Chapter 500
Under the moonlight, amidst the mysterious formations and the shadows of the whirling trees, Ye Luo seemed to be taking a stroll in the garden. After the ninth step, he finally attracted everyone's attention.

"He walked over, seems to be all right?" Someone noticed something strange and said in disbelief.

"Xiao, Xiaohuan, why did Ye and Ye Luo leave?" Zhou Xiaoyu, who originally thought that Ye Luo was going to embarrass himself, couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"Luck is against the sky..." The ugly look on Chu Xiaohuan's face turned into astonishment.

Yang Ying's face was tense, and said: "Even if you don't move forward, Uncle Ye is doing us honor, ah, Uncle Ye is still moving forward."

At this moment, all the monks who had scorned, despised, or even dismissed and mocked Ye Luo fell silent for a moment. Qiao Qingxia, the proud girl in the Holy Land of Loulan, frowned, and a trace of unsightly expression slowly appeared on her face. .

"That's the end of this piece of trash. It is absolutely impossible for him to go any further. The formation of Moyue Shengzi has always been weak at the periphery and strong at the core. Moreover, there are almost no flaws in the core. This trash is just relying on luck." , You must not take another step forward!" The proud girl of Loulan Holy Land said coldly.

Moyue Shengzi, who was dressed in green shirt and black hair, with sword-browed eyebrows and star-eyed eyes, and with a powerful and mysterious dao charm, also raised his head slightly at this time, and glanced at Ye Luo, and flashed across his eyes like a deep pool. There was a slight wave.

Ye Luo's footsteps never stopped. Under the eyes of many strong, weak, or mysterious monks, Ye Luo walked all the way. After nine steps, he still didn't stop until he reached the body of Moyue Shengzi forward.

In the arena, there was a deathly silence.

Is this really luck?
Chu Xiaohuan, Yang Ying and Zhou Xiaoyu rubbed their eyes vigorously, thinking it was an illusion.

true or false?
The proud girl in Loulan Holy Land also had incredible eyes.

Only, Bi Zhu of Shang Qingzong in the crowd, a strange color flashed in his clear eyes.

Mo Yue Shengzi finally raised his head, the waves in his eyes had turned into a look of surprise, and he looked seriously at this trash star that was previously discussed by everyone.

The formation he made was a strange formation that a great power in Tanggu's ancient times realized by watching the stars, moon and stars. If he didn't know the formation, even the great figures in the foundation establishment period would not be able to break through it by force.

How did this seemingly ordinary young man in front of him get here?Every step he takes seems to be a flaw in the formation. Even his master may not be able to accurately find out such a flaw. How did this astral waste get here?
"Well, I took the tea away, tsk, you cook really well, there are visions of the sun, moon and stars in the tea, young man, just relying on your tea-making skills, you can mix well in the future, Go ahead, open a teahouse or something in the future, and you are guaranteed to make a lot of money, but your tea-making efficiency is a bit low, so you need to improve." Ye Luo said seriously.

Then, Ye Luo picked up the four cups on the tea tray, the Xingyue Lingcha, which can increase the talent of the spirit root, and took them all up. He gave a serious lesson to the powerful and mysterious Mo Yue Shengzi who was worshiped by the younger generation of disciples, and turned around to leave. .

The bodies of the onlookers froze. What did this trash star just say?Let Shengzi Mo Yue, who trapped and killed a terrifying big shot in the foundation establishment period, open a teahouse with a formation?

It seems that, hearing Ye Luo's tone, there is still a hint of contempt for inefficiency?
There are more than 30 kinds of elixir for Xingyue Lingcha tea alone, and the few precious elixir plants needed are only available in several life forbidden zones. The dao rhyme and procedure of tea are even more a mystery, and the effect is even more heaven-defying. It can improve the quality of the spiritual root. This waste star seems to be dismissed indifferently!

"You, how did you break the formation?" Shengzi Mo Yue never expected that Ye Luo would play cards in such an unreasonable manner, his hand froze slightly, and asked.

"What array? I just walked over here." Ye Luo didn't turn her head, she covered her neck, and since she approached the underground palace, the beads, which had become hotter and hotter, walked towards Chu Xiaohuan and the others. , and then said: "You three are thirsty, hurry up, it won't taste good when it gets cold, one cup for each."


In the distance, on a roof, under the stars and the moon, the bronze man's face became more and more bitter. Looking at the embroidered shoes carried by six little paper figures three steps ago, he said, "We have known each other for so many years. , How cowardly I am, it’s not like you don’t know why it has to be me? Back then, the Kowloon coffin appeared in the ancient restricted area, and you never went to check it out. Now why are you suddenly interested in this thing? "

The red embroidered shoes swayed, and six small paper figurines wrote a line of ancient red characters with an unknown vicissitudes of life in the air, and printed them in the air.

The bronze man looked at it, took a step back in shock, and said: "I won't do it, I have never seen that lost bead back then, and I don't know what the Nine Dragons coffin has to do with that bead. I just remember that that cheating black dog looked for traces of the bead back then, and dug up the ancestral graves of three holy places for it, so it may have learned some mysterious news."


Shenshi City, the ancient main road, the most prosperous street, in the center.

Due to the blood moon, the street became quite deserted. In the second half of the night, a monk with sly eyebrows and a monk with a scar on his face were pulling a flatbed cart with a five-flowered knot on it, and a stinky dog ​​was stuffed in his mouth. The donkey in socks stopped at the center of the busiest street in Shenshi City on weekdays.

And in the center of this ancient, vicissitudes of life street, a majestic and majestic three-story ancient building built by a master architect with high-quality golden nanmu, combined with mysterious formations, stands majestically.

On the plaque of the ancient building, there are three words engraved impressively: Chengxianfang.

"Brother, look at them, Wu Banxian and Fatty, and we are also fellows from Nanjiang City, look at them, and then look at us, hey, the two of them can do pyramid schemes and do it in the practice world. At this level, we can only secretly steal spiritual pets, which is incomparable between people!" The sly-eyed monk sighed.

"Don't talk nonsense, let's talk about it after selling this donkey first, try to get along with that fat man later, and see if you can help us for the sake of the fellow." Scarface said.

The anger in the donkey's eyes was already like a raging volcano, and the poison on his body was fading rapidly as time went by.

One of the two watched the donkey, and the other entered.

for a long time.

"What? You stole a donkey that can speak human language and practice?" The fat man has been completely out of poverty, and he is wearing a golden robe that reveals spiritual energy and wave patterns, and wraps around his round body with difficulty. , In ten months, the fat man gained a lot of weight again.

"That's right! Didn't you have an enmity with the donkey species, and got into the habit of eating donkey meat? Back then, your brother Ye Luo was dragged to the bottom of the Styx by a cheating donkey not long ago and died?

This time, I brought you a donkey that can talk and practice. Cough, the donkey whip is three feet long. People from Nanjiang City come out to hang out, reputation is the first, and they never cheat people. I guarantee that this donkey is delicious and great! "The friar's tone was extremely serious and serious.

(End of this chapter)

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