Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 552 Breaking the Formation

Chapter 552 Breaking the Formation (3 more tickets requested)
Ye Luo was stunned for a while, digesting the message from the girl, subconsciously stretched out his hand, and took the baby.

In the message, Ye Luo learned that the real identity of this girl is the ancient goddess of the Supreme Holy Land, named Luoshui, and this baby is her child.

In ancient times, Shenshi City changed drastically, and she and her baby were also in the city. At that time, in the most critical time, in order to prevent the child from becoming a zombie, she used an ancient paulownia coffin that the Supreme Holy Land had obtained from the Styx forbidden zone to fit the coffin of the Supreme Holy Land. Several terrifying and powerful forces sealed the baby with supreme secret techniques.

Until, after this birth, the seal was broken.

She has also become a walking corpse. However, in order to protect the child, she forcibly used the supreme taboo technique to burn her heart, roasting her soul day and night, and retained a trace of sober consciousness.

Taishang Burning Heart is the cruelest torture for high-level monks in the world. The fire on the ether, grilling day and night, tormenting the soul, suffering the most miserable pain in the world, even if you are powerful, just try it, The soul will tremble and collapse.

However, in order to leave a trace of sober consciousness, she used this kind of cruelest torture in the world, in the ages, to her soul.

She is in a half-walking corpse state, even if she burns her heart too much, she is very likely to lose consciousness at any time, and she cannot leave the city.

He handed the baby to Ye Luo because he wanted Ye Luo to leave the city with the baby.

Seeing that Ye Luo took the baby, the girl handed a pendant and an ancient book to Ye Luo, then turned and left.

She didn't look back.

Mother and child, separation.

Tears fell on a budding flower bud on the ancient wall of the alley. The flower bloomed, bloomed, and was white. On the stamen, there was a silent sadness and loneliness.

for a long time.

Her figure disappeared into the Divine Stone City.

Zhou Xiaoyu and Baguio walked over, Zhou Xiaoyu asked a question, Ye Luo was silent for a while, and then explained again.

Baguio glanced at the baby in Ye Luo's arms, her body shook, and she quietly said, "The holy fetus of the Dao body! This baby, as long as she doesn't perish in the future, will surely prove the Dao against the sky. Between heaven and earth, there really is such a constitution!"

Afterwards, Baguio glanced at the ancient book and pendant given to Ye Luo by female Luoshui again, with a complicated expression, and said to Ye Luo: "This pendant is the most noble token of the ancient Supreme Holy Land, you can take it Hold this pendant and make any request to the Supreme Holy Land. The status of the Supreme Holy Land in southern Xinjiang is comparable to that of the Shang Qingzong in the Eastern Wilderness.

As for that ancient book, it is the body-refining technique of Tiangangmen, and only Tiangangmen has body-refining techniques in the world. The old monk who fought the goddess Luoshui earlier should be the heavenly elder of Tiangangmen.

The Heavenly Book Swallowing Scroll only exists in legends, maybe it doesn't exist at all. The only body refining technique in the world is this Tiangangmen. Although it is not powerful enough, it can walk on the road of cultivation after all. "

Ye Luo didn't speak.

The tide of corpses is almost coming to an end.

Ye Luo and his party continued to move forward, but this time, there was an extra baby in the crowd.

This time, under Ye Luo's careful planning, there was no danger. Ye Luo and his party quietly walked from the roof to Passed through the center of the tide of corpses.

"Loulan Holy Land, there are nine-tailed beasts sitting in town, so there should be a plan to get out of the city, you go to Tianhe Inn, I have other things to do." Bi Yao's cold eyes returned to the coldness of the past.

"Not together anymore?" Ye Luo asked.

"We're not together anymore, maybe we will see each other again. If Huo Aotian and Ning Cai'er's prosperous wedding will still be held as scheduled, I will appear at the wedding. Presumably, with your personality, although you are not willing I will go, see you at the wedding when the time comes." Baguio turned around and left.

"Don't lose too badly, the humiliation under the eyes of everyone is not so easy to bear, heh, if you can't get along with the various sects, you can come to my ghost land." Baguio's figure disappeared, leaving The last sentence.

Ye Luo looked at Baguio's figure for a long time.

"Ye, Uncle Ye, your eyes are staring straight, and your saliva is about to flow down." Zhou Xiaoyu gave Ye Luo a tug.

"What? How can there be saliva?" Ye Luo wiped it subconsciously, and then said: "You girl, what are you thinking in your little head, go, go back to Tianhe Inn, and get out of the city quickly."

"You don't like people, do you?"

"Little kid, do you know what liking is? Don't talk nonsense!"


Half an hour later, Ye Luo carried the baby, Yu Ji on his back, and Zhou Xiaoyu led the donkey from the roof to the Tianhe Inn without any risk.

The major forces, as well as the major casual cultivators, and many smaller sects rushed out of the tide of corpses from four directions in a group, and then rushed towards the wall of Shenshi City, wanting to leave.

Ye Luo was on the road, observed for a while, roughly calculated, and couldn't help but gasped. After the monks from all major forces rushed out, none of them survived. The alley was full of blood!

Except for the most serious battle center, the entire Divine Stone City also experienced a terrifying wave of corpses, but to a lesser degree. Now the entire Divine Stone City has become a purgatory on earth!
The ancient city was stained with blood, corpses were floating everywhere, and large areas of ancient buildings were turned into ruins, like the end of the world.

When Ye Luo and Zhou Xiaoyu arrived at the Tianhe Inn, they were surprised to find that more than half of the entire Tianhe Inn had collapsed, as if they had experienced some extremely terrifying attacks and battles.

At the gate of the Tianhe Inn, there was even a bottomless sinkhole left by the eruption of the battle, and there were remnants of the law of terror in the pit.

Ye Luo and Zhou Xiaoyu were shocked, they rushed into the Tianhe Inn, and saw that there was no one in the inn.

However, in Zhou Xiaoyu's room in Chu Xiaohuan's room, he found a smart phone that was not in the same room, turned on the phone, and there was a set of short videos on the phone.

The content of the video is that the Tianhe Inn was attacked by a terrifying walking corpse. The nine-tailed beast and the power of the Loulan Holy Land, upon seeing this, used supreme magic to bring all the survivors of the Loulan Holy Land and leave the city.

Outside the city, the supreme figures of the Holy Land of Loulan had already been born. They forcibly used the extreme emperor soldiers of the Holy Land, combined with the Supreme Formation, and burned the terrifying resources. The people of the Holy Land go out.

The moment Chu Xiaohuan left the city, he begged an elder to send the smartphone back to the inn with a secret technique.

Seeing this, Ye Luo breathed a sigh of relief, took Zhou Xiaoyu, and walked towards the outside of the city, and said in a low voice: "People from the Holy Land of Loulan can leave the city, and other ancient, terrifying and powerful holy places and the Shangqing Sect , should be able to leave the city."

About another half hour.

Ye Luo and Zhou Xiaoyu finally arrived at the city wall, before the city was sealed off by the Heavenly Book.

Zhou Xiaoyu turned around occasionally, and said in a startled voice: "Ye, Uncle Ye, look, it's people from the Shang Qingzong and people from all major forces, and they're here too, hey, Huo Aotian is also here, and he's heading towards us Look here!"

(End of this chapter)

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