Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 920 The Answer to the Pre-Qin Mystery

Chapter 920 The Answer to the Pre-Qin Mystery (5 More)
The medicine jar looked dignified, and instantly remembered the entire lost medieval era after ancient times, and then remembered that in the age of the end of the law, there was a century-old pre-Qin civilization.

"Do you still remember the Great Wall built by Qin Shihuang in the pre-Qin period and the tomb of Qin Shihuang that has not been found so far? At that time, the husband of the tenth junior sister, together with Qin Shihuang, designed and built the most mysterious and vast practice since ancient times The world's largest projects, that is, the Great Wall and the Tomb of Qin Shihuang.

However, something happened back then, the husband of the tenth junior sister died suddenly, and the tenth junior sister, in grief, smashed down the walls of the ten-mile Great Wall and destroyed the foundation of the ten-mile formation.

In the folklore, it is said that the junior sister cried and collapsed the Great Wall, but the truth is far from as simple as the legends say.

Qin Shihuang and Xu Fu, the Great Wall they built back then, and the Qin Shihuang Mausoleum, what they wanted to find were the same as the answers that Master wanted to find back then.

However, the strange thing is that the master had already ordered the little junior sister's husband to be prevented from participating in this matter, and even trapped her on the Big Bamboo Peak at the expense of hardships, and let the ninth junior brother, the white-skinned pig, guard him. Let him take a step out of the mountain.

However, in the end, I don't know what happened, but it still didn't stop it. "The nerd's eyes became brighter.

"I seem to have vaguely heard about this matter from the elder brother, but what is the relationship between the short and bright era of the pre-Qin period, the ghost village in front of me, and the secrets under my feet?" Yao Kezi looked puzzled.

"The foundation of the Great Wall was built on the veins of thousands of miles of dragons. The tomb of Qin Shihuang was the most mysterious place in the previous period, and the place with strong yin energy. Between the two, there are not two projects, but one!
In addition, there was a more magnificent project back then, that is, the legendary Afang Palace that was burned to the ground, that is, at the end of Lishan Mountain.

Qin Shihuang and Xu Fu made the first conjecture before they completed the construction of these three projects. They entered the most mysterious Styx at the beginning.

As a result, there were heavy casualties, and even Xu Fu was permanently petrified because of this, and his life and death are still unknown. One of their speculations was wrong.

And their second speculation was that they entered the underworld under the ancient city of Loulan. This time, Qin Shihuang only went to a clone, but the people from the island country Fusang used their supreme background and even arranged a terrifying killing array.

As a result, he was beheaded one after another by the younger brother with a monster-like IQ, and then seized the killing array. All major forces suffered heavy casualties.

Here, Qin Shihuang's second speculation was also proved to be wrong.

Back then, the real purpose of building the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang, the Great Wall, and the Afang Palace was also to solve the mystery brought by the young man surnamed Zhang who held a fire stick in the ancient times and went up the mountain.

This mystery was originally said to be related to the eternal mystery, Nine Dragons Pulling the Coffin, but later Master said, Nine Dragons Pulling the Coffin and Ghost Village, both mysteries have an unknown answer.

Qin Shihuang and Xu Fu made three conjectures based on the experience of their predecessors and some materials compiled by Master. I don't know exactly what these three conjectures are.

However, after the great change of the world, the elder brother once made an incomparable deduction. He once sighed and said, if the second conjecture is also wrong, then hell may really exist.

The ghost village is related to the legendary hell! "The nerd's little memories, things that have been dusty for countless years.

"Under our feet, there may be hell. What you guessed is consistent with the guess of the owner of the red embroidered shoes in ancient times." Granny Tang, who was carrying a bamboo basket, suddenly said something at this time.

Then, she spoke again, and said, "Perhaps, some kind of special agreement was reached between that Qin Shihuang and the owner of the red embroidered shoes, the Wu family. Back then, many things about the Wu family were also conjectures, and she needed to verify them.

It is very possible that Qin Shihuang had some exchanges with the Wu family. Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum, Afang Palace, and the Great Wall may all be related to it. "

"Perhaps, there is another possibility." The nerd suddenly raised his head at this moment, as if he remembered something.

"What's possible?" The medicine jar's face became more serious.

"Qin Shihuang's identity may be problematic. At the end of the pre-Qin period, there was only a short period of a hundred years, and it was the age of the end of the law. In that extremely short era, how could such a powerful and terrifying cultivation civilization erupt?

I heard the senior brother once said that there was a discussion between the master and Qin Shihuang. The two of them were regarded as equals. Such a heaven-defying cultivation base, and a high seniority?

Moreover, the relationship between the Wu family with red embroidered shoes and Qin Shihuang does not seem to be a simple command relationship, there is also some communication between them.

We can make a bold assumption, if Qin Shihuang is not simply a person of that era, but a seal of another era, or in other words, he is very likely to have entered a ghost village and had his memory erased. Is there no such possibility? "The nerd looked up sharply.

The body of the medicine jar was shocked suddenly, and many things quickly appeared in his mind, and he said with difficulty: "If this inference is true, perhaps, many things can be explained.

Otherwise, how could it be possible, with that cheating donkey's temperament, that he was cooperated by Qin Shihuang at that time, but later, he didn't know what the donkey stole from Qin Shihuang, so that he was hunted down. "

"Yes, there is also that donkey, Granny Tang. Didn't you say that that cheating donkey once entered a ghost village, and this time, did it also enter a ghost village? Have you seen it?"

"Yes, that donkey was the first to enter the ghost village this time. When I saw it for the first time, it just walked into the yard where I lived and stared at my ancient bronze lamp. But, I don't know why After seeing me, the donkey ran away as if he had seen a ghost.

I didn't catch up with it, but the second time I saw it, half an hour before you entered the village, it walked into the small bridge at the head of the village, and then disappeared mysteriously.

At that time, you saw me making paper figurines by the bridge. In fact, at that time, I was trying to use a kind of thaumaturgy to find the trail of the donkey. In the end, I failed. The donkey has never appeared since then. "Grandma Tang said solemnly.

"No!" The nerd suddenly looked up.

(End of this chapter)

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