Chapter 594 Kill me! (3 more requests for votes)

In the mist, under the moonlight, a cloud of blood mist exploded.

Among the four ninjas who were still alive, three of them burst out the terrifying aura that they had sealed themselves, and the ninja who rushed forward couldn't help but pause with frightened anger and murderous intent.

The others, at this moment, also froze slightly, turned their heads suddenly, and looked at the place where the blood mist burst.

Among the four ninjas, the only one didn't break the seal, and hid tightly in the corner of the three graves. The ninja who was protected by the other three ninjas who broke the seal, was headshot by this sudden shot. !
How did you do it?
That place is obviously a dead corner covered by three graves.

At this moment, almost no one could understand it, but then, following a dark hole in a dark hole where weeds swayed, some soil suddenly collapsed on the easternmost grave, and only then did everyone see the truth clearly.

Under the powerful Barrett sniper rifle, the soft soil on the grave mound was not much of a hindrance at all. Barrett's bullet passed through the mound mound and directly blasted the only one hidden behind that did not break the seal. A ninja with a more noble status.

This shot seemed to be a blind shot!
In this world where hot weapons are nearly eliminated, almost no monks are interested in firearms anymore. However, in the extremely weird environment of the Styx forbidden area, in less than two seconds, a total of There are five powerful ninjas who have died under the gun.

Three of them were beaten to death by Lan Xiaoqian.

The first shot, one shot headshot a ninja, passed through the first ninja, the powerful Bartley sniper bullet, and smashed the head of the second ninja, one shot shot two heads, the second shot, blind shot, Passing through the grave, he blew up a protected ninja with a noble status.

After turning their heads for a short while, everyone turned their eyes again and looked at Lan Xiaoqian.

Lan Xiaoqian froze for a moment, still a little dazed.

what did she do?
Lan Xiaoqian didn't know either, the first shot was fired by Ye Luona, who was a rookie in a panic, and the second shot was fired by Ye Luona's seemingly casual pull, eyes closed. from.

What do these two guns have to do with her?

It was all shot by her, there must have been, but it seems not, is it luck?

It seems that it has something to do with that rookie Ye Luo.

It's just that his unpromising appearance has nothing to do with him, he did it on purpose, it's impossible, he's a rookie.


After a very brief death-like silence, the three ninjas who had broken the seal once again erupted with even more terrifying fright and fury, and a crazily murderous intent.

All their coercion and murderous intent were crushed towards Lan Xiaoqian.

It seemed that Lan Xiaoqian's two shots killed them with unbearable consequences.

"Death to me!"

Three terrifying figures, carrying an extremely terrifying aura, rushed towards Lan Xiaoqian frantically.

"Don't be ashamed!"


Nangong Qingshu held an ancient yellow-brown captive with a faint yellow halo in his hand. He had already erupted a powerful aura and stopped one of the terrifying ninjas.

When he made a move, the terrifying natal aura belonging to the foundation-building cultivator behind him suddenly exploded. The natal aura behind him turned out to be an ancient and terrifying tomb.

At the same time, the perfect and lonely woman also broke out directly, and a more mysterious natal avatar appeared behind her. Her natal avatar was: Thousands of miles in the evening snow, a ghost boat with a black awning in a lonely island and deep lake!
The two of them made a move, and suddenly stopped the same two ninjas who erupted in their natal forms, and a terrifying battle erupted directly.

However, the third ninja rushed over.

"Help Lan Xiaoqian!"

In an emergency, the perfect and lonely woman, Yue Jiangyue, suddenly heard a cold and clear voice. Nangong Qingshu's subordinates, and another female cultivator of Lan Xiaoqian's same school, also erupted almost at the same time, and rushed towards this side.

Lan Xiaoqian still hadn't figured it out, but now she didn't have time to think too much, she gritted her silver teeth lightly, and pulled out an ancient talisman, bursting out the aura on her body, and unexpectedly a natal amulet rose behind her, Clear water and light boats, willows on both banks.

However, the aura of her natal aura is obviously much weaker than that of Nangong Qingshu and Yue Jiangyue, as if she had just successfully established her foundation.

"Rookie, step back and find a place to hide!" Lan Xiaoqian hurriedly shouted to Ye Luo, with a strong aura flowing from her body, the figure suddenly rushed out, and even directly met the ninja who rushed over with a palm.

Seeing this, Ye Luo couldn't help shrinking his eyes severely.

Is it the foundation period?
Huo Aotian, as the most talented monk in the Longshou peak of the Shangqing sect, has only half-step foundation building. These few people who seem to be younger than Huo Aotian have all established their foundations ?


Ye Luo was shocked and puzzled, but this doubt lingered in Ye Luo's mind for a few seconds before it was resolved, because Ye Luo quickly figured it out, Huo Aotian's talent is indeed powerful, but he is a master of heaven and earth. Change the previous monk.

After the great change of the world, he only practiced for ten months.

But the Yanhuang Holy Land and the people from the Nangong family in front of them are all geniuses who were sealed by the sect in ancient times, and they were monks who didn't break the seal until the world changed.

To be precise, they are monks from the ancient times, but at a certain point in the ancient times, they were sealed by the sect's supreme sealing formation.

Although they are young, their cultivation time definitely exceeds ten months, or even ten years.

Enlightened, Ye Luo raised his head again.

A sudden battle broke out, and it has been divided into three groups. The ninjas of the three island countries, Fusang Holy Land, all seem to be middle-aged, and their strength is extremely terrifying.

The perfect and lonely woman, Yue Jiangyue, with the terrifying natal law behind her back, and a powerful ninja in front of her, can only fight to a tie. The battle between the two of them is the most terrifying, and there are traces of shattering in the void. .

However, Nangong Qingshu fought against another ninja, but kept backing away. The terrifying attack power of that ninja made him unable to bear it at all. His face was flushed, and he could barely support it temporarily.

As for Lan Xiaoqian, five people fought against one ninja. However, it was the most critical one. There were so many people, it was useless at all. The middle-aged and powerful ninja carried the power of heaven and earth with every attack.

In the blink of an eye, two of Nangong Qingshu's subordinates were swept away by a mysterious combat technique, and they were seriously injured in the air.

The two were swept away, and the pressure on Lan Xiaoqian, another senior sister from the same school, and one of Nangong Qingshu's subordinates was even greater. The island ninja showed a cold grin on his face, and said word by word: "You have to give I die!"

Ye Luo felt a cold crisis from that terrifying ninja, his eyes narrowed, and he reached into the supplies of the group of people on his back, and took out four or five compression grenades. At the same time, another With one hand, he silently drew out the small blood-red sword.

(End of this chapter)

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