Chapter 814
Guiyue was blue, and in the communication talisman, Lan Bingyue's voice suddenly sounded, and Ye Luo's body tensed suddenly.

Night wind, slightly cool.

Above the starry sky, the eternal grimace, the ghost ship with a black awning, the coffin of Emperor Loulan, six little paper figurines, and an embroidered shoe that have always existed only in legends or even myths appeared together?

Is it an illusion?

For a long time, even if only one of these four legendary ghosts appeared, it would be enough to shock the world. Now, four of them appear at once?
Everyone, at this moment, was so shocked that they didn't know how to react. Even the ancient giant, at this moment, felt a trembling from the depths of his soul.

Four eternal ghosts appeared together, what are they going to do?
In the starry sky, what is that dark, dry, seemingly ordinary, but absolutely extraordinary ghost hand sticking out from the void?
Four eternity-shattering ghosts appeared, and seemed to surround this ghost hand in a vague way.


Above the starry sky, there seems to be a terrifying coercion, erupting from the four eternal existences that shook the ages, and the endless void has a tendency to be unbearable, such a terrifying coercion, in the void, unexpectedly There are fine cracks!

That dark, withered, seemingly ordinary ghost hand, after a brief pause, suddenly grabbed the first volume of the Heavenly Book again. It was only ten feet away from the first volume of the Heavenly Book!

Its speed is no longer discernible by ordinary people!

However, the moment the ghost hand stretched out its hand, an eternal emperor's pattern appeared in the void. This emperor's pattern had been hidden in the void until the moment it moved, it burst out suddenly.

That emperor pattern, like a moat in the world, burst out with a shocking divine light, blocking the hand from the depths of the void, making it difficult for it to penetrate even an inch.


However, the ghost hand, at the moment it was blocked, violently grabbed the supreme heaven-defying formation pattern. When the hand touched the Wushen pattern, the nine heavens shook, the sun and the moon changed color, and the supremely terrifying emperor pattern unexpectedly Under the grasp of the seemingly ordinary and pitch-black ghost hand, it immediately shattered!

The void was shattered, the emperor's pattern law was shattered, pieces of emperor's pattern law fell from the sky, and fell on the ground. Above the mysterious ancient ghost mine, bottomless pits were smashed out.

The earth shook, as if it was about to sink.

The ghost's hand was clenched again, and the supreme emperor pattern was shattered in a terrifying way.

The emperor's pattern was shattered, and the ghost's hand grabbed it forward again. However, immediately after that, the second, third, and fourth hidden paths, the emperor's pattern that was usually enough to guard the Holy Land of the Eastern Wasteland, appeared here four times in a row.

The ghost hand rioted, and suddenly cut the palm sideways. At this moment, one hand, like a knife, was silently circulating in the hand. Even the ancient giants had never seen the mysterious law.

The next moment, its hand slashed directly towards the emperor pattern.


The three Godless patterns, under this knife, it was like the knife fell on the ice that was frozen to the extreme, bursting out extremely violent fluctuations that people couldn't see clearly.

The supreme emperor pattern fragments burst out again!

And under the knife in one hand, not only cut off the three emperor patterns, but the saber energy that passed through the emperor pattern also fell on the ground far away, with the knife facing the southwest, above the ancient ghost mine in the southwest Suddenly, a gap of sword marks stretching for thousands of miles appeared!
The ground shook violently again, and no matter who it was, even if it was an ancient giant, the places where it was chopped down by the saber energy were directly turned into endless fragments!
The saber energy even stretched across the ancient ghost mine, and fell on the sea of ​​loss, setting off waves against the sky. The next moment, the sea water of the sea of ​​loss flowed back along the huge chasm cut by a knife, and a terrifying A big river was formed in a blink of an eye!
The waves are monstrous and terrifying.

At this moment, the feelings of all those who saw this scene could no longer be described in terms of horror. Above the sky, what is that ghostly hand stretched out from the void?
What could be the body behind the ghost hand?
The mysterious ghost hand, at the moment of slashing down with a knife, grabbed the emperor's pattern again, only a distance of one foot away. At this moment, the heavenly precious Great Emperor's formation pattern seemed to be endless, and four paths appeared again!
Blocked its way again!
Suddenly, the ghost hand paused for a moment. Its hand suddenly turned around and pointed to the coffin of Emperor Loulan above the starry sky. I understand, I don't know what kind of creature it is, and the sound made by it is terrifying.

"You dare to stop me!"

Many supreme ancient giants, the moment they heard this voice, their souls couldn't help trembling again, and there was even a state of being endlessly suppressed by this simple enraged voice.

This is just one sentence.

What does this sentence mean?
Before the first volume of the Heavenly Book, was the endless pattern of the Great Emperor laid down by Loulan's ancient coffin?
When did she lay it down?

Emperor Loulan, as the most mysterious emperor in the ancient times, is so terrifying even after his death, is it against the sky?
When the flower blooms, the world reigns!
The time is too long, and the endless time has washed away countless heaven-defying figures in the ages. However, among the monks in the practice world, there is not a single person who does not remember this sentence.

Because, this sentence only belonged to Emperor Loulan before his death.

A terrifying voice suddenly came out, but Emperor Loulan's coffin did not move.

"Taiyin finger!"

The ghost hand seemed to see Emperor Loulan's coffin, but it didn't respond. A terrifying and angry breath erupted directly from the seemingly ordinary and withered hand, and between its fingers, a world of oppression was condensed. Avenue of mysterious ancient runes.

As if, with a flick of a finger, the world can be destroyed!
It pointed towards Loulan Emperor's Coffin and popped out with one finger!
A meteor-like, terrifying rune pierced through the void and hit Emperor Loulan's coffin. At this moment, Emperor Loulan's coffin suddenly moved!
On the emperor's coffin, a bright red flower appeared supremely.

It appeared in the void out of thin air, and bloomed in an instant from the state of a budding bud. The youth in an instant, amazed the world, and the supreme rhyme of the Tao flowed against the sky.

At this moment, it seemed that the endless stars and the moon had lost their color in front of this red flower.

At this moment, it seems that all races in the world have an urge to worship.

Hua Xian stopped in front of the emperor's coffin.

That ghostly hand popped out a frightening finger, and it collided with this red flower that was so youthful and astonishing in the world!

(End of this chapter)

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