Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 852 It’s Dark, Don’t Go Out 3

Chapter 852 It’s Dark, Don’t Go Out 3
Han Wenqing of Bashu Academy looked at the courtyard again, shook his head slightly, and said, "I can't be sure for now, who are they?"

"They are all from the Eastern Wasteland. Due to an accident, they came to the Forbidden Monster Beast Forest." Ye Feihong explained.

"That barbaric land, a monk from Donghuang?" Behind Han Wenqing, a monk with injuries on his body, heard the word Donghuang, with a hint of contempt in his tone.

"What's wrong with Donghuang, my god, we were not chased like dead dogs, but some people, hehe! Hey, by the way, don't block that door anymore, if there is really something , does that broken wood work?" Hearing this, the fat man became angry and taunted him.

"Fatty, don't talk nonsense." Wu Banxian pulled the fatty, and then said lightly: "Talk to a dead dog, and lose your identity."

The fat man was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Jiang is still old and spicy!
At the door, the young man who pushed the door, still in shock, with blood on his body and a strong aura, suddenly had anger in his eyes, and he suddenly took a step forward. However, he was caught by the cold man with a long sword in his hand. Han Wenqing stopped the young man.

"Boom bang—"

At this moment, suddenly, someone knocked on the door!

Outside the village, two or three miles away.

"In front is the village, the temple, just to the east of the village, five miles away." Nanjiang Empress glanced at the village and said lightly.

"Hey! There really is a village. I have never heard of it in the records of the major academies. There is a village in the Forbidden Monster Beast Forest. However, there is no reason for this village to exist. There are so many terrifying monsters. Come here Just, wouldn't the people in this village be eaten up?" A trace of doubt flashed in Ouyang Xing's eyes.

Ye Luo also looked at the village, and in the depths of his left eye, the missing symbol on the mysterious avenue beat silently.

"At the entrance of the village, there seems to be an old woman who is sprinkling paper money and making paper figurines. Take a look." When he got closer, Jiang Xiyue seemed to have noticed something, and suddenly spoke.

"Let's go around, the village is not big, we need to spend 2 more minutes, this village seems a bit weird." Nanjiang Empress paused slightly, and turned slightly.

"It's just a broken village. Go through it, and I, Ouyang Xing, will go ahead!" Ouyang Xing was beaten up by the snake continuously, and his strong face has been lost. He wants to go ahead and win back some face.

However, the Southern Border Empress did not respond to him, she had already cut across the village, made a detour, and moved forward quickly.

Gu Hongzhuang also took a deep look at the village, but did not follow up.

"I heard that Emperor Huanggu, the daughter of Emperor Hongyu, Gai Jiuyou, killed a strange beast at the beginning of the fifth level by himself ten days ago." Gu Hongzhuang said suddenly.

"Not only her, but as far as I know, Han Wenqing from Yunmeng Academy also went deep into the forbidden monster forest alone, and completed the task of leapfrogging and killing a unicorn at the beginning of the fifth level by himself.

Heh, this year, the peerless geniuses from the various ancient academies, the younger generation who have been sealed for a long time, may have all been born, and the competition for the ranking of the academies, and the competition for the places of the pre-immemorial ruins, will also be unprecedentedly fierce. "The Southern Border Empress suddenly spoke.

"Several members of the younger generation from unknowable places have also been born." Gu Hong, with noble makeup and extremely exquisite face, seemed to be thinking about something.

"Hey! That prisoner, are you really so lucky? That shot, and what you said to remind Senior Sister Gu, are you really foolish?" Jiang Xiyue also jumped on the mechanical beast horse. At the age of thirteen or fourteen, she had a look in her eyes. , a look of curiosity.

"Yeah." Ye Luo replied seriously.

"You are so lucky." Jiang Xiyue looked envious, and then said: "It's just, it's a pity, why did you only practice the fifth level of qi, and you have suffered such a serious injury, if you have a chance, you should hurry up. With your strength, I really don’t know how you managed to survive in this forest until now.”

Ye Luo nodded solemnly again.

"Are all the monks in Donghuang so weak? I heard that Donghuang is a barbaric land without a single academy. Hey, by the way, I heard from my grandfather that there is a Shangqing sect in Donghuang. There used to be a great emperor with a firestick weapon in his hand, and it is rumored that he once killed the existence beyond the great emperor, is this true or false?" Jiang Xiyue wondered.

"Is there? I haven't heard of it."

"As a person from the Eastern Wasteland, you haven't heard of it. It is rumored that there was a poignant and tragic story that has been passed down through the ages in the Qing Dynasty, the ancient sword of Zhu Xian, the Nether Holy Land, and the saints at that time." When Xiyue said this, she had a sad face. Although she was thirteen or fourteen years old, although she was powerful, she was still an adolescent girl in essence.

About another 10 minutes later, everyone bypassed the village.

"Here we are." The Southern Border Empress suddenly stopped, her gaze turned to the front.

The moon has just risen, and under the faint moonlight, you can see that not far in front of you, there is a dilapidated temple that is even partially collapsed. The temple is not very big, it only looks like three rooms .

However, in the dilapidated temple, there is a vicissitudes, ancient, mysterious atmosphere.

Ye Luo sat on the mechanical beast horse and walked along the temple, but looked towards the forbidden monster forest and the direction of the holy mountain. Ye Luo was not interested in the temple in front of him.

Healing the wounded, opening the Nine Dragons to pull the coffin, and taking the twin flowers, Ye Luo didn't intend to, and continued to attack, but in Ye Luo's pocket, the little fairy bridge beast moved slightly.

Ye Luo didn't speak.

"There doesn't seem to be anything here, right? Crocodile, isn't it there?" Ouyang Xing glanced around, slightly puzzled.

"The ancient prince Long Yunfei of Zhongzhou and Chen Pipi of Xingchen Academy haven't arrived yet?" Gu Hongzhuang looked at Qin Luoyi, the empress of Nanjiang.

"It should be soon, crocodile, maybe it's under the temple, maybe, there are other things around this temple besides crocodile." Qin Luoyi took out his flute, and played it slightly against his red lips. After a few clicks, a few seconds later, dozens of nail-sized stone beetles silently crawled out of the dead leaves on the ground, and crawled towards the temple.

Gu Hongzhuang's hand stretched slightly towards her waist.

Ye Luo's eyes turned back from the direction of the Forbidden Monster Beast Forest, and also looked at the temple.

"By the way, prisoner, I heard that there is a mysterious well in Donghuang, called Wangxin Well. From the well, you can see what you want most in your heart. Have you seen that well?" Luo's side suddenly asked another question.

Ye Luo froze for a moment, then fell silent for a moment, and said, "I've seen it, it's hidden in Ghost Valley."

"Hey! There really is that well, what did you see in the well?" Jiang Xiyue looked at Ye Luo curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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