Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 570 Huo Aotian, die!

Chapter 570 Huo Aotian, die!
Fist pressed the array pattern crystal, the crystal cracked little by little, and Huo Aotian's body was also bent little by little.

Great attention!


At this time, there was a sound of the crystal about to shatter.

Huo Aotian's eyes were completely blood red, and his face was completely distorted. Suddenly, before the crystal shattered, he quietly stretched out his other hand, and grabbed Ye Luo's fist firmly.

At this moment, an extremely strange pendant on his chest suddenly shattered, and a monster exuding endless corruption, like a silk snake but not a snake, a dragon and not a dragon, suddenly appeared from hell.

The monster appeared very abruptly, once it appeared, it devoured Ye Luo directly!

The breath is against the sky!

"It's something in the Huanyue Cave, the ancient creature, the Corroded Flood Dragon, this is Huo Aotian's real trump card. This Corrupted Flood Dragon is a terrifying existence that can devour the foundation-building stage!" A powerful man of the Holy Land stood up suddenly.

"Is this still a competition for the younger generation?" The eyes of a big man from the Wannian family shrank quietly.

"It turns out that what Huo Aotian brought out from the Illusory Moon Cave of Longshou Peak is this terrifying thing. It is rumored that there are ancient creatures in the depths of the Illusory Moon Cave. Now it seems that the news is somewhat true."

"The people of Longshou Peak are completely shameless. First they acquiesced to Huo Aotian's use of the large formation, and now they acquiesce to Huo Aotian's use of the Corrosion Flood Dragon. Heh, shameless people are really invincible." Someone mocked.

"You guys are really shameless!" Seeing this, the nerdy old man trembled in anger, and moved his hands directly, wanting to strike directly, but at this moment, a mighty Dragon Shoufeng suddenly blocked him Standing in front of the nerdy old man, he said lightly: "This is Huo Aotian's spiritual pet, which conforms to the rules of battle."

"What, using an ancient creature as a spiritual pet? Huo Aotian, this is..." A monk was shocked.

Even some holy sons of the holy land couldn't help being moved when they heard the words, the Corrupted Flood, this kind of ancient creature was accepted by Huo Aotian as a spiritual pet, and it was released at this time?

"Donkey, aren't you my Uncle Ye's spiritual pet? Go and help Uncle Ye!" Zhou Xiaoyu was shocked and grabbed the donkey's head.

"Woof woof! Damn it, I'm not a spiritual pet, I'm a dog king!" The donkey man stood upright, and then said: "I don't think I can beat this rotten dragon now!"

In the arena, the Corroding Flood Dragon opened its bloody mouth and devoured Ye Luo directly. The breath seemed to come from the depths of the Nine Nethers. However, just as it was about to swallow Ye Luo completely, in Ye Luo's pocket, a long The chubby thing like a bridge suddenly swelled countless times like a balloon.

In the next second, that chubby thing directly opened a more terrifying mouth like a black hole, with endless attraction in the mouth, and directly swallowed that ancient creature, the Corrupted Flood Dragon!

The body of the Corroded Flood Dragon froze, and the terrifying aura on his body paused, a hint of horror appeared in his eyes, he turned around and wanted to run, but it was already too late.


The entire huge Corroded Flood Dragon was swallowed in one gulp, without even the ability to react at all!
In the next second, the wind stopped and the clouds dispersed. The chubby thing that was as long as a bridge shrank instantly and got back into Ye Luo's pocket again.


Ye Luo's iron fist also completely shattered the crystal in Huo Aotian's hand, hitting his chest with his fist, causing bones to shatter and blood to splatter.

Huo Aotian hit the ground!
Huo Aotian vomited blood, he who had always been aloof, was defeated by a waste, and fell into extreme madness in an instant, under the eyes of everyone, he collapsed directly.

The moment he landed, he looked quietly at Chu Xiaohuan who was not far away, and a dark light hidden in his hand fell directly towards Chu Xiaohuan in terror.

He wanted to kill Ye Luo's closest relatives,
Ye Luo's eyes shrank fiercely, and he was furious instantly. Ye Luo never thought that at this moment, Huo Aotian would attack Chu Xiaohuan. He almost didn't think about it. Ye Luo's body moved suddenly, and at the critical moment, Blocked in front of this dark light.


That pitch-black light pierced directly through Ye Luo's left chest, and a pitch-black dagger, exuding a terrifying aura, remained on Ye Luo's body.

Ye Luo pulled out the pitch-black dagger and roared angrily, "Die to me!"

Ye Luo was furious, and kicked directly towards Huo Aotian's face, smashing it down!
"do not want!"


"Shuzi, you dare!"

"If you dare to hurt Huo Aotian, I will kill you..."


However, Ye Luo's feet had already fallen, blood splashed, and Huo Aotian's face was directly crushed!

The action stopped abruptly!

Breath cut off!

The autumn wind is slightly cool, and the autumn sun is slightly warm. The sunlight passes through the towering ancient trees around the square, and falls on the white jade slabs in mottled patterns, swaying silently.

Ye Luo's figure is lonely and cold.

All the voices stopped abruptly at this moment.

Breath cut off!

The autumn wind is slightly cool, and the autumn sun is slightly warm. The sunlight passes through the towering trees around the square, and falls on the white jade slabs in mottled patterns, swaying silently.

Ye Luo's figure is lonely and cold.

All the voices stopped abruptly at this moment.

A one-year appointment?
Around the square, countless pairs of eyes were focused on Ye Luo's body. Blood was flowing from his left chest, and he was stepping on the dead Huo Aotian under his feet.

A battle, how much is hidden, and how many mysteries?

"The last thing, is the Xianqiao Beast?" I don't know how long it took, and finally someone spoke in a very shocking voice. When he looked at Ye Luo again, his throat moved, and he said, "He..."

"How many secrets does he hide?"

The nerdy old man in Dazhufeng and the middle-aged man in the medicine pot also looked a little silly, and the old man said, "Win?"

Yu Ji, who was exuding the scent of books, looked at Ye Luo with a pale face, and said, "This young man, no, this man, what has he experienced in the past ten months?" ?”

"Senior Sister Lu, he won." Bizhu, who was wearing a water-green dress, looked at the woman who was white and snowy.

"Su Mu, he won." Mo Shanshan said in the crowd.

Shang Qingzong, a great power of Longshou Peak, after being extremely shocked, a flash of incomparable anger flashed in his eyes. Under the attention of everyone, he suddenly walked towards Ye Luo, and said word by word: "You Why don't you stop!"

The nerdy old man of Dazhufeng quietly stood in front of Ye Luo, twirling his beard, holding an ancient scroll tightly in his hand, and said, "What do you want to do? He is my junior brother at Dazhufeng now!"


The atmosphere in the square was tense, but no one noticed that among the crowd of casual cultivators, a girl dressed in black and with eyes as cold as spring had left here at some point.

At the end of the war, she had already appeared in the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain of Shang Qingzong, on the bank of the end of the Styx River.

"Father, what's the matter with you summoning me so urgently with Mingyin?" Baguio looked at the back of a middle-aged man who looked like a ghostly mountain.

"Someone is going to move the Styx Forbidden Land in advance. That person wants to blow up the Styx Forbidden Land before Shang Qingzong and other major forces, and pour the water of the Styx River back into Shang Qingzong, and among the seven veins of Shangqingzong, the Longshou Peak is the most powerful, but Longshou Peak occupies the largest dragon vein in Donghuang, and its terrain is the lowest peak. According to that person's calculation, the water of the Styx River is enough to submerge Longshou Peak and trap all major forces. people.

If this move is really successful, together with that person, we can look for that thing along the bed of the river Styx, which has never dried up in the eternal capital. "The middle-aged man spoke.

"What? Who is the person who is going to blow up the River Styx?" Baguio couldn't help but tremble.

"Qin Shihuang!" The middle-aged man stared at the end of the Styx River, the prow of the black-clad boat, and above the wind lantern, the imprint of a grimace that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and seemed dry and not crying. He was slightly stunned, and then said: "That Something seems to have something to do with the rumored Heavenly Book Swallowing Scroll."

(End of this chapter)

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