Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 495 Return from the Underworld

Chapter 495 Return from the Underworld (3 more tickets requested)
Want to skin the donkey, let the donkey blood out, and kick the donkey's head?

The enraged donkey was shocked, and he was so fucking dumb, just this word, this action, not to mention the two thieves who stole the dog, even those who have ancestral graves and children dare not say that ?

"Brother Scar, I just went out to ask. After the blood moon appeared, all major pet trading markets were closed, and I went to save my life in a hurry. This donkey is not easy to sell." The donkey was kicked, frowning.

"What? It's not easy to sell? You're paralyzed. After working so hard, the stolen donkey is not even easy to sell?" Dao Scar's face turned dark, and then he said: "You didn't ask other scattered donkeys. Xiu, let's see if we can deal with it cheaply?"

"Hey, this blood moon is shocking to the world. We are all facing life and death. Who wants such a scumbag." The cunning monk sighed.

The donkey's lungs are about to explode, what the hell, who gave these two guys the courage to sell them?The donkey's eyes radiated a dark light, and its long face was distorted fiercely. However, the medicine didn't work, and it was still unable to move.

"Wow, woof! Damn, you two little thieves, kneel down for me, no, untie the rope that is tied to my body first!" The donkey can't move for a while, but the donkey's mouth can growl , the donkey was about to explode with anger.

"Why are you yelling, no, you are still kneeling? Are you crazy, infected with mad cow disease, you are a donkey, you don't even have the chance to be infected with mad cow disease.

Grandma is a bear, what kind of bastard are you, and I don’t have any clues in my heart, the two brothers stole you back with great effort, and now you can’t even sell it, you are such an asshole, you dare to scream, Who gave you enough guts, what a bad luck to steal something. " Scar's face was a little angry, and when he saw the donkey braying, he beat him violently.

"That's right, you're paralyzed, you're so rampant with just a fucking donkey, who gave you the courage." The sly-eyed monk kicked the donkey's whip directly.

"Woof, woof, woof! I pissed off your mother, you two little bastards, try to touch me again, I will let you live but not die..."

"It's so crazy, it's so numb, you can't even sell it, I'll make you scream..."

"Wang Wang Wang..."

The two monks with stinking eyebrows and mouse eyes and scar face kicked and beat them. After a severe beating, they took off their socks from their stinking feet and stuffed them on the donkey's mouth.

The donkey's face was terribly distorted, the eyeballs almost popped out, they were all bloodshot, and the anger was so terrifying.

"Brother Scar, I think the donkey's whip is pretty good, anyway, it's not easy to sell, why don't you cut off the donkey whip first, and have a meal to make up for it?" the sly-eyed monk suggested.

"Don't eat it yet, I thought of a place where donkeys can be sold at a high price." Scarface's eyes lit up when he heard the donkey whip.

"Where is it?" the sly-eyed monk wondered.

"Wu Banxian and Fatty, our fellow villagers in Nanjiang City, hey, they are all out to mess around. The two of them are engaged in pyramid schemes in the monk world. In just a few months, they have become very rich in Shenshi City. Look at us The two of you are still sneaking around, how can there be no comparison between people." Scarface sighed.

"Yeah, why didn't I think of it, the most important thing in MLM is to create momentum, the more critical it is, the more they can't close their doors, the most important thing is, I heard, that fat man doesn't know why, maybe He has a grudge against creatures like donkeys, loves to eat donkey meat, and loves donkey whips the most.

He is very rich now, if we sell this spiritual donkey to Fatty, it will definitely sell for a high price! "The friar's eyes lit up.

"Let's go, find a flatbed cart, pull the donkey, go to Chengxianfang, look for Wu Banxian and Fatty, hehe, don't ask for a lower price later, that fatty has money." Scarface ordered.


Ye Luo walked out of the alley, walked around for a while, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he said, "Where did that donkey go? This is this fucking Dikeng. After seeing Cangsong and Xu Fu, he threw me away. It ran off by itself."

Ye Luo walked around for a while, but he didn't see the donkey. After thinking for a while, he slowly approached the temple on the underground palace in the center of Shenshi City by himself.

The purpose of coming out this time is to take a look at the surrounding environment of the underground palace first. If possible, go to the underground palace once to see the situation in the underground palace. Tomorrow, all the major forces will join forces to enter the underground palace and use the ancient sword of killing immortals to forcibly open Nine Dragons Pulling the coffin, now, it is natural to make some preparations in advance.

Moreover, tomorrow he will still enter as a low-level cannon fodder for Pathfinder in Loulan Holy Land.

In the center of the city, above the underground palace, is a temple. Surrounding the temple is an ancient courtyard covering hundreds of acres. In the courtyard, there are ancient trees and sky, and the temple stands tall. Looking from a distance, there is an ancient, desolate, Mystery.

However, when Ye Luo got close to the ancient courtyard where the temple was located, he was surprised to find that the entire courtyard of more than [-] mu was guarded by people from various forces in sections and regions.

Holy land, Zongmen, thousand-year-old family, and some ancient mysterious forces, almost every force is responsible for guarding a section. Ye Luo turned around and vaguely found that the greater the force, the larger the guarded area.

It seems that, vaguely, there is a trend of separatism.

Ye Luo observed for a long time, and finally stopped at the outskirts of the guarded area of ​​Loulan Holy Land.

The people of Loulan Holy Land, besides those in Tianhe Inn, there are also some people who have already arrived here, guarding an area belonging to Loulan Holy Land.

The people guarding the Loulan Holy Land in this area looked at quite a few, ten or twenty, and the people from the Loulan Holy Land still built a few temporary houses in this area.

On the left side of the Loulan Holy Land, there is an ancient force called Xuankong Temple guarding it. Their people are all mysterious monks.

On the right side of the Loulan Holy Land, it is quite strange, because this force did not write any signs. The most important thing is that there are only two people guarding this area. However, the area they guard is almost the same as the area of ​​the Loulan Holy Land. same size.

Moreover, among the two people guarding this area, one seemed to have fallen asleep lying on a stone slab, while the other had made a tea set by himself and was slowly making tea.

The person who made the tea was a young man in white clothes, with a calm expression and extremely clean eyes, and Dao rhyme flickered in every move.

Ye Luo's left eye flickered, and the mysterious symbol flashed away. In his left eye, he suddenly saw that the surroundings of the young man and the entire area he guarded were filled with a mysterious formation. Very powerful and mysterious, even Ye Luo's left eye could only see two flaws.

Ye Luo said softly: "This force mainly studies formations?"

Ye Luo shook his head and didn't observe too much. He stepped up and walked directly towards the Holy Land of Loulan. He is now a member of the Holy Land of Loulan. From the area of ​​the Holy Land of Loulan, he should be able to borrow a way to pass. Even if he can't, he can understand some situations.

"Who!" Just as Ye Luo appeared and approached, a powerful and warning voice suddenly appeared in the area of ​​Loulan Holy Land.

Ye Luo's body was shocked when he heard this coquettish drink, and he said, "Zhou Xiaoyu? Is it you? Why are you here? Didn't Yang Yu mean you, Chu Xiaohuan and Yang Ying, you three are following the people of Loulan Holy Land To carry out the mission, go to experience? Uh, the experience she mentioned is to guard this area here?"

Ye Luo was stunned.

The body of the owner of that tender voice was also shaken violently, and the powerful aura on his body was unstable for a while.

Then he looked stunned, shocked, and incredible.

Then 17-year-old Zhou Xiaoyu yelled in a trembling voice, "Ah! Ghost, ghost! Ye, Uncle Ye, today is not your first seven, why did you come back from the underworld? Xiao, Xiaohuan, Yang Ying! You, come quickly, Uncle Ye's soul is back!"

(End of this chapter)

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