Chapter 465
Ye Luo looked at the red paper embossing the happy announcement, and listened to the discussions of the people around him, with a slightly dazed expression.

"Wow, woof! Look at the announcement in black and white on the left side below, boy, you are so valuable!" The donkey suddenly came over, stood upright, and tapped Ye Luo on the shoulder. There was a glint of greed.

Ye Luo was hit on the shoulder by the donkey, and felt a sharp pain. The corner of his mouth twitched, and he gave the donkey a look. However, there were so many people here, it was not easy to fight the donkey. Zhang bulletin read the past.

There are many announcements on the stele, and there are various information about it, all major forces have it. However, looking down along the donkey's hoof, Ye Luo's eyes were immediately attracted.

Because, that announcement was obviously a reward announcement.

The Feng family's reward is to find Feng Jiu, the celestial daughter of the Feng family. If anyone can provide any valuable information, once confirmed, a reward of [-] spirit stones will be offered!

Ye Luo's eyes were a little straight, one hundred thousand spirit stones?
Looking for Feng Jiu?

The saint of the Feng family was thrown into the bead by herself after being suppressed. Since she was on the Styx River and was with this deceitful donkey, Ye Luo never looked at the situation in the bead. .

Unexpectedly, in order to find Feng Jiu, as long as the Feng family provides a useful clue, they will be rewarded with a reward of [-] spirit stones?

"Wow, woof, woof! Damn it, the emperor is going to send it out, boy, why don't you prepare the spirit stones, you can figure it out, either you get [-] spirit stones for the emperor first, or the emperor The emperor will report you!" The donkey looked serious.

"How dare you!" The Feng family is a terrifying family that has been passed down for tens of thousands of years. There are so many powerful monks against the sky.

"Why don't you dare, woof woof! Kid, one hundred thousand spirit stones! Just one clue can be worth one hundred thousand. If I can help them capture you alive, there must be millions of spirit stones? Dare to do something? Let me tell you, this emperor is still looking at the past feelings, you first get 10 yuan of spiritual stones for this emperor, otherwise, hehe..." The donkey stared at Ye Luo, getting more and more No-nonsense, extortionate above board.

"Hey! Your spiritual pet donkey can still talk? Where did you buy it? It's very interesting." A monk next to him seemed to have heard the conversation between Ye Luo and the donkey. Don’t look at this notice from the family, it’s been posted for eight or nine months, and it’s useless. For this matter, the Feng family and the Long family have already hidden in Ghost Valley. The great figures in the base period fell in that battle."

"Great war? The notice says Feng Jiu's disappearance. What does it have to do with the Long family?" Ye Luo asked in astonishment.

"Of course it has something to do with it. Shhh, speak in a low voice. When the Secret Treasure of Ghost Valley was born, it was rumored that Feng Jiu and Long Xuanba entered first. He asked for help and learned that Feng Jiu had an accident. According to the speculation of the Feng family and many important figures, it should be Long Xuanba who attacked Feng Jiu.

But the people of the Long family refused to admit it, and later, after entering the secret treasure of Guigu, the people of the Feng family searched all over the secret treasure of Guigu, and even dug three feet of the ground, but could not find Feng Jiu.

At this time, something even more strange happened. Long Xuanba, the proud son of the Long family, also disappeared, and the members of the Long family could not find Long Xuanba. Nor did it appear.

The members of the Long family did not hesitate to use the family's artifacts to sense the existence of Long Xuanba, but they failed to sense it. At that time, only Long Xuanba, Feng Jiu, the waste star and the donkey were the first two to enter the secret treasure of Ghost Valley. The trash star and the donkey are both low-level, so there is no possibility of any threat. According to the speculation of the Long family, it is very likely that Feng Jiu of the Feng family was the one who murdered Long Xuanba, and the Feng family was the first to spew blood. ’ said the monk in a low voice.

Ye Luo was even more stunned, and said, "That is to say, the Feng family thought that Long Xuanba had done something wrong to Feng Jiu, and the Long family thought that Feng Jiu had done something wrong to Long Xuanba. The two families had already fought once because of this. gone?"

"That's right, after all, they are peerless geniuses in the family. If it weren't for the suppression of the realm in the ghost valley secret treasure, they are all geniuses at the level against the sky. Even if it is the Long family and the Feng family, losing such a level of genius is definitely a shame." Huge loss, by the way, after the Feng family posted the reward announcement, the Long family also posted it. The Feng family rewarded 20, and the Long family directly rewarded [-] spirit stones. Look, the Long family's reward announcement is here. "The monk pointed to the left.

Ye Luo took a look, and suddenly saw Long Aotian's sky-high price reward announcement.

After that, Ye Luo suddenly looked at the donkey.

The donkey was also stunned for a moment. The donkey eyes that had a serious face and a greedy light couldn't help being stunned. When Ye Luo suppressed the saint Feng Jiu, it also knocked Long Xuanba unconscious and suppressed it on the neck. in the collar.

"Wow, woof, woof! Cough, what, Ye Luo, with our friendship, we can't hurt each other, right?" The donkey grinned, trying to make himself smile.

"You're worth 20 spirit stones." Ye Luo looked at the donkey and gritted his teeth. This fucking donkey just blackmailed himself!

"Woof! What is 20 and [-]? I was just joking with you earlier. With my character, would I report you for a mere [-] spirit stones? Talking about spirit stones hurts feelings. We live and die together!" Suffering, how can this emotion be measured by spirit stones?" The donkey waved his hoof grandly, as if he disliked Ye Luo for not being a friend.

"You're worth 20!" Ye Luo stared at the donkey and spoke again.

"Woof woof! Why are you still talking about this? It's just our friendship, isn't it vulgar to mention spirit stones? Let's talk about my empress to upset you. The most important thing in my life is feelings. Money, spirit stones, etc. are all things outside the body." Whoever mentions this in front of me is an insult to me." Donkey spoke righteously.

"What are you talking about?" The monk next to him was confused.

"Woof! It's nothing, fellow Taoist, do you think the relationship is more important than the spirit stone?" Donkey said seriously.

"Well, Lingshi, no, of course friendship is important!" The monk also looked serious.

"That's right! Wang Wang, do you hear me?" The donkey looked at Ye Luo with contempt.

The monk also took a look at Ye Luo, and said, "Daoist friend, where did you buy this spiritual pet? It's really good that you still understand feelings. I want to raise one, tsk tsk!"

Then, the monk glanced left and right, as if thinking of something, his eyes paused on the announcement stone tablet, and suddenly lowered his voice, he said: "By the way, have you heard? Ten months ago, God Stone City was just born. At that time, there was an ancient Kowloon pulling the coffin and appearing in the city."

(End of this chapter)

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