Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 525 The Forbidden Thing Awakens

Chapter 525 The Forbidden Thing Awakens (3 more tickets requested)
The sword falls, the coffin rises!
The body of the sword looks like gold but not gold, like jade but not jade. The dragon corpse of Jiulong pulls the coffin is huge, and the bronze body of the coffin is full of rust.

Under the stars and the moon, under the stars and the moon, the two deities of the ancient sword of Zhu Xian and the coffin of Jiulong finally collided together.


The ten thousand zhang void was directly shattered, and a more terrifying crack in time and space reappeared. The Nine Dragons Pulling the Coffin and the Ancient Sword of Exorcism in the collision entered the terrifying crack in time and space directly in the eternal collision.

In just an instant, it disappeared from all sight.

Silence, deathly silence.

Into the shattered space-time rift?
"Master, master, the ancient sword of Zhu Xian and the coffin of Nine Dragons have all disappeared? Where did they go?" A disciple swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said with some unacceptable words. All the forces did their best to open Nine Dragons. Coffin, how did it disappear?
"They haven't disappeared, they're still where they were." A great power.The powerful vision behind him was terrifying, and he opened his mouth faintly.

"What, are they still where they were?" A holy son of the Holy Land was shocked.

At this time, a mysterious old monk in the Xuankong Temple suddenly said: "Amitabha, the entrance of the time-space rift is also the exit of the time-space rift. Two supreme existences are too terrifying. If the two collide with all their strength, they may sink. A continent.

Therefore, the two enter the shattered void to collide, and when they decide the winner, they will come out again from the place where they entered now. As a result, the ancient sword of Zhu Xian may be broken, the coffin of Nine Dragons may be opened, or, At the same time that Jiulong pulled the coffin open, Zhu Xian's ancient sword broke. "

"That's right, the collision between the ancient sword of the emperor's army and the coffin of the Nine Dragons will inevitably determine the winner, and they will also return from the place where they just disappeared." Another great power of the Holy Land also said said a word.

"Then when will they be able to win and lose, and when will they return?" a disciple asked.

"Maybe in the next second, or maybe a few days later." A powerful man shook his head and said, "This kind of battle between the emperors of the extreme path has never happened for thousands of years, and no one can predict it."

The donkey man stood upright, his eyes sparkling, and he said in a low voice, "Wow, woof! Damn it, I'm afraid the Jiulong coffin will really be opened this time."

Ye Luo's eyes were still shocked. Besides, for some reason, at the moment when the ancient sword of Zhu Xian collided with the coffin of Nine Dragons, Ye Luo felt his blood boil for a while, as if he was drawn by something.

Is this related to the previous mysterious bead that dripped its own blood into the two?

What is in the coffin of Kowloon?
"Wow, woof! Damn it, don't pull my hoof." The donkey man stood upright, and after he said something, he suddenly felt his hoof being grabbed by someone, and on the ancient altar, another There were only Ye Luo and it, and it directly hit the shocked Ye Luo with its hoof.

Ye Luo woke up from the pain, glared at the donkey, and said, "What the hell, who touched you? You're paralyzed, why are you pulling my leg?"

"Wow, woof! Who pulled your leg?" The donkey hit Ye Luo again, but Ye Luo blocked it.

After that, Ye Luo and the donkey looked at each other's two hooves and two hands, both above them, and couldn't help realizing something, their expressions changed drastically, and they suddenly lowered their heads.

Both of them were amazed to see that on the ancient altar, in that hole, at some point, two pale hands stretched out, one of them held Ye Luo's leg, and the other held the donkey's hoof .

Ye Luo and the donkey, at this moment, their scalps almost exploded.

Nine Dragons Pulling the Coffin to suppress the eternal things, finally came out!

The donkey's hooves struggled suddenly, trying to break free, but the hand stretched out from the ancient altar looked pale and weak, but its strength was astonishingly terrifying, and the donkey failed to break free directly.

"Wow, woof, woof! Damn, you pull my own wool, this is all old meat, even if you eat meat, it's not delicious. Around this ancient altar, there are so many There are so many people, take them away!" The donkey's face changed drastically, and the donkey's face twisted and he yelled.

Then, the donkey's two hooves suddenly supported the black collar on the neck, injecting a mysterious atmosphere, above the collar, a strange black light erupted, and instantly chopped on the pale hand.

"Kacha——" the pale hand was broken, the donkey was free again, and Sa Yazi ran away. While running, he turned his head and shouted at Ye Luo: "You delay for a while, the emperor will bring you rescuers."

Delay for a while, move rescuers?

Hearing this, Ye Luo almost greeted the nineteenth generation of the donkey's ancestors. What the hell, the donkey said earlier that the suppressed will not wake up immediately, but now that his hands are stretched out, is this called awakening?

Ye Luo's reaction was not slow, he struggled a few times, and after he couldn't break free, Ye Luo directly picked up the small bronze cauldron that he had obtained earlier, secretly using the law of devouring, and smashed it directly towards the pale hand that was grasping him.


The pale hand was finally smashed down.

Ye Luo hardly thought about it, turned around and ran away. However, the moment he ran from the ancient altar, he turned his head and looked back into the hole in the ancient altar.

At this moment, Ye Luo's body froze first, then shook.

Because, Ye Luo suddenly saw that in the dark hole, there were a few pale, bloodless, expressionless eyes, beautiful faces, and beautiful women in long white dresses, walking towards the ancient altar from the hole. Climb out.

At the same time, apart from these few women, Ye Luo also saw that under the dark and deep cave, there were many people wearing various ancient costumes, but without a trace of expression or expression, and pale-faced people coming from the cave. climb out.

Moreover, with the help of a ray of blood moon light, one can even see that under the pitch-black hole, there seems to be an unknown existence covered in blood-red hair, which is being sealed in the sacrificial area by a huge iron chain. In the depths of the platform, they are also waking up.

A startling glance!
Ye Luo didn't really see clearly what was under the black skull.

Ye Luo ran straight to the outside of the ancient altar, his expression shocked, but he couldn't help but flashed in his mind, a picture of a purgatory-like pattern in Shenshi City in the ancient times that appeared in the beads before!

Ye Luo was frightened, and jumped down from the ancient altar. While in the air, he yelled directly: "The suppressed things in the ancient altar have awakened. I didn't let you wake up before Jiulong pulled the coffin. Move, now what the hell is dripping down, it's coming out!"

When the sound fell, everyone's bodies shook again, with horror in their eyes.

One of them looked up at the sky, with a powerful aura erupting from his body, he said: "The ancient sword of Zhu Xian and the coffin of Nine Dragons have not yet decided the winner, have they returned from the void?"

"Crack clap-"

On the ancient altar, following the first figure of a woman in white, climbing out of the ancient altar, many dense cracks suddenly appeared around the ancient altar, like spider webs, and the ancient altar began to collapse. !
"What exactly is the suppressed thing?"

"Out, out!"

(End of this chapter)

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