Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 567 Confronting Huo Aotian

Chapter 567 Confronting Huo Aotian (3 more votes requested)
Yu Ji's face was pale. After the donkey spoke, she suddenly looked at the old man holding an ancient book in his hand, and said, "Uncle Wu, did you give him the last page?"

"Give it to him, the younger brother understood it overnight, and it's just as the younger martial uncle guessed back then, that page may only be comprehended by body cultivators." The old man with an ancient book in his hand nodded solemnly.

Afterwards, the old man scratched his head again, and said: "However, just now, my junior brother and Huo Aotian used Ice Soul at the same time, I don't know why, according to what my junior uncle left back then, it should have the same power, but just now The collision of the younger brother seems to be stronger."

"Woof, woof, what are you talking about? Hey! Why are you still alive, you nerd? Didn't you get pulled away by the ghost chariot of the Styx?" The donkey looked at the man holding an ancient book in his hand old man.

On the square, donkeys, pigs, Zhou Xiaoyu and Yu Ji arrived, all eyes were still looking at Ye Luo in shock.

Huo Aotian was also shocked, his brows were tightly frowned, and then, a more terrifying murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and his hands formed a seal again, and as the seal condensed, the entire huge square suddenly went dark.

The cool autumn sun was actually blocked by a murderous darkness.

"Forbidden technique: division of yin and yang!"

When the voice fell, the darkness suddenly became thicker, as if the entire square was completely separated from the outside world, and a horrible murderous intent from hell, and the aura of destroying the world burst out quietly, and in the darkness, it surged towards Ye Luo from all directions .

"Huo Aotian used his real hole card. The forbidden technique is too high to divide yin and yang. I remember that this is a kind of supreme thaumaturgy created by the No. 13 head of the Qing Dynasty in the ancient period. It is said that it can be cultivated. To Dacheng, it is enough to separate Yin and Yang.

However, it is absolutely impossible to comprehend without supreme talent, as well as the ability to comprehend against the sky and a long time, and Huo Aotian even comprehended this! "Many people couldn't help but retreat, wanting to get out of the darkness.

"Forbidden technique: division of yin and yang!"

However, when many people were shocked and terrified, there was an equally terrifying voice in the darkness. Countless people couldn't help but froze when they heard this voice.

"What? That trash can't even know this, can he? This is the forbidden technique of the Shang Qingzong. Only the absolute disciples of the Shang Qingzong can perform it in the whole world. It's impossible for him to know it?"

"This trash, no, what the hell is this trash? A monster! How could he do it?"

Several old and frighteningly old monks at Longshou Peak couldn't help but stand up at this moment.

Darkness enveloped the entire square, like the breath from hell. In the center of the square, the most violent collision took place. Some birds flew over the sky thousands of miles, but when they passed over the square, they died and fell silently.

Chu Xiaohuan wiped off the blood on his mouth, and said nervously, "That fellow Ye Luo, is there anything wrong?"

Zhou Xiaoyu held Chu Xiaohuan with his left hand and Yang Ying with his right, and whispered a few words into their ears. The eyes of the two of them immediately widened. Chu Xiaohuan said in shock, "Ye Luo is so powerful!" How is it possible, he really..."

"Woof, woof, nerd, what's the matter with Ye Luo, he was able to copy Huo Aotian's forbidden technique, what the hell, you wouldn't give him the last page, would you? The emperor asked you so many times, but you didn't give it back, and you gave it to this guy!" The donkey seemed to remember something, and couldn't help being furious.

"You peeked at the last page so many times, but you still couldn't comprehend it, so you finally had to give up. Do you think I don't know?" The old man glared at the donkey.

The donkey froze, and said: "Wow! Damn it, it's an old story, let it dry wool..."

for a long time.

Darkness dissipated.

Most of the monks finally saw the scene inside, Ye Luo was still standing calmly, but Huo Aotian's clothes had a sharp cut.

Countless people were even more shocked. Looking at Ye Luo, it was more like looking at a monster against the sky, and even surpassed the cognition of ordinary monks.

However, this is just a frozen afterimage.

Because, when everyone saw this scene, behind Huo Aotian, a semi-substantial natal avatar that overwhelmed the world, Haishenglongdao, had suddenly appeared.

At the same time, at the moment when the darkness dissipated and the natal avatar behind Huo Aotian rose, Huo Aotian pulled out an ancient sword from behind. The flowers and plants withered instantly.

When the sword fell, there were endless souls howling on the sword body, with killing intent permeated, tearing the void, and directly slashed towards Ye Luo.

"Taishang Fengmojian! Shangqing Zong's desolate ancient sword, the people of Longshou Peak actually gave this sword to Huo Aotian!"

"The astral body, do you have any hole cards? How did he use his previous battle seal and forbidden technique? It's like copying!"

In the crowd, Baguio's eyes were still cold, and finally he spoke again, shocked: "Sure enough, it is the forbidden technique in the restricted area of ​​Miaojiang. It can copy other people's battle seals and secret techniques, but it can only be copied at the same level. His cultivation level, Is it already equal to Huo Aotian?"

"Huo Aotian was forced to use the Taishang Demon Sword. This sword, even the terrifying Huo Aotian, may not be able to completely control it? That trash star can actually force Huo Aotian to such an extent ?” A holy lady of the Holy Land was shocked.

"Trash? Force? You haven't seen it clearly enough. In this battle, the astral body has been fighting against Huo Aotian." Beside the saint, an old man of antique level looked at Ye Luo, and then he was silent for a while, He opened the mouth and said: "An unprecedented great world has come. The mysteries of the ages, the inheritance of the great emperor, the cemetery of gods and demons, the coffin of Nine Dragons, etc., may all be lifted to the real veil."

"Then now, Huo Aotian has pulled out the Supreme Sealing Demon Sword, that waste, no, how will the astral body deal with it?" The saint didn't seem to care about what the old man said behind her, she still looked at Ye Luo with her beautiful eyes.

Pick it up, sword down!
The killing intent tore through the void, the Taishang Demon Sealing Sword and thousands of souls cried out, shaking the sky and the earth.

Ye Luo didn't dodge or dodge, the murderous intent hidden in his body, and the domineering arrogance of a generation of war doctors who looked down on the world, completely exploded, and he jumped straight up, his blood boiled with terror, and he roared: "Suppress me!"

Ye Luo exploded completely.

Ye Luo actually punched out directly, and with an iron fist, he slammed the Taishang Demon Sword abruptly. At the same time, Ye Luo's other hand quickly condensed a strange mark.

Someone was shocked suddenly and shouted: "Is he crazy? How dare he resist the Taishang Demon Sword with a mere flesh and blood body! What is he going to do? The Taishang Demon Sword has beheaded a saint-level existence!"

"Uncle Ye, be careful!"

(End of this chapter)

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