Chapter 803
Without a single extra word, the surrounding atmosphere suddenly became cold.

On the side of Zhongzhou Xingchen Academy, the complexion of a group of powerful, profound and mysterious students changed slightly. For that powerful young, unofficial, student who was in the assessment period, he wanted to stand in front of Ye Feihong and the teacher. , Forcibly showing off, they originally just took it as a joke.

Although, from the bottom of their hearts, they despise this kind of arrogant young students who do not know the heights of the sky and the earth during the informal assessment period. Even many older students have basically seen that this student, after returning to Zhongzhou, will basically Be eliminated.

However, before that, after all, he had a little relationship with their academy.

But in front of him, this area in Donghuang only has the fifth level of Qi training, and the seemingly vulnerable monks like ants just ignore him, and even all of them, and never look at them from the beginning to the end. It made many students in the academy turn slightly cold.

When they arrived in Donghuang, or even in Zhongzhou, none of the younger generation dared to do this in front of them!

Is it ignoring?

Among the students of Zhongzhou Academy, a teacher who looked like a young woman in teacher's clothes, but had a frightening aura, seemed to have a slight strangeness in his eyes, and looked at Ye Luo.

Not only that, there were a few monks with extremely powerful auras more than 20 steps away from Zhongzhou Academy, who seemed to have seen this scene.

On the clothes they were wearing, there was a strange rune that resembled a purple dragon.

"Hahaha, I didn't think so, the powerful and ancient Zhongzhou Xingchen Academy, in the Eastern Wilderness of this barbaric land, was so directly ignored by an ant on the fifth level of Qi training?" Among the group of powerful monks , a strong man with a surprisingly strong body, with an ancient blood tattoo of Pixiu engraved on his arm, suddenly laughed wildly.

In the original academy, some students whose faces were already slightly cold, became even colder when they heard this sentence.

However, Ye Feihong, and the young man in black clothes, black shoes and black sword beside Ye Feihong, did not change their expressions. The young man in black clothes, black shoes and black sword just looked at Ye Feihong lightly, and said: Just a chance meeting?"

"Oh, maybe a little more." Ye Feihong smiled innocently again, touched the tip of her hair with her fingers, looked at the young and arrogant student who had approached Ye Luo, and looked at the strong man who spoke, suddenly Said: "During the time we came to Donghuang, a lot of things seemed to have happened in Zhongzhou. People from the Demon God Temple have all been born. Rumor has it that a real young man with a real Huanggutian demon body appeared in the Demon God Temple."

"The group of people in front of you are the people from the Demon God Temple. Did you see the young man on the left side of the strong man in the middle of them, the young man who looked thin and coughed all the time? He is the one who has the powerful sky demon body according to the rumors. Brother." The young man in black, black sword and black shoes said lightly.

Ye Luo's gaze was fixed on him from the beginning to the end, what was in front of him was just one blow away, it would collapse, the first volume of the Book of Heaven would be born, and the ghost mountain where Emperor Amaterasu would definitely show up!
From the beginning to the end, Ye Luo didn't pay much attention to these mysterious people from Zhongzhou.

The shocking situation has been completed, just wait for the Heaven-Defying Emperor Tu!

It's just that, before Ghost Mountain, all the terrifying attacks came to a standstill for a while before the last blow from the giant of the ages, and everyone seemed to be aware of this.

Almost everyone who peeked at the first volume of the Heavenly Book was secretly preparing something at this moment of stagnation.

The last blow, unexpectedly at this moment, froze and did not fall!
Even the ancient giant who launched a terrifying and frenzied attack earlier stopped silently. He seemed to be waiting for something, and he seemed to be observing his surroundings. He seemed to understand very well that if he just dropped the final blow like this, he would not It's so easy, taking away the first volume of the Heavenly Book, it's also possible that he is someone from a certain terrifying power, and he is waiting for orders!

The reason for the stop was that the various forces behind the scenes who were secretly trying to obtain the first volume of the Book of Heaven were quickly deducing the invisible game in secret. Once the final blow fell, everyone knew that it would trigger an unprecedented terrorist battle.

There are too many unpredictable variables in this battle that is enough to be recorded in history! .

Ye Luo frowned.


Time was running short, Ye Luo quickly counted the time in his mind, suddenly, a ruthless look flashed in Ye Luo's eyes, and Ye Luo touched the communication talisman on his waist.

Can't stop!

Ye Luo wanted to notify the people in Cihangzhai, and let them drop the last blow!
"Ant, what did you just say, you dare to say let me go!" During that unofficial assessment period, a powerful student of Jindan high-level had already walked to Ye Luo's side.

The aura on his body became more and more terrifying. He approached Ye Luo, walked two steps away, stretched out his powerful fingers and pointed at Ye Luo's head. His attitude was extremely arrogant, and he even wanted to stab Ye Luo to death with one finger. lo.

"Just like you, I can poke something to death with just one finger, how dare you..."


Ye Luo's gaze was still looking at Guishan, but his hand moved a bit. In the next moment, Ye Luo's hand was already on the young and arrogant student's finger pointing at his head, calmly and fiercely. Fold back sharply.

That finger has been broken.

Under Ye Luo's frighteningly powerful power, the thick layer of defensive aura on his fingers didn't have any effect at all.

Next, without waiting for the monk to react, Ye Luo let out a scream, and Ye Luo's other hand turned around and slapped him on the face!

On the palm, a golden light suddenly appeared. At this moment, Ye Luo used the body training method of the Vajra Sect. Under the same level, at such a short distance, a body training cultivator can definitely crush a Qi training cultivator when fighting with his body.

Ye Luo's hand directly broke the powerful aura defense on his face, directly broke his face, the bones that were pulled out, blood splashed, and his whole body was violently blown away!


Before the young and arrogant monk could react at all, his whole body was completely blown away. He was in the air, and finally let out a shrill scream.

Ye Luo's speed was too fast, not to mention him, even Zhongzhou Academy and Yaoshen Temple, few people really reacted, everything was too abrupt.

A monk at the fifth level of qi training, in less than a second, abolished a student of Star Academy who was a high-level Golden Core and was in the assessment period?How can this be?

You must know that even if you want to become a student during the assessment period, you must be a genius with a strong physique. Even the direct disciples of ordinary thousand-year-old families may not have this qualification!
(End of this chapter)

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