Chapter 485
Under the leadership of the servant, Director Zhao headed towards Ye Luo and Yang Yu, with a greedy and sinister look in his eyes, and went straight away.

"Director Zhao, Director Zhao, if Chu Xiaohuan, Yang Ying, and Zhou Xiaoyu come back, I'm afraid..." the servant said worriedly as he walked on the road.

"Three of them? Heh! They are just three little girls. Even though they have amazing talents, they are still young. Compared with my son, their realm is still weaker.

The most important thing is, based on my understanding of the character of that young woman Yang Yu, she is introverted and shy. Once the real raw rice is cooked, hehe, does she dare to talk nonsense?Don't worry, I never do anything I'm not sure about. This young woman is simply the best in the world. I've been eyeing her for several months! Director Zhao's voice became more and more greedy.

"But, beside that young woman, there is another man, that is Chu Xiaohuan's Uncle Ye." The handyman said again cautiously.

"Hahaha, it's just a useless star. Even if he succeeds in changing his fate against the sky, the only method of astral cultivation in the world was taken away by the Meng family of the Shang Qingzong in the pre-Qin period, and has since disappeared. Between heaven and earth, the method of cultivating the astral body has also disappeared forever, and he can't cultivate at all, just one level of Qi training, and I can pinch him to death with one finger!" Director Zhao said in a contemptuous tone.

Then, Director Zhao said again: "However, I heard that he failed in Qi training, so he started to train his body. Unfortunately, he practiced the legendary Tiandao Fist to death, haha, unless he can get the seventh volume of the legendary Heavenly Book Otherwise, he will stop at the fifth level of body refining in this life, and the Heavenly Book Devouring Scroll has never appeared in the eternity, and even the Supreme can't even ask for it, let alone a waste of him!

Waste of ants, if you hide in the side, I will spare his life, if you dare to stop him, see how I can use one finger to destroy him! "

The servant was shaken when he heard that, he couldn't help but quicken his pace, and said: "They are right in front."

The starry sky is boundless, and the blood moon is half full.

In an ancient hall in the deepest part of Tianhe Inn, a high-level meeting of Loulan Holy Land is being held in a dignified atmosphere. There are not many big figures and powerful people in Loulan Holy Land in Shenshi City, and there are only five real high-level people.

"It can be concluded now that the blood moon will last for three days, and on the night of the third day, the full blood moon will really appear, and the nine dragon coffin in the huge ancient underground palace below the city will also be born at that time. Set sail again, and the nine ancient terrifying dragon corpses will pull the ancient bronze coffin and leave here, and the suppressed taboos will also wake up." An old man with white beard and hair said solemnly.

"Old Zhou, is it really impossible to break through the ancient Heavenly Book Sealing Formation?" The euphemistic and beautiful woman, full of scholarly atmosphere, was surprisingly also among the group of high-level people, and her red lips parted slightly at this time.

"It can't be broken. With the second volume of the Supreme Heavenly Book, the core array pattern of the Divine Formation Volume is used as the basis of the formation method, and the entire eight hundred miles of Shenshi City is used to describe the formation pattern, and a generation of supreme exhausted the painstaking efforts. No one can break it. Come on, now, no one can leave Shenshi City." The old man with white beard and hair said.

Then, the old man with white beard and hair said again: "Unless someone owns the Unsurpassed Heavenly Book. However, since ancient times, none of the seven volumes of the Heavenly Book has been published. It has become an extinct book, and it is impossible for anyone to own it."

"Then do we really want to cooperate with other major forces, as well as Shang Qingzong, enter the underground palace, work together to activate the ancient sword of Zhu Xian, and forcibly open the Kowloon coffin? Keep the things in the coffin and continue to suppress taboo things?" Another one The monk in the feather fan scarf shook his feather fan and spoke in a concentrated voice.

"This method was proposed by Taoist Cangsong when the blood moon appeared and when the major forces were discussing countermeasures. As a powerful generation, what Taoist Cangsong said is certainly feasible, but as you all know, Cangsong Taoist Song has another identity, that is, he is Xu Fu's apprentice.

At that time, Xu Fu and Qin Shihuang spent their whole lives and gave everything they had, even spared no effort to build the Great Wall, using it as a heaven-defying formation. What they wanted was the thing in the coffin of Kowloon.

Taoist Cangsong, as Xu Fu's apprentice, also participated in it. His thoughts may be selfish. Xu Fu and Qin Shihuang may also be hidden in this city. However, no one knows what will be in it.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, no matter whether it is us, the major forces, or the Shang Qingzong, they will never try this idea lightly. "The old man shook his head.

"Old Zhou, if that's the case, why didn't anyone object to the idea of ​​entering the underground palace when Taoist Cangsong proposed this idea?" Yu Ji asked again.

"Because all the major forces are trapped in the city and cannot leave the city, and the place where the Nine Dragons pulled coffins to suppress taboos is also the core position of the ancient heavenly book sealing the city array, all major forces are trying to find a way out of the city.

In addition, Jiulong pulled the coffin for an endless time, no one knows what is in the coffin, but no one can not be moved, if the coffin can be opened, if it is the most heaven-defying thing in the world, almost All major forces will watch.

In the underground palace, there may be other things.

Going down to the underground palace is an inevitable choice for all major forces. "The old man opened his mouth to analyze, and the mysterious dao rhyme on his body fluctuated slightly.

"Then what should we do?" another fat big man asked.

"The soldiers are divided into two groups and make two preparations. First, some people will go to the underground palace; second, some people will stay in the inn and guard the protective formation in the inn. The big formation will become our last line of defense." The old man said.

"Old Zhou, should those who go to the underground palace bring some low-level disciples? Tomorrow evening is the time agreed by the major forces to go to the underground palace." The monk with the feather fan and scarf asked.

"Yes, low-level disciples have weak aura. Once they enter the underground palace, they are not easy to disturb the hidden things sleeping in the dark, or killing formations. All major forces will bring some low-level disciples to explore the way." The old man nodded.

Tianhe Inn, when the high-level meeting was held, in front of the White Jade Hall where the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox lived.

"Look, they are there!" The servant pointed forward, pointing at Ye Luo and Yang Yu.

Director Zhao saw Yang Yu's anxious, worried, and blushing face, and thought that Yang Yu had been poisoned by the love potion. Director Zhao strode over, pretending to be concerned, and said, "Yang Yu, what's wrong with you? Look at you. There seems to be something wrong with your face, are you sick? Come, follow me back to the house, and I will see a doctor for you. "

Then, Director Zhao took another look at the young Ye Luo, who was standing very close to Yang Yu, with a weak breath, and a look of ruthlessness and contempt flashed across his face, and he said, "Where did you come from? I think You are not like someone from our Loulan Holy Land, get out of here, or I will break every bone in your body!"

(End of this chapter)

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