Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 805 Sword Slashing Ghost Mountain

Chapter 805 Sword Slashing Ghost Mountain (3 more tickets requested)
or go?
As soon as the strong man finished speaking, there were several breaths of anger in Zhongzhou Xingchen Academy, and the monk who was about to speak was choked back abruptly.

What do they mean they dare not even fart?
They haven't even had time to speak and do it!

However, Ye Luo rolled another word, facing that strong man who is very famous among the young generation in Zhongzhou, he uttered it indifferently, which really made everyone feel a strange feeling.

Just now Ye Luo made a move, and basically everyone can see clearly that Ye Luo's real strength is the existence of the Vajra Sect, a high-level existence in the Transcendent Realm. This realm is not too weak among the younger generation.

It can barely be called a strong talent.

However, what he was facing was the mysterious and weird person from the Demon God Temple, or that bald and strong man known for his brutality!

How dare you say fuck off?
"Hahaha! Kid, you are very kind!" The strong man with the blood tattoo on his body couldn't help laughing wildly, but a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

Ye Luo didn't say a word, but his footsteps didn't stop.

At the same time, Ye Luo was distracted and observed the restoration of the Dementor clock in the neck.

"Fire Beast, Magma Beast!"

Seeing Ye Luo's footsteps, the strong man in the demon temple with blood tattoos continued to move forward, the anger in his eyes became more intense, and an extremely powerful and mysterious symbol was directly condensed on his hands.

Following his sudden attack, the two mysterious storage bags around his waist suddenly moved. In the pockets, there were two extremely violent and terrifying strikes. From a distance, people could feel a terrifying heat. The breath burst out suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, two five-meter-tall monsters with scorching hot auras and shocking red monsters appeared quietly in front of Ye Luo.

In the storage pocket of that strong man, there were actually two strange beasts!

Ye Luo had never seen this kind of fighting method before, and he directly sacrificed the strange beast. After being shocked, his body suddenly tensed up, and he couldn't help but retreat slightly.

However, there was no worry in Ye Luo's heart. On the contrary, Ye Luo's eyes suddenly lit up!
"Hahaha, get back, are you afraid? It's too late! The fire beast and the magma beast, I managed to escape from the edge of the ancient forbidden land, and I subdued two beasts that can kill a half-step Nascent Soul!
Not to mention you, even the younger ordinary geniuses in Zhongzhou can only run away when they see my two strange beasts. However, others say that I am murderous, but in fact, that just pissed me off in the case of.

If you are afraid, kneel on the ground, kowtow to me a hundred times, call me grandpa ten thousand times, and hand over everything on your body, maybe I can spare your dog's life! "The strong man's voice was loud and violent.

He seems to be showing off on purpose, his powerful beast!
He enjoyed the powerful shock brought by these two strange beasts every time they appeared.

Around, many monks of the younger generation who saw these two strange beasts changed their expressions slightly.

Ye Luo's eyes became brighter at this moment, and the plan in his heart had been perfected in just a few short words.

Ye Luo suddenly moved.

Ye Luo suddenly squeezed his heart fiercely. In the heart, the breath of the eternal beast was squeezed out again. A half-inch long red line floated out of Ye Luo's body.

Following the sudden appearance of this half-inch-long red thread, an ancient, vicissitudes, subtle aura erupted silently.

Ordinary monks can't feel it at all.

However, in front of Ye Luo, the two terrifying beasts that originally wanted to approach Ye Luo and directly suppress Ye Luo seemed to feel something at this moment.

Their bodies froze at first, and then a trace of suspicion appeared in their eyes. Then, following the half-inch long red line, they were completely forced out of their bodies, and their breath became stronger and stronger. Those two terrifying strange beasts, Intense fear finally broke out in his eyes.

Among the alien beasts, the level is extremely terrifying. The high-level alien beasts have absolute coercion against the low-level alien beasts, and the eternal beast, Ran, has a level that has even exceeded the range of alien beasts.

Those two strange beasts trembled in fear, first retreated violently, and then their legs softened at the same time, and they knelt down on the ground, their bodies crawling and trembling.

They all felt it, and it was so real that they, who were so strong, felt extreme fear, and they didn't even have the courage to look at it.

This scene appeared suddenly, the strong man was stunned, and all the people who saw this scene were also stunned.

All the people suddenly looked at Ye Luo, who in their eyes was like an ant before, who could play around at will.

what happened?

The scholar with a refined temperament also looked at Ye Luo suddenly.

But at this moment, Ye Luo's eyes suddenly burst into a ruthless look.

I saw that Ye Luo's figure moved suddenly, and first he punched violently on the chin of the strong man who was very close to him. This time, without hiding anything, he directly used the sacrificial power of his left hand.


That tough, terrifying strong man, as a member of the Demon God Temple, all his strength is basically above the alien beast he controlled. When the alien beast was suddenly crawled and trembled, his strength had already been weakened by half. Suddenly, the distance was so close that he had no time to dodge.

His jaw was actually smashed into pieces!

Ye Luo looked cold.

However, Ye Luo didn't stop because of this. Immediately afterwards, Ye Luo suddenly used the secret technique in the Vajra Gate body training method, the arrow of blood energy. This imprint, Ye Luo had already condensed out the moment he shot it. .

The bloody arrow is not very powerful, but it is a long-distance and large-scale attack.

At this moment, Ye Luo divided hundreds of condensed blood arrows into three directions, and attacked Zhongzhou Xingchen Academy, Yaoshen Temple, and the mysterious scholar.

"Heh! People from Zhongzhou? In my opinion, they are just rubbish. Do you really think you are very good?" Ye Luo's figure was cold, but before the words fell, Ye Luo's figure was already crazy He rushed towards the ghost mountain.

The blood arrow came out, and Ye Luo's figure was faster than the blood arrow.

"What did he say?" A student from Zhongzhou Xingchen Academy, with a terrifying aura in his hand, blocked a blood arrow, and in a rage, suddenly chased after Ye Luo.

In the demon temple, the strong man whose jaw was almost smashed did not pass out. He was even more furious, and the terrifying aura erupted from his body, and he chased after Ye Luo desperately.

In the demon temple, the other two mysterious and powerful men who were friends with the strong men also moved quietly.

The mysterious scholar's terrifying aura also fluctuated a bit. He casually grabbed a powerful blood arrow, twitched it with two fingers, and crushed it casually.

He didn't intend to chase after him at first, but suddenly he seemed to feel a certain special aura that he felt strongly when he was in the island country, his eyes narrowed fiercely, and his figure disappeared strangely.

Some were chasing, while others remained calm.

Ye Luo glanced at the several figures chasing after him, and a ruthless look flashed in his cold eyes. He was only a thousand meters away from Ghost Mountain, and at his speed, he could reach it in almost one breath.

In Ye Luo's hand, he silently took out the tip of Zhu Xian's ancient sword!
Ye Luo's eyes never looked at the person chasing after him!

Around the ghost mountain, there are countless ancient and terrifying powerhouses hidden in the light and in the dark. However, when Ye Luo ran, several other young and powerful figures rushed to the ghost mountain frantically, but no one stopped them.

Because, in the eyes of those ancient, terrifying giants, ancient giants, and even more terrifying existences, these young monks are the real ants.

They can't affect anything!

It's not worth taking action at all. At the same time, they also have concerns. Once they take action at will and kill these young people, if they cause misunderstandings by other forces, then the whole body will be affected if they are pulled, and it may even directly break the current balance. .

These young people are just chasing and killing them!

Ye Luo's figure is getting faster and faster, Ghost Mountain is close at hand!

In Ye Luo's eyes, the madness and cruelty became more and more intense. Cihangzhai's eternal giant has not made a move until now, which means that he is very likely to encounter some troubles. After all, the situation here is too complicated .

The previous attacks and trash talk were all just intentionally attracting pursuit and killing, and they have already deceived people's eyes and ears!

"The last blow, let me do it!" Ye Luo quietly raised the tip of the ancient sword of Zhu Xian, and the crazy power of devouring and sacrificial power poured in at the same time!
(End of this chapter)

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