Chapter 505

God Stone City, in a small alley that was crushed into ruins.

Mo Yue Shengzi was shocked and terrified.

He tried his best to unleash the Mountain and River Fan, the patterns inside were enough to suppress the big figures in the Foundation Establishment period, and the Mountain and River Fan was a rare treasure of the sect, this one was enough to instantly kill any monk in the Foundation Establishment period.

However, this seemingly useless and vulnerable star stepped out from the terrifying mountains and rivers, with a murderous intent on its body, cold and terrifying.

This, how is this possible!

Under the Fan of Mountains and Rivers, unless one can find a flaw in the endless mountains and rivers full of murderous intent, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to get out alive. Could it be that this waste planet has found this flaw?

This is impossible, not to mention a trash star from the secular world, even he who is holding a mountain and river fan, can't find a flaw, how is this trash star possible?

Mo Yue Shengzi was shocked, but Ye Luo didn't give him any time to be shocked.

Ye Luo's eyes were cold, anger erupted in his heart, and blood was injected into the moon wheel. The moment he walked out of the mountain and river fan full of murderous intentions and terrifying patterns, he directly smashed the moon wheel at Shengzi Moyue.

Already close at hand, there is no way to hide.

The attack was too close, too fast, and too abrupt. Even the mighty Moyue Shengzi, in this emergency, the only thing he could do was to deploy his thick aura armor for protection.


The moon wheel, the sacred object of the island country, burst out a cold and terrifying halo when Ye Luo poured all his blood into it, and under the terrifying force.

The moon wheel, the sacred object of the island country, is so mysterious that even the donkey didn't study it clearly at the beginning, and since Ye Luo snatched the moon wheel from the ancestor Miyamoto, he hasn't researched much until now.

However, pouring blood into it can be regarded as a pure hammer-like thing, which can be smashed down on anything.

The thick aura armor on Mo Yue Shengzi's body was smashed to pieces under one round.

The holy son of Mo Yue retreated violently, his eyes were horrified, and his body shook violently.

Ye Luo's eyes became colder, and the suppressed aura burst out from his body. A frantic fighting spirit flashed in his eyes. At the moment when Mo Yue Shengzi retreated violently, Ye Luo directly caught up, and the moon fell again.

Moyue Shengzi came from Tanggu, and all his attack and defense methods came from the array pattern. At the moment when Ye Luo launched a violent counterattack like thunder, he could no longer draw the array pattern at all.

The Mountain and River Fan is an ancient treasure. Even if he tried his best, he could only use it once, and he couldn't use it a second time.

At this moment, apart from being shocked, Mo Yue Shengzi suddenly felt a trace of regret in his heart. He was in mid-air and wanted to seal again. However, just halfway through the seal, Ye Luo's thunderous attack, but Here we go again.


The sacred object moon wheel fell down again, and the powerful Moyue Holy Son, who was worshiped by young people, was hit by the holy object moon wheel in Ye Luo's hand again, blood flowed out of his mouth, and fell to the ground fiercely.

Ye Luo still didn't stop. When Moyue Shengzi fell to the ground, another moon wheel hit the back of Moyue Shengzi's head directly. However, the attack was much lighter this time, but, even so , Mo Yue Shengzi still straightened his body, and passed out directly.

It only took a few breaths of time from Holy Child Mo Yue's pressing pattern full of terrifying killing intent, and the use of the ancient Yibao Mountain River Fan, to Ye Luo's thunderous counterattack.

Moyue Shengzi was in a coma, Ye Luo was panting, a drop of sweat appeared on his forehead, and the mysterious symbol in his left eye flickered.

Is Moyue Shengzi weak?

Not weak!

To be precise, the Holy Son of Moyue is the most powerful and mysterious monk among the people Ye Luo has fought against since he entered the practice world.

The two formation attacks on both sides, and the Shanhe Fan's attack, with Ye Luo's current strength, if they were head-to-head, let alone the last Shanhe Fan, even the previous two terrifying formation attacks, Ye Luo felt that he would not be able to resist.

After all, the holy son of Moyue is a holy son of the Holy Land!

A peerless arrogance admired by the younger generation of geniuses.

However, when Holy Son Mo Yue troubled Ye Luo, he was doomed to be a tragedy, because after Ye Luo's left eye mutated, he seemed to be able to see through all flaws.

And the attacks of Mo Yue Shengzi are almost all formation attacks. This kind of attack is certainly terrifying, but once you can see through its flaws, then his attack will be weakened by countless levels.

However, even so, Ye Luo could clearly feel the risks involved, especially under the terrifying blow of the last Mountain and River Fan, even if he saw through the flaws, but under the huge killing intent and endless pressure However, Ye Luo walked out of this ancient treasure because of dangers and dangers.

Ye Luo didn't know that the Mountain and River Fan was an ancient treasure, and the Holy Son of Moyue was indeed powerful, but it only aroused a very small part of its power.

Ye Luo looked at the comatose body of Moyue Shengzi, and did not kill him, but searched for everything on him, and then threw him into the bead space.

At the same time, Ye Luo threw the Shanhe fan into the beads, and now is not the time to study this.

Afterwards, Ye Luo quickly left.

Ye Luo knew very well in his heart that the fierce and violent battle here must have attracted the attention of other monks. If there is no accident, someone will come here soon.

Sure enough, not long after Ye Luo left, a powerful and terrifying person approached like an afterimage. This person was also a young man. He was holding an ancient book in his hand, and he was wearing the clothes of a scholar. An ancient scholar.

"Hey! The breath of the mountain and river fan, just now the holy son of Mo Yue was fighting with someone?" Son, use the Mountain and River Fan?"


Under the starry sky, the red embroidered shoes are brightly colored, and the two ancient characters "Wu" on the shoes sway silently, as if they have been lonely for eternity and thousands of years.

Under the shoes, six little paper figurines have already depicted a complete ancient blood-colored gossip symbol, the Qian hexagram is on top, and the Kun hexagram is on the bottom. The mysterious laws of heaven and earth are intertwined with the ancient vicissitudes of energy.

The bronze man made a bitter face, and spoke again, saying: "I'm a mother, I really want to do it, why don't we quit? I'm not alone now, but I still have three little girls behind me, Although it is a master-servant contract signed unconsciously, but I am also a family person, if something unexpected happens..."

However, the red embroidered shoes remained motionless.

Seeing this, the bronze man's face became more bitter, and he was very reluctant, as if he had been robbed. He stretched out his hand and pressed it in the center of the ancient gossip symbol. Suddenly, the bronze man's body surged A mysterious energy that seemed to come from the ancient times gushed out of the gossip.

A trace of solemnity finally appeared on the face of the bronze man, and he said, "You can control it well, I have accumulated this energy for tens of thousands of years..."

(End of this chapter)

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