Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 533 Is Nine Dragons Pulling Coffin Open?

Chapter 533 Is Nine Dragons Coffin Opened?
Ye Luo suddenly felt an inexplicable crisis.

Although this walking corpse is unconscious, he still has the fighting instinct. Under the last attack of the moon, why did his eyes turn so bright red, and he took the initiative to take a step forward, exposing his head to the moon? under?

In an emergency, the moon wheel in Ye Luo's hand abruptly turned in one direction. At the same time, he kicked the walking corpse's shoulder. The terrifying force on his foot directly broke the middle-aged man who didn't know how many bones he had. The walking dead kicked away.


The middle-aged walking corpse fell to the ground.

The many female disciples in the Holy Land of Loulan were silent, and their eyes were all focused on Ye Luo.

A hint of doubt flashed in the eyes of the donkey again, and he asked directly: "Wow! Why didn't you just drop it?"

But Ye Luo didn't answer the donkey's words. He closed his right eye, opened his left eye, and stared at the middle-aged walking corpse. Just now, the last moon fell, and he could definitely smash the middle-aged walking corpse's head directly. burst.

However, Ye Luo felt an extremely terrifying and evil aura from the middle-aged walking corpse's brow, and in his left eye, he could vaguely see a hair-thin red thing trembling between his brows.

"What's between his eyebrows?" Ye Luo muttered to himself.

"Crack clap-"

The middle-aged walking corpse with countless broken bones was struggling to get up from the ground. His bright red eyes were still staring at the crowd, but the speed became obviously very slow.

"Leave here directly, and leave this middle-aged walking corpse alone." Ye Luo didn't make any further moves, turned around and walked towards the other end of the alley, still maintaining vigilance.

"Ye, Ye Luo, aren't you trash? Why are you so powerful all of a sudden?" Song Yue, a weak girl, asked everyone's thoughts, her voice stuttering.

"Now is not the time to talk about it. Let's go back first." Ye Luo replied, and then looked at the Holy Land of Loulan, Zhuge Mingyue who took the lead.

"Listen to him." Zhuge Mingyue, as a generation of people who can be as famous as the Holy Son, even if he is seriously injured, he is still very decisive in the decision of life and death.

The other female disciples of the Holy Land of Loulan, even though they had endless doubts in their hearts, could only temporarily suppress them in their hearts. The eyes they looked at Ye Luo had changed from the previous contempt and contempt to complex and vague reverence.

The proud girl who had been against Ye Luo before, her face was still a little pale, she bit her red lips and followed in the team.

The duel between Nine Dragons Coffin and Zhu Xian Ancient Sword will end at any time, and they will come out from the void above the ancient city at any time. If you want to cooperate with the donkey to grab these two things without any distractions, you must first get the three little loli and others, Send God Stone City.

Ye Luo was silent, and headed straight to Tianhe Inn with the female disciples from Loulan Holy Land.

"Wow, woof, woof! That middle-aged cultivator, after all, is also the law enforcer of the Qing sect in ancient times, and he is still at the peak of foundation building, so he must have some treasures on him, such as spiritual weapons, spirit stones, etc. ?” When Ye Luo led the crowd away, the donkey deliberately walked behind.

Then, the donkey turned around and left the team, with a flash of greed in his eyes, he returned to the alley, glanced at the middle-aged walking corpse whose bones were broken by Ye Luo, grinned, and said, "Wow woof Quack, that kid Ye Luo is still young after all, he kills people without stealing treasures, so why fight?"

The donkey went directly to the walking corpse, stepped on the walking corpse's back with one hoof, and knocked the walking corpse down, and searched the walking corpse with the other hoof.

"Woof! Damn, developed, psychic jade, this is at least worth a thousand middle-grade spirit stones, hey, there are crystal cards..." Donkey was overjoyed.

It's just that it was happy for a second when the walking corpse stepped on by it turned its head quietly, presented a strange angle, and bit towards its donkey's hoof.

The donkey was already vigilant. The moment the walking corpse bit down, the donkey slammed down on the walking corpse's head, and said domineeringly: "Damn it, you have to force it!" This emperor will blow your head off."


A dark light suddenly appeared on the donkey's hoof, and it slammed heavily on the head of the middle-aged walking corpse, and the walking corpse's head burst directly.

However, at this moment, a bloody light like slender red hair suddenly shot out from the walking corpse's burst head at a speed that was indistinguishable to the naked eye, directly hitting the donkey's eyebrows.

The donkey's face changed drastically!
The distance was too close, even if he dodged at the limit speed, the red line-like thing still hit the donkey, but because of the donkey's reaction, the hair-like red line did not hit the center of the eyebrow, but shot at the donkey. In the donkey's right eye.

The donkey retreated violently, only feeling a slight pain in his right eye, and then he felt nothing, and roared: "Wow, woof! What the hell is that?"

Horrified, the donkey immediately checked his body, with his right eye.

for a long time.

After the donkey checked his body with secret techniques, doubts flashed in his eyes again, and he said, "Hey, it's strange, it's not unusual, what was that thing just now? Is it just a red light?"

The donkey took another look at the walking corpse, which was already dead, picked up the looted things, grinned again, and said, "Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. It depends on the Emperor."

The donkey picked up the speed and caught up with Ye Luo and his party after a while.

"What did you do?" Ye Luo couldn't help asking when he saw the donkey leaving quietly and then returning with a red face.

"Woof, woof, woof! Hehe, I just made a small fortune, you boy, after all, you are still a little too young." A hint of embarrassment flashed in the donkey's eyes.

"Uncle Ye, Uncle Ye, there seems to be something in Uncle Donkey's eyes." At this moment, in Ye Luo's mind, the voice of the little fairy bridge beast using a secret technique suddenly appeared.

Something in the donkey's eye?

Ye Luo was stunned, and turned to look at the donkey. He saw that the donkey's eyes were bigger than walnuts, and he was showing off triumphantly, but he really didn't see anything.

Ye Luo didn't care either, this donkey is so black and cheating, what could he see in his eyes?

Ye Luo led a group of disciples from the Holy Land of Loulan, and donkeys, and continued to walk cautiously on the chaotic streets of the ancient city. Along the way, they saw many scenes of walking corpses attacking monks.

However, they tried their best to avoid it, and occasionally they couldn't avoid it, and they all made quick decisions. There are not many walking corpses in the city now, and there were no dangers along the way.


Just when there were two streets left before reaching the Tianhe Inn, in the red rain, above the starry sky, a spatial crack suddenly appeared.

Seeing this, a powerful figure suddenly roared: "The battle between Nine Dragons Coffin and Zhuxian Ancient Sword is over, and we are coming back. Has Nine Dragons Coffin been opened?"

(End of this chapter)

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