Chapter 893
The bronze man, the white-skinned pig, Xiao Shiqi, that Chao Xiaoshu from Huaxia Academy with a bruised face, and the girl Liu Xiaoshi couldn't help but tremble at this moment.

And Ye Luo's gaze, at this moment, did not look at the stele, nor did he look at the giant bronze gate that seemed to be concealed, exuding an ancient, mysterious, and historical atmosphere, but suddenly looked at the cruel man The method of Antelope Fit, the fourth prince of the Zhongzhou Dynasty who survived the abyss!

And the fourth prince of Zhongzhou also looked at them.

"Fifth level of Qi training?" Long Xuanchang, the fourth prince of the ancient Zhongzhou Dynasty, had a mysterious symbol in his eyes, as if he wanted to see through Ye Luo, but it was just that he saw Ye Luo's fifth level of Qi training. Strength.

"Every man is innocent, but he is guilty of carrying jade." That ancient prince, Long Xuanchang, suddenly said something.

"Heh." Ye Luo just smiled lightly.

"What does he mean?" The white-skinned pig was a little puzzled, obviously not understanding.

"Paralyzed, don't stand with me, you are so uneducated, yes, you pigs are not literate, come on, let me explain to you, explain, this means that an ordinary People, there is nothing wrong with it, but if you have a treasure in your body, but you don't have the strength to protect it, hehe, it will definitely lead to death..."


Before the fat man finished speaking, the hoof of the big white pig had already slammed on the fat man's feet. Just now, the fat man squeaked and couldn't help screaming, but the pig said lightly: "Male Gobi Yes, don’t you just want a gun? What the hell, even dragging the text.”

The ancient prince from Zhongzhou just said a word, but didn't do anything directly. His eyes took a deep look at the white-skinned pig and the bronze man, and there was a hint of fear in the depths of his eyes.

Even if he was as strong as him, he didn't see through the bronze man and the white-skinned pig, those two bluffers, but now they couldn't make a move at all, an ancient existence with no combat power.

He is very afraid of pigs and bronze men.

Then, he glanced at Ye Luo again, took a step, and walked towards the bronze door suddenly.

But Ye Luo, before him, had already closed his right eye, opened his left eye, and looked at the giant bronze gate. Ye Luo frowned suddenly, and the road in front of the bronze gate was blurry. The strange cyan color that has never appeared before.

However, under the ground of the bronze door, there is a faint blood red.

"Come on, Mahler Gobi, don't let him go in first. This is a place that many people have dreamed of. Even the three great emperors mysteriously disappeared and died in order to find this place. Even the owner of the embroidered shoes, Wu Shi, and that fucking donkey, both disappeared in the village." Seeing this, the white-skinned pig collapsed and was about to go straight forward.

"What did you say?" Ye Luo grabbed the pig.

Seeing this, the fat man quickly told Ye Luo briefly what he met in the ghost village, Granny Tang, and the mysterious Granny Tang with the fastest language.

Ye Luo was shocked.

"Donkey, have you come here with the owner of the embroidered shoes? Did you ask where the donkey is? It's also in that village?" Ye Luo said quickly.

"Well, I really forgot to ask this. At that time, time was tight, and my brothers were flustered, so I didn't ask so carefully." Hearing what Ye Luo said, the fat man couldn't help scratching his head.

"I feel that that cheating donkey doesn't die so easily. It's just so rotten. In the ancient times, there was a great emperor who chased and killed it, but it didn't kill it. However, like me, it doesn't know its origin. " said the bronze man.


Just as he was speaking, the ancient prince of Zhongzhou, Long Xuanchang, had already condensed an aura armor that surpassed the essence, reached out his hand, and touched the giant bronze door.

However, at the moment when his hand touched the giant bronze gate, the dark red color that Ye Luo had seen with his left eye in the underground before the huge bronze gate suddenly woke up.

An ancient, terrifying, and ferocious colossus suddenly emerged from the ground in front of the bronze gate with a terrifying aura, and with a berserk attack, it directly smashed down on the fourth prince of Zhongzhou, Long Xuanchang.

At this moment, Long Xuanchang suddenly pulled out a snow-white, dazzling, terrifying, ancient long knife from behind, and when the knife came out, a dragon's chant burst out from the blade.


The blade collided with the terrifying attack, and the ancient huge stones scattered around were directly shattered, the void shattered, and a trace of the turbulent flow of the collision touched an ancient pine tree on the cliff of the abyss, and the pine tree was broken into pieces.

The ancient prince of Zhongzhou retreated violently.

The breath on his body even appeared a little messy.


That huge monster with a height of two floors, its head is like the dragon head recorded in ancient history, its body is strangely huge, with seven strange claws, on its body, there are mysterious ancient runes, and fierce scars , shocking.

"I, I'm a bitch, why, why is this thing, this thing, wasn't it extinct in ancient times, why is there another one?" The bronze man froze for a moment, a little surprised.

"Jiazi? I'm stupid, step back, get offended by this thing, whoever provokes it will be bloody bad for eight lifetimes, it's a dog, this thing, damn it, provoke it, as long as it doesn't die, it will be endless Revenge, you must retaliate." The white-skinned pig couldn't help but retreat.

"Yes, yes, let's not mess with it. This Yazi seems to be a juvenile cub, but his strength can definitely kill the existence of the Nascent Soul Stage." The bronze man said.


That thing was full of anger amidst its roar, as if someone woke it up from its sleep, it moved abnormally, and one of its claws slammed towards the Fourth Prince Long Xuanchang.


The terrifying knife in Long Xuanchang's hand abruptly blocked another blow from the terrifying Yazi, but his body retreated again, and at the same time, he took out an object engraved with mysterious symbols in his hand.

His gaze suddenly turned to Ye Luo and his party.

Ye Luo's face changed slightly.

"Scatter!" Ye Luo yelled, his body turned directly to the left, and he had already slid over.

But Long Xuanchang, at this very moment, rushed towards Ye Luo and his party, seeing that a mere human ant was able to resist its attack, the anger in his eyes was even stronger.

The powerful aura on it surged again.

Its huge body moved, and its claws fell again.

Long Xuanchang, the powerful and ancient Fourth Prince of Zhongzhou, saw Ye Luo shouting in advance to disperse. At this moment, his figure, after a slight pause, forcibly moved towards the direction Ye Luo was skating.

(End of this chapter)

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