Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 928 Opening the coffin on the boat

Chapter 928 Opening the coffin on the boat (4 more)
Ghost Village, by the bridge at the entrance.

"The big rabbit died, the second rabbit looked, the third rabbit bought medicine, the fourth rabbit boiled, the fifth rabbit died, the sixth rabbit carried it, the seventh rabbit dug a hole, the eight rabbit buried it, the nine rabbits sat on the ground and cried, ten rabbits asked why Crying? Nine rabbits said, five rabbits will never come back."

Liushao on the Moon, a little girl, holds a half-eaten candied haws in one hand, hums a seemingly ordinary nursery rhyme, and watches another group of people break into the village.

A few powerful and terrifying monks seemed to have noticed that there was something abnormal about the little girl. However, after checking the little girl with mysterious spiritual sense and even occult techniques, they all came to a conclusion, that is, this The little girl is indeed just an ordinary child who doesn't know how to practice at all.

They have just found this village, and they don't know the situation in the village.

"Hey, in the middle of the night, when you were not at home, you went to the village to sing some nursery rhymes. Why is your village so quiet?" asked the powerful monk.

"Uncle, there are rules in our village. After dark, you must go out, and outsiders are not allowed to enter the village. You go, otherwise, people will die." The little girl Tong said honestly.

"Hahaha, you are not allowed to go out when it is dark? Then why did you come out? I think it was the elders in your village who deliberately used it to scare your children. Did the adults in your village tell you that it was dark? After going out, what horrible thing will be eaten?" A monk with a strong aura fluctuated couldn't help laughing.

Then, with his eyes fixed, he quickly entered the village, not paying attention to what the little girl said.

In several ancient academies, the monks who had already arrived and received some news had a terrifying aura rising from their bodies the moment they entered the village.

A group of people from the ancient academy always felt that the little girl was a little weird, so they forced the little girl to lead the way.

The little girl did not resist, Tong Yan was still smiling and humming a song, and walked in the front, she said: "Let me take you to the elder brother of the village chief, what you want to know, he will definitely I know, you come with me."

However, the direction she walked was not the direction of the village chief's yard.

The ghost village was silent, and in the courtyard of the original village head of the ghost village, the bell hanging on Granny Tang's basket rang more and more urgently.


In the depths of the taboo monster forest, Kowloon pulls the coffin, and the holy mountain.

At the foot of the holy mountain, soaring into the sky, where no one has been able to approach it for countless years, there is an old, dilapidated, but small courtyard full of life.

There are five thatched houses in the yard, and there are five acres of fertile land in front of the yard.

It was already late at night, but there was a faint light on in a house in the middle of the yard.

The lights swayed, and the figures swayed.

"I've lived here for so many years, and it's pretty quiet. Do you really want to move out?" An ordinary woman seemed a little bit reluctant to look at her packed luggage.

"I've lived here for so many years, and I've changed places. There are too many people, and it's very annoying." A seemingly ordinary middle-aged man opened the door, pulled out a horse from the west room in the yard, and harnessed the horse. After taking off the reins and the carriage, he frowned and said: "You are a horse, you eat so much fat, how can you hurry, it's time to lose weight."

The horse's body froze.

"Mom, do we really have to go? Can we go during the day? I'm sleepy." A village girl in plain clothes stretched casually. She was seventeen or eighteen years old, with youthful eyes, and blinked.

"Let's go, you stay by yourself, you go to sleep." The woman said casually.

"I'll stay by myself? Really? You go?" The girl like a village girl, when she heard these words, the lazy and drowsy feeling on her body was swept away, and the youthful breath made Wei Wei cold In the late autumn, there is a breath of spring.

"No, you have to follow." Outside the door, the middle-aged man who was harnessing the horse to the carriage spoke directly with a firm tone.

"She has grown up and can't live with us forever." The woman said.

"Yes, I've grown up, you go, I'll take care of your house!" The girl who looked like a village girl blinked, and her tone was firmer than ever before.

"No, how old are you? What are you doing here? It's going to be a mess here, it's very annoying." The middle-aged man patted the horse's head, his strength seemed to be heavy, and the corners of the fat horse's mouth couldn't help twitching. for a moment.

However, he dared to be angry but did not dare to speak.

"Father, I'm old enough and an adult, you can't, let me follow you all the time, you see, all the coffins in Nine Dragons are here, what can happen to me?" The little girl turned her head and looked at the holy mountain. The Kowloon coffin.


Ten thousand feet below.

Ye Luo grabbed the ancient bronze coffin with one hand, and lifted it up suddenly.


The lid of the first ancient bronze coffin was unexpectedly lifted up by Ye Luo abruptly. The lid of the coffin and the God of the coffin were slowly separated, and a gap was opened. Inside the ancient bronze coffin, it was pitch black.

The breath of endless time, and the mysterious and eerie darkness surged out from the ancient bronze coffin.

At this moment, everyone was extremely vigilant and tense, staring at Ye Luo's hand, the ancient bronze coffin, and even Ouyang Xing stretched his neck.

What is in the coffin?
"Crack clap-"

The lid of the coffin was lifted little by little, and the gap became wider and wider. Suddenly, Ye Luo's hand was devouring violently, and the lid of the coffin, which weighed several hundred catties, was lifted abruptly by Ye Luo!


The huge coffin lid fell to the ground!

The ancient bronze coffin was completely opened!

Dark, mysterious, outside the coffin and inside the coffin, it seems to be two worlds!
What is in the coffin?
Ye Luo looked into the coffin, the darkness seemed to cover everything.

Ye Luo quickly took out the strong flashlight from his arms, and pointed it into the coffin, but the moment the strong flashlight was turned on, the light bulb in the flashlight seemed to be hit by something instantly. Bulb, burst directly!
Seeing this, the big white pig was startled in extreme tension.

Ye Luo's body also tensed up suddenly. This time, even Ye Luo didn't realize what it was that broke the bright flashlight at this very moment.

Ye Luo took a quick look at the light bulb of the glare flashlight, and could vaguely see that the filament inside had melted, like an instant short circuit, and it was not external force that broke the light bulb.

Ye Luo's body collapsed even tighter.

Ye Luo took out the second flashlight from the storage ring, but when Ye Luo was about to turn on the second flashlight, something suddenly sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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