Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 476 Shocked Gambling Stone Workshop

Chapter 476 Shocked Gambling Stone Workshop

Everyone was shocked when they saw the goddess Feng Yun'er, who was born with lotuses every step of the way, having such a conversation with the powerful, terrifying, and indifferent Huo Aotian!
"It seems that the relationship between the major forces is not as peaceful as it appears on the surface." An old man said.

"Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there are swords and swords. Huo Aotian is certainly a peerless genius of the Longshou Peak of the Qing Dynasty, but the Feng family, which has been passed down for thousands of years, is definitely not weak. Huo Aotian To kill that bumpkin here is to slap the Feng family in the face." Someone analyzed.

"Oh, the most pitiful thing is that bumpkin, who was killed just like that."

The two donkey thieves glanced at each other. Is that horrible bumpkin dead?
They were shocked. After a long time, their eyes fell on the donkey. The donkey is dead, and the donkey has no owner. What the hell? Prick the ass of the donkey with a poisonous bee needle, and it can be pulled out for sale when it gets dizzy up!

They look up to Huo Aotian, a genius of the Qing Dynasty who is of such a terrifying level, but they don't pay much attention to it, because they are in a class that will never have any intersection with such a high-ranking genius.

They are very clear-headed, and their goal has always been to steal donkeys, sell money, practice, and survive.

This fucking donkey can also speak human language, and the price has increased several times. They estimate that now at least this donkey can sell for 50 yuan for middle-grade spirit stones!

Bi Zhu in the crowd had a look of doubt on her narrow and beautiful face. At the last moment, she was the only one who protected Ye Luo. The smoke and dust from the violent collision hadn't dissipated yet, but she seemed to feel something. abnormal.

"Wow! Damn it, I knew the scene would be so spectacular, and the emperor rushed over, and everyone is watching!" Unlike everyone else, the donkey just sighed and shook his head frequently.

The smoke always clears away.

The dust will always settle.

When everyone thought that Ye Luo was dead, and their eyes turned to Huo Aotian and Feng Yun'er, the goddess of the Feng family, suddenly, someone said in surprise: "Hey! Why is there a person standing in the smoke?"

"Standing people? Are you stupid? There is only that bumpkin inside. He should have died a long time ago. How could he still be standing?" Someone shook his head.

"It's really a person standing there, damn it, am I blind?" Finally, someone looked at the slowly dissipating smoke and dust, with a confused expression.

"The bumpkin died standing up?" Someone was stunned.

"He, he's still alive!"

Finally, following the exclamation of the onlookers, many people were shocked, their eyes turned, and they all looked at the place where the dust was slowly dissipating and the mountain seal fell.

Ye Luo is still alive!

Not only is he alive, he seems to be unharmed, even his expression is very calm.

This time, everyone was completely shocked.

"He, he smashed Huo Aotian's mountain seal with one punch?" Finally, after being shocked, someone spoke in an inconceivable way, and even he didn't believe what he said.

"Seems to be!"

"At the moment when the mountain seal fell, he only made one action, which was to throw a punch, and hit the mountain seal directly. As a result, he was not injured at all, and the mountain seal disappeared. He indeed smashed the mountain seal with one punch!"

" is this possible? Who is this bumpkin?"

"The bumpkin? He is an evil genius who came out from a hidden sect to practice, right? He smashed Huo Aotian's mountain seal with one punch!"

Finally, the people who came back to their senses, after a brief discussion, looked even more shocked, and even, unbelievably, some people even rubbed their eyes hard.

Zhao Xuanfeng and the two monks who stole the donkey were completely stunned, as if in a dream, this country bumpkin blasted the mountain seal with one punch, just one punch!
"You actually found a flaw in the mountain seal and smashed it with one punch?"

At this moment, even Huo Aotian, whose aura was like an abyss, terrifyingly powerful, and aloft, suddenly had a terrifying aura, and the two swords looked at Ye Luo suddenly!
He quietly took another step towards Ye Luo, his hands once again condensed the imprint, and he wanted to make another move!

At this moment, Bi Zhu, a girl in a bi-colored robe, also woke up from the extreme shock, suddenly took a step forward, and said, "Senior Brother Huo, are you really going to make a move? They have a bet first, There is nothing wrong with Liu Yuan's legs being broken. Just like Liu Yuan, who loses the bet and wants to become a murderous disciple in anger. Even if he doesn't have his legs broken by that bumpkin, I will clean up the door for the master! "

Then, Bizhu said again: "Such a despicable person is not worthy of being my disciple of the Shangqing Sect. Does Brother Huo want to do something forcibly for this junior, and damage my reputation of the Shangqing Sect?"

At this time, Feng Yuner, the goddess of the Feng family, moved lightly with her lotus steps, and she had already stood between Huo Aotian and Ye Luo as if she hadn't seen anything. On the face of Peerless Fanghua, there was a look of ice-cold amazement, and she didn't speak. .

However, when Feng Yun'er, the goddess of the Feng family, looked at Ye Luo, a look of shock flashed in the depths of her eyes. Who is this person?
Feng Yun'er's aura is no lower than Huo Aotian's!

However, everyone can see that once Huo Aotian strikes again, Feng Yuner, the goddess of the Feng family, will definitely do so. This is the Feng family's gambling stone workshop, and the Feng family will never let Huo Aotian make another move.

Otherwise, the reputation of the Feng family, which has been inherited for thousands of years, will inevitably be damaged!

"Here, stop the war." Suddenly, at this moment, the stone-cutter old man also said four words lightly. Although these four words were very light, the imposing Huo Aotian heard these four While writing, a strong look of fear finally appeared in his eyes.

Huo Aotian, seems to know that old man!

Huo Aotian's hand, which was about to attack again, finally stopped. He turned his head, looked at Ye Luo, and said coldly: "You are very powerful, and you are qualified to let me know your name."

When Ye Luo looked at the stone-cutter, seemingly ordinary old man again, he was also shocked, because from this old man, Ye Luo felt a vast, bottomless force that seemed to be able to destroy the world. Horror.

Although this breath disappeared in a flash, Ye Luo caught it keenly.

Ye Luo's devouring blood energy has reached its peak, and he is ready to explode. However, he paused at this moment, looked at Huo Aotian, and said in a flat tone, "Oh! Name? You will know sooner or later, between you and me In the meantime, there must be a battle of life and death!"

"A battle of life and death?" Huo Aotian narrowed his eyes and asked, "Who are you?"

However, as soon as the words fell, a strange vibration emanated from a strange jade tablet on Huo Aotian's waist. This vibration continued seven times in a row, each time getting faster and faster!

Huo Aotian's always indifferent face suddenly changed drastically.

He seemed to be a little shocked, and took a closer look at the jade badge on his waist, then turned around suddenly, and walked towards the door in a blink of an eye. He was at the door in the blink of an eye, and he opened his mouth again with a long cry, saying : "You are the first monk who dared to plot my human leg in front of me. As long as you are still in this god stone city, within three days, I will definitely find you and suppress you!"

Then, Huo Aotian's figure disappeared directly.

"Then, that is the seven summons of the highest standard of the Shang Qingzong, right? The jade tablet on Huo Aotian's waist vibrated seven times. Is this something serious?" Someone remembered something, and his face changed slightly.

The girl in the blue dress, Bizhu, also shook the jade badge seven times. Her expression also changed drastically, and she also left quickly. In the process of leaving, she took a deep look at Ye Luo.

"What happened? Rumor has it that the seven summons happened only twice in the entire ancient times!" Someone wondered.

In the gambling house, after Huo Aotian and Bizhu left, after a short period of doubt, countless eyes slowly looked at Ye Luo again, and the eyes were full of shock and inconceivability.

He really punched Huo Aotian's mountain seal?
Also at this time.

No one noticed that in Ye Luo's pocket, the little fairy bridge beast and the little paper man, since the beginning of the battle, neither of them paid attention, they have been looking at the full moon in the starry sky, at this time , Xiaoxianqiao Beast spoke again, and said in a dull voice: "The water, the moon is bleeding more and more, look, that embroidered shoe seems to be moving?"

"It's not blood, it's a blood moon. The blood moon is about to be full. Is the Nine Dragons coffin really coming out?" the little paper figurine also whispered.

(End of this chapter)

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