Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 561 The 1-Year Covenant...Arrival

Chapter 561 A One-Year Covenant... Arrival (3 more tickets requested)
The huge pig suddenly stood up, the aura of devouring the world erupted from his body, his face was furious, and he suddenly roared in a strange voice: "I'm ignoring your ancestors, you dead dog, what the hell do you think you'll become a donkey, I won't do that!" I know you!"

Then, the pig became even more enraged, and said, "I'm the eighteenth generation of your ancestors. You stole the spiritual grass and medicine that I have treasured for 200 years. I admit it. You tricked me into taking the blame for you. I also admit it. You Why are you so shameless to dig Lao Tzu's ancestral grave, Mahler Gobi's, you...

Why do you have the aura of Nine Tails on your body, no, this kind of aura can only be found in the beasts that have an affair with Nine Tails, how can you have it?

You, you fell in love with Nine-Tailed Fox?I love you Ma Le Gobi, I have been thinking about her for thousands of years, and I have never touched her a finger. Qingniu and her formed a Taoist couple, and I also recognized it, but how can you be so stupid? "

The pig ran away, grief and anger, a breath that devoured the world, broke out.

Ye Luo and Zhou Xiaoyu froze, and backed away almost at the same time. At the same time, they both looked at the donkey who lost consciousness and twitched from time to time. How many outrageous things have this fucking donkey done?

However, the terrifying pig took two steps forward, and from the corner of his eyes, he seemed to finally see the unconscious Concubine Yu on Ye Luo's shoulder, and finally paused, and said, "Little Concubine Yu? Hey, you How did you come back, injured?"

Afterwards, it was furious again, and said: "Whoever hurt you, you wait for me to kill the dog first, and then take you back to the peak."

The pig had already rushed to the donkey's side, and opened its mouth wide open, without giving anyone a chance to react, and directly bit the donkey's head.

However, when it swallowed the whole donkey's head and was about to chew it, a black light emitted from the donkey's neck that made people want to tremble and worship from the depths of their souls.

After the black light appeared, it directly penetrated into the donkey's head. Then, the donkey's body shook violently. In its eyes, a slender red thread split into two, and one of them carried an extremely evil and strange light. The breath directly penetrated into the pig's mouth.

The huge pig's body froze, and then the pig's mouth suddenly loosened. A trace of extreme shock and horror flashed across the huge pig's face, and it roared: "Si dog, I'm your ancestor for eighteen generations, and you were killed by the god stone!" In the city, was that horrible thing infected? You are from Mahler Gobi, and you actually used Lao Tzu to force the red thread in your body into half of Lao Tzu's body?"

The pig's face was shocked and ferocious, and then he turned his body around, ignoring anyone, and rushed into the big bamboo peak at the end of the Yunqiao. I'm going to be tricked to death by that donkey this time, I don't think it has a hundred generations of ancestors..."

The pig was huge in size, but moved extremely nimbly, and disappeared at the end of the bridge in just a blink of an eye.

Ye Luo and Zhou Xiaoyu were astonished.

For a while.

"Uncle, what should we do?" Zhou Xiaoyu asked, rubbing his nose.

"Go in, listen to the pig's tone, you Master Yuji, you should have lived in Dazhufeng for ten years when you were a child, the people of Dazhufeng should have a way to save you Master Yuji." Ye Luo said.

Two people, one big and one small, went forward again and reached the end of the bridge.

However, at the end of the bridge, there seems to be an invisible ancient formation, which is placed across the bridge, making it impossible for people to enter. At the end of the bridge, there is a sign that reads: "People who are not from this peak are forbidden to enter."

"This pig is really noisy. It disturbs my reading. If I turn around again, I'll ask my fourth senior brother to kill this fat pig." At Qiaotou, a gray-haired old man seemed to be awakened by the pig while reading a book, holding a book in one hand, Pulling his beard with one hand, he was very angry.

"Well, senior, I'm here to see someone off." Ye Luo said.

"If you are not a disciple of this peak, you are not allowed to enter. Where did you come from? Don't make noise." The old man held a yellowed ancient book in his hand, twisted his beard, frowned and thought hard, and muttered to himself: "Geo-kun, gentleman!" When carrying virtues..."

The gray-haired old man read halfway, and for some reason, he suddenly raised his head again, with a seemingly dull gaze, he suddenly looked at Yu Ji who was unconscious on Ye Luo's back.

He was stunned for a while, then suddenly got off the end of the bridge, pinned the book on his waist, walked up to Ye Luo step by step in doubt, and observed Yu Ji carefully again, quietly, stretched out a dry The finger touched Yu Ji's eyebrows.

"After walking for so many years, did you know you came back? You little one, you were told to study hard back then, but you didn't study hard, and you rebelled and ran away from home for so many years. Now you're better, have you been hurt?" The gray-haired The old man's finger touched Yu Ji's brow, but there was a paternal murmur in his mouth.

After a while, he let go of his fingers and muttered to himself: "Who can force the little one to use the forbidden technique?"

Afterwards, he grabbed Ye Luo's arm and said, "Come with me, this little one is injured too badly, and he needs a pot of medicine from Fifth Junior Brother to heal."

Ye Luo saw that although the old man was a little weird, he didn't have any malicious intentions, so he and Zhou Xiaoyu went through a battle with the old man and walked up to the Big Bamboo Peak.

On the Big Bamboo Peak, there is a vast and endless ancient bamboo forest. Between the bamboo forests, there are bluestone paths connecting them. There are also Feiliu Waterfall, Anzhi Tinglan, elixir, and a piece of ancient college-style buildings, as well as some ancient buildings. room.

When the old man led Ye Luo and his party to an old house, he suddenly saw an old dilapidated yellow board hanging on the outer wall of the house, and a line of words was engraved on the board: Big Bamboo Peak recruits disciple.

"I seem to have forgotten a very important thing. Before the master traveled the world, he told me to recruit some disciples. In the past ten months, I have been fascinated by reading books, and I seem to have forgotten this matter.

However, it's also strange. In the ancient years, when the news of my Big Bamboo Peak was released, countless people desperately wanted to come in. Why didn't anyone come this time? "The old man muttered to himself.

The corner of Ye Luo's mouth twitched when he heard this, the information about recruiting disciples is placed here, there are pigs blocking the cloud bridge, and there is a big formation, can someone come here and see this wooden sign?
There are rumors outside that Dazhufeng has been threatening to split from the Shangqing sect in the early days of independence, and there are very few people in Dazhufeng, only seven or eight people, and each of them is a strange flower. Seeing it now, Ye Luo already believes it to a certain extent.

However, Ye Luo didn't have time, so he stayed on the Big Bamboo Peak for a long time, and said directly: "Well, before Master Yu Ji fell into a coma, we sent her here, and now I have sent her, you first heal her, I There is an urgent matter, and we must leave here first."

"What's the hurry?" The old man froze for a moment.

Zhou Xiaoyu didn't wait for Ye Luo to speak, and said directly: "My uncle is going to have a decisive battle with Huo Aotian at the prosperous wedding ceremony at Longshou Peak, under the eyes of all the people!"

(End of this chapter)

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