Chapter 931
Before the last coffin, the head of the weird ghost village finally raised his head. He looked at Ye Luo, remained silent for a long time, and then said, "You are a smart person, but you shouldn't have entered here."

Ye Luo didn't speak, but just looked at the village chief calmly. In Ye Luo's pocket, the little fairy bridge beast, a mark that was condensed after a waste of Nuoda's strength, finally took shape.

Even the little paper figurine quickly condensed a complex ancient horror imprint.

"You have already guessed a lot of the secrets of the nursery rhyme." The village head of the ghost village stretched out his hand and touched the last copper coffin, with a complicated expression and a hint of sadness.

"Perhaps, there are more things I don't know." Ye Luo's eyes could not help but turned to the last copper coffin, on the top floor of the boat of no return. There are a total of eight ancient bronze coffins, the first six of which have all been opened. In one bite, there is a piece of skin of the emperor who is supreme and shocking!

What will be in the last two mouths?
"Sometimes, there are many things. It may be better not to know. If you know more, you will die." The village head of the ghost village head, his face was a little pale, and his hair covered half of his face, so he couldn't see his true face clearly.

Chen Pipi, Gu Hongzhuang, Qin Luoyi, Long Yunfei, Ye Su, Han Wenqing and a group of people, all raised their aura to the extreme, and secretly made the most terrifying preparations.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, I already knew that there was something wrong with this guy, he wasn't a simple mortal, shit, now it seems that's true, hey, who are you?" Chen Pipi At this moment, he finally couldn't help but speak, and spoke quickly with surprise and vigilance in his tone.

"Who am I? Heh, after so many years, I almost forgot who I am. Many years ago, someone called me the village chief. After so many years, you can also call me the village chief." The villager Long, raised his head, the coarse clothes on his body shook slightly.

"Junior Brother, why don't you talk to him, why don't we go up together, first capture this village chief who doesn't know what kind of thing it is?" The white-skinned pig always feels a little hairy. There didn't seem to be any fluctuations in the breath of law, but he just stopped there casually, but it made people feel a faint suffocation.

"Why don't you open the sixth copper coffin?" The village chief didn't seem to hear the big white pig's words at all. He turned his head, looked at Ye Luo instead, and asked again.

When this sentence is asked, other people seem to be aware of this problem.

Ye Luo was already standing in front of the seventh ancient bronze coffin. The first six ancient bronze coffins were all opened by Ye Luo in one go. Why was Ye Luo standing in front of the sixth ancient bronze coffin and did not make a move.

"Oh." Ye Luo smiled, and suddenly, Ye Luo said, "You seem to know why I didn't open the sixth ancient bronze coffin."

"I know?" There was a hint of doubt in the village head's tone.

"Don't you really know? Then I'll open it for you to see." Ye Luo's eyes were calm, the power of devouring and sacrifice in his body was already raging, and, deep in Ye Luo's heart, the fused , the remaining three red lines also moved slightly.

Ye Luo took a step forward and grabbed the lid of the seventh ancient bronze coffin with one hand.

Afterwards, Ye Luo looked at the village chief and said, "There should be a copper coffin missing."

The village chief's body finally trembled slightly, his eyes shrank quietly, and stared at Ye Luo firmly.

In the eyes of the others, surprise and doubt instantly appeared. What do you mean? There is also an ancient bronze coffin. On this ship, counting the one on the deck, there is already an ancient bronze coffin. None of the nine ancient bronze coffins has been opened yet. Find out what's going on, why did Ye Luo say, there is still a tenth bite?

While talking, Ye Luo suddenly lifted the lid of the seventh ancient bronze coffin with one hand!


Almost at the moment when Ye Luo opened the coffin, in the ancient bronze coffin, two ghostly, incredibly fast afterimages suddenly attacked Ye Luo's eyebrows with an astonishing speed.

In Ye Luo's pocket, the hand of the little fairy bridge beast moved slightly, but at this critical moment, Ye Luo used a secret technique to transmit sound to make the little fairy bridge beast stop.

And at the same time, Ye Luo, who was already prepared, had the blood-red sword in his hand, like a ghost, obliquely blocking the position between his eyebrows.

Then, at a faster speed, even afterimages can't be seen clearly, cut diagonally!

And at the same time, the hands of the village head of the ghost village had condensed into a mark that was neither aura nor law in an instant.

That imprint is extremely cold and terrifying.

The imprint condensed instantly, and like lightning, it fell towards Ye Luo's body in terror.

"Little Junior Brother, be careful!"

The white-skinned pig who was closest to Ye Luo and standing behind Ye Luo reacted surprisingly fast this time. It seemed that the white-skinned pig was fully prepared.

I saw that the figure of the white-skinned pig had already condensed the mark of the village head of the ghost village, and its huge body had already stopped the village head and Ye Luo.

But Ye Luo seemed to have never looked at that weird and terrifying mark from the beginning to the end.

The blood-red sword in Ye Luo's hand was full of devouring power, and at this moment, it cut horizontally to the two terrifying things that shot out from the coffin like afterimages.

"Is it those two weird and terrifying things from before?" The few powerful monks behind Ye Luo almost remembered this scene in their minds. dead man!
The blood red sword fell!
Blood splashes!
Ye Luo's terrifying blood-red sword was well prepared, and the two extremely fast things were cut off by Ye Luo's sword almost in the blink of an eye.

what is that?
Is it something like a snake?

Everyone saw this scene!
do you died?
But in many people's minds, the moment this thought arose, Ye Luo's left hand, which had never moved, took out the tip of Zhu Xian's ancient sword from the pearl at some point!
And, just at this very moment, toward the left, in the seemingly empty void, there was a terrifying, strong slash, and on the sword body, the terrifying sacrificial power surged around the tip of the sword.


As Ye Luo's sword fell, in the seemingly empty void, at this moment, there was a scream full of fear, and in the void, a white bone was cut off!

(End of this chapter)

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