Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 818: Emperor Amaterasu Appears

Chapter 818: Emperor Amaterasu Appears
Sword out!

The expression of the bronze man was unprecedentedly dignified, as if it had put all its strength into the ancient bronze sword with all the laws of divinity.

However, that ancient bronze sword did not reveal a trace of terror. It condensed all the divine energy in the ancient bronze sword without revealing a trace of divine brilliance.

At this moment, the ghost hand seemed to realize something, it didn't even have time to utter a word, it used the remaining three fingers to directly start to condense, an even more terrifying imprint.

In the hands of the ghost, there seems to be a more terrifying energy, like the energy in the depths of the Nine Nethers, awakening!
Even, with the awakening of this energy, the red embroidered shoes trembled violently, and the eight mysterious and ancient symbols burst out with dazzling ancient brilliance again.

Hundreds of millions of miles away in the void, it seems that they are also experiencing more tragic and terrifying battles. Even the aftermath of the battle can faintly pass through the void, and in this space, occasionally there will be a trace of spatial projection.

Occasionally, you can see the grimacing face of the ancient times, and the blood on the awning boat!

What is the true deity of this ghost hand?
The bronze man desperately cut down!
The re-condensed mark of the ghost hand.

And at this moment, Empress Loulan's coffin, which was extremely dim and even swaying, seemed to burn everything, and slammed into the ghost's hand again.

"Wow, woof, woof! Ye Luo, hurry up, use your power of sacrifice, and throw the tip of the ancient Zhuxian sword on your body towards the sky, hurry up, it's too late..."

The donkey's voice was full of endless anxious bursts.

Ye Luo also felt something. Seeing that the donkey was so serious and anxious, without any time to think about it, he took out the tip of Zhu Xian's ancient sword from the bead.

Afterwards, he poured the sacrificial power in his body into the tip of the sword to the maximum extent, and then, with a crazy posture, directly threw it towards the sky.

The tip of the sword shot up into the sky like a streamer.

Ye Luo was running the sacrificial power, and while taking out the tip of the sword from the bead, he also faintly felt that, with the power of the sacrificial power running, a piece of rusty copper in the bead violently trembled a bit.

The moment Ye Luo threw the sword tip, he also took out the copper block smoothly.

Ye Luo discovered that this piece of copper turned out to be the sacred object of the shattered island nation in the previous battle with the disciples of Fusang, something in the moon wheel.

Why is the copper block vibrating?

Thoughts arose in Ye Luo's mind, but Ye Luo's gaze had already turned to the starry sky.

The imperial coffin of Empress Loulan, who slammed into the past violently, felt something at the moment when the tip of the sword shot up into the sky. On the coffin, a strange, condensed, shocking sacrificial power fluctuated and turned into a Invisible hands.

That hand actually held the tip of Zhu Xian's ancient sword.

As for the Zhuxian sword tip, after she grasped it, a shocking murderous intent that seemed to be able to split the world and the world, which had been silent for endless years, once beheaded the existence of the Emperor Beyond, awoke.

It's just a sword tip, but at this moment, it looks like a world-shattering emperor.

Ye Luo was shocked.

Ye Luo now understood a sentence in an instant, the emperor soldier is a dead thing before he wakes up. Although it is shockingly sharp and powerful, it is still just a dead thing. After he wakes up, the emperor soldier will reveal , the endless power of beheading the emperor!
And the person who can wake up the emperor soldier must be an existence that defies the sky.

The imperial coffin of Empress Loulan obviously has such a force against the sky.

The point of the sword came out, and the emperor's coffin was already in front of the ghost's hand.

The bronze sword in the bronze man's hand fell down, and the tip of the ancient sword of Zhu Xian, which looked like gold but not gold, and jade but not jade, also fell down shockingly. The ghost hand, the imprint in his hand, had once again successfully condensed.

It was a beating mark like the fire of the Nine Netherworld.

Two swords cut down, but there is only one mark!
The ghost hand paused for a moment, and then it also made a crazy decision. The imprint in its hand flew directly to the tip of Zhu Xian's ancient sword!
It has an inexplicable fear of the tip of the ancient Zhu Xian sword.

It chose to resist the sword in the hands of the bronze man, restraining all aura, but full of endless brilliance.

The sword falls!
However, at this very moment, the fire that danced like the fire of the Nine Netherworld, leaving the surrounding void with marks of being burned and corroded, but it did not fall on the tip of the ancient sword of Zhu Xian.

Because, Empress Loulan's imperial coffin chose to use the dim coffin god to block that mark abruptly, and because the coffin body blocked this mark, the tip of the ancient sword of Zhu Xian also fell down!

The mark collided with the emperor's coffin, and the two swords fell off.

Thousands of miles above the sky, in an instant, the endless void was shattered, the sun and the moon were annihilated, and everything fell into destruction and collapse. Even the eight ancient symbols could not seal the void again.

At this time, the starry sky seems to be destroyed, the sky and the earth are dark, and the starlight and moonlight all disappear.

Thousands of miles away, endless onlookers, some weak monks, were swept away by the strong aftermath, and died immediately. The ancient giant crawled, and Ye Luo's face suddenly turned pale, and dark red blood flowed from the corner of Ye Luo's mouth .

In the starry sky, only the first volume of the Heavenly Book is still swaying.

In the endless darkness, the first volume of the Heavenly Book emitted a supreme golden light.

That is, under this terrifying coercion, in the void, another terrifying figure suddenly appeared in the void collapse.

The endless shattered void, as well as the shocking aftermath of the battle, didn't even hurt him in the slightest.

He reached out and grabbed the first volume of the Heavenly Book in the sky!
The timing he chose was almost ignored by everyone, and it was almost the best timing to snatch the first volume of the Heavenly Book.

"Wow, woof, woof! It's Emperor Amaterasu, what the hell, Emperor Amaterasu has appeared!" The donkey's voice finally sounded crazily.

"Do it!" The moment Emperor Amaterasu appeared, Ye Luo also saw it.

Ye Luo's voice suddenly sounded.

"Hahahaha, Emperor Amaterasu, haven't you been looking for the person who released the eternal beast, turned the island country upside down, and almost wiped out the country?" Ye Luo suddenly became full of blood and laughed wildly. It is an ant, a provocation to a generation of emperors.

At the same time, Ye Luo took out the sealed Fusang disciple from the beads, and said again, "The emperor of Fusang is your son? The island country of Fusang is indeed a bunch of rubbish."

At this moment, almost all the people in the Taikoo Ghost Mine saw the Emperor Amaterasu in the Holy Land of Fusang. This is the real Emperor of the ancient Fusang Kingdom in the Eastern Wasteland!

He didn't even have time to be shocked, and suddenly heard, a mere five-level qi training monk, standing alone like an ant, with one hand like a dead dog, holding upside down the incomparably noble Emperor Fusang, Provoking a generation of great emperors with a loud voice against the sky, his eyes have already looked straight.

Many people in Zhongzhou who had seen Ye Luo before were even more shocked.

Who is this young man?

What is he doing?
(End of this chapter)

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