Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 849 The Ruined Temple

Chapter 849 The Ruined Temple
"Yes, he, he is just a fifth-level qi-training ant captured by us. How could he kill the terrifying snake just now? We all watched helplessly. The snake was killed by Senior Sister Gu and you together." Yes, what does it have to do with him?" Beside Ouyang Xing, a peripheral student of Tianshan Academy looked at the body of the fearful snake, and said with lingering fear.

Qin Luoyi didn't speak again to the mysterious Southern Border Empress. She turned around suddenly and faced the terrifying dead snake again. She once again took out the sword in the flute in her hand and activated the mysterious law. Poured into the sword, with a movement of the body, a knife suddenly went along the snake's mouth and stabbed into the snake's head.

A few seconds later, her astonishingly white hand quietly took out a fist-sized bead as white as jade from the mouth of the snake, exuding moonlight, and, on top of the bead, there was an extremely strong, Mysterious strange laws, energy fluctuations.

After the beads were taken out, some of the surrounding insects suddenly scattered away, and some even fell down terribly and crawled on the ground, as if they had encountered something extremely terrifying.

"The inner alchemy of the half-step dragon!" Ouyang Xing saw the bead, and a greedy light suddenly burst out from his eyes. The inner alchemy of this terrifying fifth-order alien beast is extremely valuable. Money can't buy it.

Moreover, they are all in major academies now, and during the four-year assessment period, everyone knows how powerful this inner alchemy will be in the assessment of the academies, in addition to its own value.

"Flood Snake, you didn't kill it." Gu Hongzhuang suddenly said a word at this moment.

"Heh!" Qin Luoyi, the emperor of Southern Xinjiang, smiled at this moment. She glanced at everyone, including Ye Luo, and said lightly, "The weak eat the strong, your sword has been exhausted!" energy."

Hearing the sound, Ouyang Xing's face couldn't help but change slightly. They are definitely not the opponents of this mysterious Nanjiang Empress, and Gu Hongzhuang, the only one who can fight against the Nanjiang Empress, used up a lot of energy when she used the terrifying lightning drawing technique earlier. Exhausted.

Every four years at this time, the entire endless and mysterious monster forest will become a place of assessment and trial for the young and powerful students of the major ancient academies in Zhongzhou.

During this period, in the entire forest, all non-academy monks, as well as old monks, will basically withdraw completely. In the entire mysterious and terrifying forest of taboo monsters, only terrifying monsters, strange beasts and major academies are left. among the people.

Here, there will be a three-month trial.

During these three months, the entire deep forest of taboo monsters was completely a place where the strong respected and the weak preyed on the strong. In the endless and mysterious forest, many people would die every time, and even some powerful The emperor's son and emperor's daughter will all perish.

Only those who are alive and who have a sufficient number and level of alchemy in their hands will pass the assessment and be eligible to participate in the competition of major ancient academies once every 16 years.

And this competition, for every student, is an opportunity to change their lives against the sky.

Because in this competition, some monks will be selected to enter the various ancient horror academies, and jointly control a real, pre-immemorial relic. It is rumored that this relic is the cemetery of the ancestor gods, and even the endless mysterious existence before the ancient times.

In the history of Zhongzhou, almost half of the great emperors entered this ancient ruins when they were young.

The trials and assessments of the Forbidden Monster Beast Forest are extremely important to everyone, even the heirs of the Great Emperor. Even the mysterious ancient princes of the ancient dynasty of Zhongzhou must participate in this assessment and assessment if they want to enter the ancient ruins. trial.

The weak eat the strong, the strong are respected, and the Forest of Taboo Monster Beasts is the most bloody and direct elimination place.

"Heh, do you think that in this kind of place, I will really exhaust all my laws and energy to cut out that sword?" Youran, Gu Hongzhuang even smiled, and she slowly put away the sword in her hand. With the icy red long sword, the pallor on his face disappeared, and a powerful, hidden aura silently revealed from his body.

She took two steps forward, and calmly stopped in front of the mysterious Southern Border Empress, Qin Luoyi. It was the complete opposite of her exhausted and weak appearance before.

Behind the crowd, Ye Luo, who was sitting on the beast horse, narrowed his eyes quietly.

Women are indeed born actors.

The women from the ancient and mysterious forces in Zhongzhou are simply movie kings. How could they still show such peak acting skills at such a moment of life and death?

The empress of Nanjiang, Qin Luoyi's body, also paused slightly, her eyes suddenly looked at Gu Hongzhuang, she suddenly said, "As expected of a woman in the Hongxiu Academy, you have no strength Shot?"

"Heh!" Gu Hongzhuang smiled lightly. Her noble temperament and extremely exquisite face seemed to reveal a touch of sarcasm. She said, "Aren't you hiding it too? Make a move, that red line can last at least one more second."

The Southern Border Empress, Qin Luoyi held the flute's hand, moved it slightly, and was silent for a moment. Then, she looked at Gu Hongzhuang and said, "How sure are you that you can defeat me?"

"Fifty percent." Gu Hongzhuang said a figure.

"Five percent, as I estimated, if we really fight here, perhaps, it will attract many people from other academies, perhaps, the movement just now has already attracted people from other academies.

I have a plan, the inner alchemy can belong to you, but you and your people need to help me do one thing together. "The Southern Border Empress, Qin Luoyi looked at Gu Hongzhuang.

"What is it?" Gu Hongzhuang asked.

The Empress of Nanjiang, at this time, raised her head, looked at the setting sun with only a ray of afterglow left, and then looked at the taboo monster forest. The cemetery, the location of the holy mountain.

"From here, go in the direction of the holy mountain. About seventy miles away, there is a village that has not been recorded in the book before. I just glanced at this village from a distance, and I have never entered it. Perhaps, it has been a long time ago. In the past, it was a village abandoned by humans.

However, about five miles away from the village, there is an abandoned and dilapidated temple. I want to enter the temple and get something. "

Gu Hongzhuang didn't speak, and continued to look at the mysterious Southern Border Empress, waiting for her to continue.

When Ye Luo heard this, he was also a little puzzled. He had read some ancient books before. According to the records in the ancient books, in the forest of taboo monsters, since ancient times, he had never heard of any village.

And what is the temple that is only five miles away from the village?
(End of this chapter)

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