Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 954 The Truth at the End of Hell

Chapter 954 The Truth at the End of Hell

On the ancient street lamp, a paper lantern swayed, and then it spoke again: "My sanity was awakened after hell was destroyed and Po Meng disappeared. After that, I saw the whole hell."

Then, the lantern shook again, and it continued, "The end is just ahead, 10 minutes away, but I didn't find the truth."

Ye Luo was silent, carrying the white flag, nodded, and then, carrying the white flag, walked past the ancient street lamp, and continued to walk forward.

"Ye, Uncle Ye, have you seen all the truth, why, I feel a strange emotion from Uncle Ye." In Ye Luo's pocket, the little fairy bridge beast pulled the little paper figurine .

The little paper man shook his head.

When the others heard the sound, they were adjusting something quickly and silently.

Really, is it the end?

Several of the supreme powerhouses in the ancient academies even secretly took out ultra-long-distance communication symbols in their hands, silently using ancient secret techniques, and tried again forcibly to contact the outside world.

The bronze man and the old street lamp got together, communicating with each other in a strange way.

In 10 minutes, in the blink of an eye, it's here.

"It's the two of them!" Suddenly, beside Ye Luo, Ye Feihong from Xingchen Academy shook her body suddenly, and two figures suddenly appeared in the darkness ahead.

Of these two figures, one of them was a man who climbed out of the ancient bronze coffin on the boat of no return, and the other was the village chief of the ghost village!
They all stood quietly in front of them at this moment.

And before them, there seemed to be a huge, terrifying, mysterious, and weird deep pit. There seemed to be something in the pit. At this moment, the two of them were standing on the edge of the deep pit, looking down.

All the people, at this moment, their bodies stopped suddenly.

"Before the ancient times, there were five halls of Yama, and ten halls of Yama." Ye Luo said a word to himself in a low voice at this time.

"What, what did you just say, you said the identities of the two of them are..." The beautiful and pure Ye Honghong, who had been paying attention to Ye Luo, suddenly changed her face when she heard the sound.

The expressions of Jiang Xiyue, Ye Feihong, Qin Luoyi, Long Yunfei, and Chen Pipi changed drastically almost at the same time. Although Ye Luo's voice was soft, but with their cultivation base, plus, they had been paying close attention Looking at Ye Luo, he naturally heard them all.

"The man who climbed out of the coffin is in the legend. Yan Luo before the ancient times is somewhat believable. However, the man who followed us all the way here, and was even regarded as evil all the way. Seeing how he resisted, how could he be the legendary Yama of the Ten Temples?" Ouyang Xing said in shock.

"This, is this possible? You, how do you know?" Chao Xiaoshu from Yanhuang Academy pulled Liu Xiaoshi and was shocked at the same time.

But Ye Luo didn't speak again.

"Is this the truth?" You Ran, standing on the edge of the pit and looking into the pit when everyone was shocked, said the man who climbed out of the coffin.

His tone was filled with anger and sadness that made the world tremble.

What's in the pit?
What is the truth?

Under the holy mountain, in the house like a farmyard.

That blooming girl, Tian Yun'er, took out the painting from her father's room, and it had reached the end of its unfolding, Tian Yun'er's body froze.

My own father was once the legendary, pre-immemorial, person who punted under the Naihe Bridge.

The person I had a crush on once was Po Meng who sold porridge in front of the Sansheng Stone.

In the hell, there was an eternal catastrophe, and the real content of the catastrophe did not seem to be on the picture scroll, but in the picture scroll, there was an appearance of ruins.

And, my father left a nursery rhyme in the picture scroll.

It seems that my father didn't fully understand the truth of the nursery rhyme.

However, at the end of the picture scroll, there is a guessed, evolutionary map. This map is a secret path into the holy mountain!
"What are they?" Tian Yun'er murmured as she watched.

"Is there really a legendary beast god in the holy mountain? My father seems to have said that even if the beast god is alive, he is not afraid of the beast god. It seems that my father is not bragging." Tian Yuner Speak again.

Then, Tian Yun'er looked at the painting and thought for a long time.

Then, she turned around and walked out of the yard.

She held the painting in her hand.

She walked to a position about 72 steps away from the yard, her hands quickly condensed, and her youthful face, like a blooming season, suddenly became solemn.


Following the successful condensation of the imprints of her hands, above the starry sky, a bright star suddenly lit up suddenly, and a supreme, ancient, and powerful brilliance crossed the endless void, carrying majestic, abundant The energy poured into the imprints of her hands.

Afterwards, the imprint in her hand quietly took shape.

"Break it for me!"

In her mouth, she gave a serious shout, and the imprint in her hand horribly fell into the void three feet in front of her.


The sky trembled.

Where her mark fell, a collapsed void passage appeared out of thin air. That passage meandered into the mountain body of the holy mountain, and it was pitch black with no end in sight.

"Is this the eternal burial passage leading to the Holy Mountain?" Tian Yun'er glanced at the top of the Beast God Mountain, also known as the Holy Mountain. The eternal Nine Dragons coffin was still standing on the top of the mountain. with.

In Tian Yun'er's eyes, a strong curiosity flashed.

"What's the real thing about all this?" Tian Yun'er said again to herself, and then she stepped into the void passage and walked towards the inside of the holy mountain.

At the foot of the Holy Mountain, not far away.

A carriage was slowly walking along the mountain road in the darkness. In the carriage, a middle-aged man looked up at the starry sky, just in time to see the starlight passing through the endless void, his face changed slightly .

"Yun'er may be in danger, I'll go back."

"If she is in danger, she won't use this kind of star Taoism that only pursues energy. She has grown up, and there are some things that she has to go through." On the carriage, a woman like a young woman, He grabbed the middle-aged man by the ear.

Tian Yun'er's footsteps followed the secret path step by step, walking towards the depths of the holy mountain that almost no one has approached since ancient times.

The depths of the taboo monster forest is a restricted area for human beings. Surrounded by terrifying, ancient and intentional alien beasts, and even weird things, it is comparable to the ancient restricted area, and almost no one approaches it.

And the center of the Forbidden Monster Beast Forest, the holy mountain, is a forbidden zone among the forbidden areas!
(End of this chapter)

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