Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 565 Confronting Huo Aotian 1

Chapter 565 Confronting Huo Aotian 1
Ye Luo's figure was extremely fast, and many ordinary monks felt a blur in front of them, and a thin, lonely figure appeared beside the fat man, holding down the right hand that the fat man had just raised.

Fatty's body trembled, his eyes, which were glistening with blood, slowly converged, his mouth, nose, eyes and ears forcibly awakened a mysterious thing in his body, and under strong pressure, the outflow of blood also quietly stopped.

"This bastard, what the hell is scaring me, the old man with half of his leg in the coffin." The childish, white-haired old man of Zhu's family let out a nervous sigh of relief.

Wu Banxian grabbed Chu Xiaohuan, and took back an ancient and vicissitudes of life talisman hidden in his right hand, grinned at the corner of his mouth, and muttered to himself: "Will he be Huo Aotian's opponent? Huo Aotian If you entered Shangqingzong's Magic Moon Cave last night, what will you get?"

Everything happened in a flash, and many people didn't react.

Huo Aotian's extremely terrifying real dragon seal that attacked Fatty, the moment Ye Luo appeared, had already turned into a semi-substantial golden dragon, carrying the coercion of destroying nine heavens and ten earths, directly with the momentum of thunder, ruthlessly struck Came over.

Ye Luo's eyes were slightly cold, this move was full of endless murderous intent, he wanted to kill Fatty directly!

"Straight punch, break it for me!"

Ye Luo stood alone, his eyes were icy cold, facing the huge semi-substantial golden dragon condensed with spiritual energy, under the attention of everyone, Ye Luo threw his first punch.

With a punch, there was no fancy, the golden sky burst out from his body, and the air around the punch seemed to be evacuated.


The fist collided directly with the semi-substantial golden dragon, and the half-foot-thick marble slab ten feet in front of Ye Luo was completely shattered and turned into a burst of smoke and dust. The violent shock wave scattered away, causing the nearest monks onlookers, They all retreated involuntarily.

The autumn wind blew up, and the smoke and dust flew up, covering Ye Luo's figure.

"Damn, it's over, just this one move, that astral waste, won't it just be so useless?" There was a flash of shock in the eyes of a powerful disciple who had received Huo Aotian's powerful blow.

"It's just a trash star, and you still want to fight with Brother Huo Aotian? You will definitely be bombarded into flying ash with a palm!" A disciple of Longshou Peak looked arrogant and disdainful.

"No, he's not dead, he's unscathed, and he broke the real dragon seal with one punch!" A holy son of the holy land had a strange aura fluctuating on his body, his eyes were strange, and a hint of surprise flashed in his voice.

"Have you seen it clearly? Is it the Tiangang Body Refining Technique of the Tiangang Sect?" The patriarch of a Wannian family, with a dignified expression, asked an old man beside him.

"It's the Tiangang body training technique. In ancient times, it was the only training method of the body training sect. It has disappeared now. This kid has a bit of a chance, but unfortunately, it is absolutely impossible to win with only the Tiangang body training technique." Too arrogant." The old man shook his head.

"It's no pity. After all, he is just a casual cultivator from the city. He doesn't have any resources or backing. He's as humble as an ant. He can't compare with a proud man like Huo Aotian. It's just a pity that he doesn't have any The legendary Heavenly Book Swallowing Scroll."


With a collision of moves, under the attention of everyone, discussions suddenly arose.

The most cheating physique, which is rare to meet in ten thousand years, collided with the most favored son of Longshou Peak, which has an incomparable attraction. Even a few people at the level of hidden antiques couldn't help but glance at this side.

When the smoke cleared, Ye Luo didn't rush up directly, but blocked the fat man who hadn't fully recovered.

Although Ye Luo didn't know what happened to the fat man, Ye Luo could clearly feel that there seemed to be a terrifying existence hidden in the fat man's body, and with the fat man's current strength, he couldn't control it at all.

"I want to announce something!" At this moment, an old man with gray hair and a serious face, holding an old yellow scroll in his hand, took two steps forward and said something, and then he spoke again, Said: "Ye Luo has already joined our Big Bamboo Peak, from now on Ye Luo is our little junior brother of Big Bamboo Peak!"

"Yes, yes! This battle not only represents the battle between himself and Huo Aotian, but also represents a battle between our Dazhufeng and Longshoufeng. Fifth Junior Brother, our Dazhufeng people have not seen each other for many years. Have you fought with the people from Longshou Peak?" A middle-aged man with a medicine jar in his hand, slovenly, and chattering, also shouted quite excitedly.

"It seems to be the same." The old man with an ancient scroll in his hand twirled his beard.

"The people from Big Bamboo Valley don't seem to be good at fighting. Where did you recruit this little junior? It seems that he is quite good at fighting." The middle-aged man with a medicine jar in his hand spoke seriously.

The abrupt opening of the two of them caused everyone present to be stunned.

Afterwards, some powerful figures of the older generation spoke with strange expressions, and said: "The background and strength of each of the seven veins of the Shangqing Sect is comparable to the Holy Land, and the combination of the seven veins is even more powerful than the Holy Land. However, Since ancient times, among the seven veins, Dazhufeng seems to have been in a very strange state, always trying to split and become independent."

"It is rumored that the population of Dazhu Peak is extremely rare, and there are only seven or eight people left in this generation, and most of the seven or eight people are all kinds of strange things, among them there are even butchers who kill pigs, vendors who set up street stalls, etc. The chef of the restaurant...these two are quite normal, a nerd and a medicine jar." A middle-aged monk's mouth twitched.

"When did the star join Dazhufeng? Dazhufeng has not accepted newcomers for many years. Although Dazhufeng has all kinds of wonderful things, but the master of Dazhufeng, in ancient times, was an existence who was shoulder to shoulder with the master. It is more difficult to worship Dazhufeng than to become a direct disciple of Longshoufeng, how did this star do it?"

"Dazhufeng has always been the weakest of the seven veins of the Shangqing Sect, except for the master of Dazhufeng."

On the high platform of the square, a few powerful and terrifying elders from the Longshou Peak of the Shangqing Zong, saw these two strange creatures suddenly come out and start making trouble, their faces turned livid.

All the powerful and mysterious monks in the holy lands, the ten thousand year old family, the unknowable land, the Western Regions, the Yunmeng Swamp, and the Hundred Thousand Mountains all looked at this scene of the Qingzong with different expressions.

Everyone's eyes could not help but focus on Ye Luo and Huo Aotian.

"Where is there so much nonsense, heh, you think you have practiced the Tiangang body training technique and embarked on the road of cultivation, and you are my opponent?" Huo Aotian saw through Ye Luo's cultivation method at a glance, and then the corner of his mouth flickered A touch of contemptuous ridicule, and then said: "Now, let me show you what the gap is."

"Ancient War Seal: Ice Soul!" Huo Aotian's voice was cold, and an extremely cold breath erupted from him.

(End of this chapter)

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