong in this city are not joking. If they are discovered, they will be imprisoned in the monk's purgatory."

"Don't worry, it's just a monk at the first level of Qi training, heh, this bumpkin at the first level of Qi training dares to bring a spiritual pet into the city, really think how safe this God Stone City is? Stupid!"

"Hey, we used to be just two people who stole dogs. After the world has changed drastically, we can be considered an adventure. We have both cultivated to the third level of Qi training. Now we have changed to stealing spiritual pets. However, this is not a long-term solution. I heard that there is a People named Wu Banxian and Fatty are doing a business called Chengxian Project recently. It is rumored that it is huge profits. Why don't we discuss it later and set up a copycat? I understand that stuff, it is the pyramid scheme we used to say, They made it out of the Divine Stone City, making money every day..."

"Shh! We'll talk about this later. Keep an eye on them. You go around the alley next to you and prepare to do something."

(End of this chapter)

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