Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 923 Shocking Truth

Chapter 923 Shocking Truth (8 More)
"Five, four, five, four, five, four, five, four, ten, nine, four, eight." When everyone was thinking quickly and responding silently, Ye Luo spoke again.

However, this time, Ye Luo uttered a line of numbers.

"Little brother, what's wrong with you, don't scare me, what numbers are you talking about?" The white-skinned pig, seeing Ye Luo's eyes, seemed to be possessed, looked at the numbers he had drawn, and counted out a series of numbers. The inexplicable number can't help but be surprised.

"Senior Brother Ninth, you don't need to deliberately pronounce the words so clearly. Try quickly repeating the number I just said." Ye Luo didn't seem to care about the speed of the boat of no return, and suddenly said something .

"What do you mean, repeat, isn't it that I die, I die, I die, I die, right?" The white-skinned pig was puzzled, and with an unclear tone, he quickly recited the number Ye Luo said .

After it finished reading, it was still a little dazed, not understanding what it meant.

However, Chen Pipi, Gu Hongzhuang, Jiang Xiyue, Qin Luoyi and others all looked at the big white pig the moment it finished speaking.

Connect the numbers and read them together?

What is this number?

"The tombstone is the number of words in each sentence in the nursery rhyme!" Qin Luoyi's eyes shrank suddenly, and the eyes of the others turned to the nursery rhyme in the shape of the tombstone that Ye Luo had drawn.

More and more people felt a chill in their hearts.

Is there really something hidden in this nursery rhyme?

Although many people felt doubts about this nursery rhyme before, but when Ye Luo wrote it down in a strange way, and read out the number of words, and connected them together, they all felt a little bit of horror.

The numbers in each line, and the connected homonyms, turned out to be such a sentence: I die, I die, I die, I die, and I die, right?

The tombstone is accidental, is it still accidental?

"The big rabbit is sick, the second rabbit is looking, the third rabbit is buying medicine, the fourth rabbit is boiled, the fifth rabbit is dead, the sixth rabbit is carrying it, the seventh rabbit is digging a hole, the eighth rabbit is buried, the ninth rabbit is sitting on the ground and crying, and the ten rabbits are asking why. Crying, the nine rabbits said, why did the five rabbits go and never come back?

The big rabbit was sick, why did the five rabbits die?

Six rabbits lift, can one person lift things?If this sentence is a sick sentence, and if it is changed to six rabbits being carried, wouldn't it be much more fluent?
And under what circumstances would a rabbit be carried? Obviously, it was dead.

That is to say, in this nursery rhyme, at least two rabbits have died. These two rabbits are five rabbits and six rabbits. Ye Luo spoke word by word, but in his mind, everything that happened since he entered the bronze gate quickly appeared.

Tombstones, huge bronze coffins, boats of no return, and endless ruins.

Most importantly, Fatty, Little Seventeen, and the Bronze Man brought the news of the ghost village and the words of the mysterious Granny Tang before they disappeared.

At the same time, in Ye Luo's mind, some rumors that he had seen on the Internet in his previous life became clearer.

Truth, will it be like that?

"What, what do you mean?" The white-skinned pig had vaguely sensed that what Ye Luo was going to say next might be very important, and would even reveal many mysteries from the ages.

Even if it can't be uncovered, at least, Ye Luo may have seen a corner of the endless darkness.

"If there is a class among the rabbits, then the big rabbit is the one with the highest authority among the ten rabbits. It is sick and needs medical treatment. The second rabbit is a doctor. It treats the big rabbit. After that, Three or four rabbits went to grab the medicine, and they grabbed the medicine, why did the five rabbits die?

Perhaps, we can make a hypothesis that when the second rabbit sees a doctor, he uses the fifth rabbit as a medicine primer, and three or four rabbits kill the fifth rabbit and use the big rabbit as a medicine primer.

Is there such a possibility? Ye Luo looked at the tombstone-shaped nursery rhyme he wrote on the ground as if possessed by a demon.

After hearing Ye Luo's analysis, all the people suddenly felt a layer of cold sweat rise from their backs. Is it a coincidence?No, it seems that there are many, many strange and thrilling things hidden in this nursery rhyme.

"Small, junior brother, isn't this story about ten rabbits? Even if ten rabbits are dead, so what?" The white-skinned pig swallowed and asked, this sentence, all People seem to want to ask.

But Ye Luo didn't speak, but his eyes finally left the nursery rhyme and looked at the eight copper coffins on the top floor.

When Qin Luoyi saw Ye Luo's gaze, and her graceful, exquisite and astonishing body, she was shocked again. She looked at Ye Luo, and suddenly said, "Rabbit, not a rabbit, are you using a rabbit to represent a person?"

"No, that's not right, this, what the hell, using people as medicine primers? Looking at the complicated relationship inside, these ten rabbits seem to have a very good relationship." The more Chen Pipi thought about it, the more weird he felt, and his scalp felt a little numb.

"Well, even so, those five rabbits were killed by three or four rabbits and became medicine primers, why did the six rabbits die?" A student who was still alive at Sirius Academy couldn't help asking.

"If the relationship between the five rabbits and the six rabbits is particularly good, then when the three and four rabbits were killed by the five rabbits, and the six rabbits saw it, then, would the three, four and six rabbits kill the six rabbits?" Silence?" Ye Luo's voice was dull, and his eyes fell on the fourth coffin, a clear mark of a donkey's hoof on the dust.

"Flow, running water, I can't understand what Uncle Ye is talking about. Does what Uncle Ye say have anything to do with the boat of no return, hell, the ruins here, and that ghost village?" Xiao Xianqiao asked. Beast, pull the little paper figurine.

And the little paper figurine, with its head down, looked at what Ye Luo drew, and what she said, there was a shock in his eyes, even the little fairy bridge beast didn't realize it when he pulled her.

"Then why is the nine rabbits crying? Did it know? If it knew, then it knew the truth and was not killed?" Han Wenqing, who dominated the library, suddenly took a step forward.

"What's so easy to cry? Women, if Jiututu is a woman and Ertutu likes her, will she still die?" Ye Luo said quietly from the complicated relationship.

"If it's according to what you said, maybe Jiutu likes Wutu very much. The reason why Wutu is used as a medicine introduction is because Ertu wants to kill Wutu." As a woman, Gu Hongzhuang was very sensitive to realize something.

"Perhaps ten rabbits are also secretly in love with nine rabbits." Jiang Xiyue also interjected.

"No, how do I feel that there is something hidden in this nursery rhyme? If these ten rabbits are all metaphors for someone, ten people, who are they, and what are their identities? Is everything we want to know really relevant?" Qin Luoyi's eyes fell on Ye Luo again.

(End of this chapter)

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