Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 507 The Blood Moon Is Full

Chapter 507 The Blood Moon Is Full
for a long time.

Ye Luo took a deep breath and got out of the bead.

After Ye Luo came out, he took a look around and carefully wrapped the beads with thick clothes to prevent them from changing suddenly and attracting the attention of others.

Neither beads nor heavenly scriptures should be exposed.

After doing this, Ye Luo's figure moved suddenly, and hurried towards the Loulan Holy Land of the underground palace again, thinking that Chu Xiaohuan and the other three were still in place.

Not long after Ye Luo left, the three of Chu Xiaohuan, holding a compass, arrived at the place where Ye Luo had stayed. Then, they watched helplessly as the pointer on the compass moved again.

"This guy, what are you doing, why did you run away again?" Chu Xiaohuan stared at the pointer on the compass, a little angry.

"Huh! The direction Uncle Ye went this time is the direction of the underground palace. It seems that Uncle Ye has gone back." Zhou Xiaoyu looked carefully and analyzed carefully.


Above the starry sky, the hand of the bronze man moved away from the bloody ancient gossip imprint.

Like a deflated balloon, the bronze man said, "I'm exhausted."

The red embroidered shoes swayed, and the six little paper figurines returned to the red embroidered shoes.

The ancient gossip imprint, after the bronze man was infused with mysterious energy, seemed to wake up from the ancient tomb, the bloody gossip swirled faintly, above the gossip, a strange attraction emanated faintly.

However, this attraction is extremely strange, because this attraction does not attract other things, it attracts light, and it is the light sprinkled by the blood moon.

In the air, the red light that the blood moon sprinkled on Shenshi City actually showed a curved shape. With the rotating gossip, it was gradually attracted to it, and as the gossip rotated faster, the absorbed red light more.

The work of a cup of tea.

Almost all the blood light in a radius of ten miles around the gossip was attracted and devoured by the gossip. The dense blood light gathered together, like the blood of ancient gods, flowing into the ancient gossip pattern.

The bronze man had a bitter face and was terrified. Then, the bronze man looked up at the sky and muttered to himself: "I am a mother, are you going to start? Let me tell you, let's stop here." , let's not get involved, you can only use a very small part of the forbidden power now, if there is any change, you can't let me carry it?"

The words fell.

Above the starry sky, the half-full blood moon seems to have sensed it. Youran, the bright moon that was slowly infested with blood has accelerated the speed of infestation.

Half full, two thirds, almost full!

At this moment, countless monks in Shenshi City seemed to sense something and looked towards the sky.

"No, didn't you say that the blood moon will be full in three days? Now that the night has not passed, why is the blood moon suddenly full?" A big man was shocked.

"Did something happen?" A powerful man in the Holy Land suddenly changed his face.

"Nine Dragons will come out early, right?" An old man with a mysterious and powerful aura narrowed his eyes fiercely.

"Then under the coffin of Nine Dragons, the suppressed taboo and terrifying existence is about to come out?"

At this moment, everyone was shocked.

Ye Luo also glanced at the sky, his body shook violently, and he accelerated again at an already very fast speed, rushing to the place where the Holy Land of Loulan was located.

After a while.

"Where are Chu Xiaohuan, Yang Ying, and Zhou Xiaoyu?" Ye Luo returned to the outside of the underground palace, where Loulan Holy Land was stationed, stopped a handsome female disciple of Loulan Holy Land, and asked hurriedly.

"The three of them? I don't know. I just came from the Tianhe Inn." The female disciple met Ye Luo in the Tianhe Inn, and answered, "They should be here."

Hearing this, Ye Luo glanced around, quietly, Ye Luo's eyes fell on Qiao Qingxia, a proud girl not far away in the Holy Land of Loulan, and her eyes couldn't help but brighten.

Previously, among the crowd watching to get the spirit tea, there was this proud girl from the Holy Land of Loulan.

Ye Luo ran quickly, stopped in front of her, and asked, "See Chu Xiaohuan, are there three of them, Yang Ying and Zhou Xiaoyu?"

When the proud girl saw Ye Luo blocking the way, she couldn't help but froze for a moment, then frowned, and a flash of anger flashed across her beautiful face. Lingcha made her lose face again, and said in a cold voice: "Get out, trash!"

"I asked you if you saw the three of them, how could you react like this?" Ye Luo said.

"What's wrong with my reaction, you are just a useless planet, do you want me to respect you? Heh, without any cultivation background, no family behind him, just a humble useless young man, no wonder Ning Cai'er will divorce you. "The proud girl Qiao Qingxia sarcastically said.

Then he said: "What's the matter? Seeing that the blood moon is about to be full, you are scared and want to find your three nieces to protect you? I don't know why you still live in this world for a cowardly man like you .”

"I don't hit women casually! Don't force me to do it." Ye Luo had a toothache. Some people, why would they just die like this?
"Heh! You are just a waste star, and you still want to hit me? Hahaha, with your strength, I stand here and let you fight, can you break my defense? You don't want to hit women at will, I think you are You can't beat it!" The proud girl said more and more mockingly.

Afterwards, the proud girl raised a thick layer of Qi-training armor with her spiritual energy, and proudly said with contempt: "Trash, I will give you a chance, I will stand here without moving, and I will give you a minute, you You can use any method to attack, as long as you can break the aura armor on my body, I will tell you where the three of them have gone, but if you can't break it, just kneel down and kowtow three times to Miss Ben, how about it? "

Beside the proud girl Qiao Qingxia, there were several other female disciples from the Holy Land of Loulan. After hearing the words, one of the female disciples immediately said, "Hey, Senior Sister Qiao, you are a majestic ninth-floor Qi training monk, and a piece of trash beat this Isn't it too bullying to bet?"

"Indeed, but, anyway, he is a waste, let him kowtow to think highly of him." A female disciple said casually.

The blood moon was almost full, and Ye Luo didn't talk nonsense. Seeing that the proud girl had to die by force, she narrowed her eyes and said one word: "Okay!"

Then, he punched it directly.

"Hahaha, this trash, you really dare to smash it, it's really overreaching, it's really sad, you can't even see the difference." A female disciple shook her head.

Several other female disciples could not help shaking their heads.

And at the same time Ye Luo punched down, the blood moon above the starry sky was finally completely full, and the completely blood-red light completely shone on the temple above the underground palace, and the temple suddenly emitted a burst of violent noise. shake.

(End of this chapter)

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