Chapter 554

Holding the sword in his hand, Zhou Xiaoyu also had some doubts on his face, and said, "So weak? He is also at the eighth level of Qi training, how could he be so vulnerable?"

Ye Luo looked back at the increasingly turbulent and terrifying tide of corpses, then glanced at the sword given to Zhou Xiaoyu earlier, and said, "Let's go, the tide of corpses is also rushing over, and when we leave the city, Huo Aotian and I will have a fight together." war."

The turbulent tide of corpses on the long street is getting more and more turbulent. Beside Huo Aotian, the young man in green clothes and black hair with star eyes flashed a cold murderous intent. He wanted to rush over, but was stopped by Huo Aotian, indifferently He opened his mouth and said, "Junior Brother Qihao, the tide of corpses is coming, it's too late. If he can get out of the city alive, I will kill him under the eyes of everyone."

"Senior Brother Huo, I..."

"The disciples of the Shangqing Sect listened to the order and immediately went to the city wall. The Supreme Elder and the head of the sect outside the city are already preparing to use the ancient Shangqing Bell to break a big crack!" The ancient and powerful voice of Shang Qingzong Da Neng suddenly sounded.

As the sound came out, the steps of the survivors climbing towards the ancient city wall became more and more crowded.

People from Shang Qingzong, even Huo Aotian, went to see Ye Luo flawlessly at this time. Everyone knew that among the major forces, the opportunity to leave the city was extremely precious. To tear a single crack would cost even more resources. A small sect can be established.

Fatty and Wu Banxian, along with Wu Banren, Wu Banxian's son, had already climbed the city wall.

"Father, don't panic. I've already spent a lot of money to buy a core disciple. In addition, my back chef in Shang Qingzong is also a chef at the chef level. Once a crack appears, I will go out of the city There must be nothing wrong!"

"Oh, what a shame, we can get out alive, Ye Luo and that donkey, what are you doing, I don't know if they are still alive?" The fat man forcefully squeezed out a tear, and then said: Damn it, those two donkey-stealing pits, in order to appease the donkey's anger, the donkey blackmailed the fat man with tens of thousands of spirit stones. It died, and the spirit stone might not come back. "

Ye Luo also dragged Zhou Xiaoyu up the city wall, and in the chaotic crowd, he did not meet Wu Banxian and Fatty.

The ancient and vicissitudes of the huge city wall encircled the [-]-mile Shenshi City, which was extremely huge and long. After climbing the city wall, Ye Luo did not squeeze together with people from various major forces, but took Zhou Xiaoyu along the city wall, away from the city. After getting rid of the hustle and bustle around the city gate, he walked a long way before stopping at a deserted place.

"Uncle Ye, I still feel that something was wrong in the battle just now. What happened to the cultivator? Now that I think about it, ordinary swords, no, let alone ordinary swords, even if it is a bullet, it is impossible to cut directly The fire-breaking snake technique smashes the fire cloud shield and breaks open the eight-layer spirit armor of Qi training.

Uncle, the sword you gave me is not a magic weapon, is it? Where did you get it? "Zhou Xiaoyu finally realized something and spoke in shock.

"This sword should be a very powerful magic weapon, I don't know how many levels higher than the magic weapon." Ye Luo said.

"Uncle Ye, let's stop bragging about it. It's just black and not autumnal. It's a magic weapon. It's a big deal. Uncle, you just entered the world of practice. You may not know that a magic weapon costs at least [-] middle-grade spirit stones." The above, even money can’t buy it, and even the big shots in the foundation establishment period don’t necessarily have magic tools.” Zhou Xiaoyu shook his head.

However, Zhou Xiaoyu held the dark sword even tighter, and said, "Uncle, even if it's a magic weapon, we'll get rich."

Ye Luo smiled, but didn't explain any further. After that, he turned his head to look at the Tianshu Sealing Formation, and said, "Let's go, let's go out of the city first. I don't know what's going on outside the city."

The Heavenly Book Sealing Formation is right in the middle of the ancient road on the city wall. The ancient road on the Shenshi City Wall is wide, seven or eight meters wide. Ye Luo stretched out his hand and touched the Heavenly Book Sealing Formation.

The big formation is invisible, but it is tangible when touched. It is this layer of formation. If it breaks through from the inside, it can even trap the existence of the supreme level, and it will seal the city full of ancient monks and the terrifying creature underground. .

Ye Luo glanced back at Shicheng, secretly using the Heavenly Book to devour the volume, and Ye Luo easily led the man and the donkey through the big formation that was originally against the sky.

The heavenly scriptures have the same origin, and there is no hindrance.

Even though Zhou Xiaoyu had seen Ye Luo use the Heavenly Book Swallowing Scroll, but at this time, seeing Ye Luo so easily passed through the major forces, even the ancient holy land, and tried his best to tear open a crack in the Heavenly Book Sealing City Formation, Still very shocking.

"Is this over?" Zhou Xiaoyu stared at her clear eyes.

"It's over, let's go out of the city." Ye Luo remained calm.

However, just as Ye Luo walked through the Heavenly Book Sealing Formation and reached the edge of the city wall, his body stopped suddenly, because Ye Luo discovered that there was an invisible formation at the edge of the city wall.

Ye Luo was stunned, and said, "Could it be that the Heavenly Book Sealing Formation is divided into two layers?"

Ye Luo was puzzled, and ran the Tianshu Swallowing Scroll again, reaching out to touch the invisible formation, but this time it failed, and Ye Luo's body froze.

"Uncle, what's the matter?" Zhou Xiaoyu asked.

Ye Luo tried a few more times, but all failed. He frowned and told Zhou Xiaoyu about the situation.

"Uncle Ye, don't you know that before the Heavenly Book Sealing Formation was deployed in Shenshi City, this ancient Shenshi City originally had a protective formation? It's just that the original formation was not very powerful, and it was replaced by Tianshu. The city-closing formation occupied a lot of resources, and the original formation was further weakened, so few people mentioned it." Zhou Xiaoyu explained.

"Is there such a thing?" Ye Luo was astonished, and at the same time, a bad premonition rose in his heart.

The original formation, no matter how weak it is, is still the closure formation of Baibali Shenshi City. Some people with terrifying powers, relying on some terrifying old monks at the antique level, can of course rely on their supreme mana and magic weapon, Easily break the original closed city array.

However, Ye Luo is still unable to compare with these antique level horror monks.

This is amazing, the key is that the donkey never said anything about it, the donkey said it confidently at the time, once he grabbed the tip of the sword, he could pass right through and get rid of everyone, looking at it now, what a fuck Damn it, the donkey is digging a hole!
It's so fucking unconscious that it can still be tricked.

The corner of Ye Luo's mouth twitched, and he turned his head to look at the large formation protecting the city again.

Even the Supreme Heavenly Book Sealing Formation has passed through, so it won't be blocked in front of the original ancient and dilapidated city protection formation that is weaker by more than one level?

At this moment, the baby in Ye Luo's arms woke up from a deep sleep and suddenly started crying loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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