Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 979: Dark Turmoil

Chapter 979: Dark Turmoil
"Wow, woof! What the hell, is that bastard dead or alive? If he's alive, why can't he find it after searching for so long? If he's dead, why did Wangu grimace suddenly sense Ye Luo three months ago? breath?" The donkey cursed as he walked.

The origin of the donkey itself is a mystery. It has the breath of ghosts on its body, and it is not human. In the forest of taboo monsters, it will not encounter attacks from foreign races.

The same goes for the bronze man and the big white pig.

They are not dangerous in themselves, but with Fatty, Chu Xiaohuan, Zhou Xiaoyu and Yang Ying, it is different, if it is not for the donkey and the bronze man, helping the four of them, forcibly hiding their aura, plus, The Forbidden Monster Beast Forest is endless, and the foreign race has just been born, and they have not really fully grasped the Forbidden Monster Beast Forest, they have long been exposed.

"Wow, woof, woof, what the hell, the battle between the nine emperors of the human race and the beast gods is probably coming to an end, you can't stay here anymore, you have to go out." Underneath, the expression is serious.

The Forbidden Monster Beast Forest was originally collected from hell before the ancient times, and even Hell Yama could not be scary. After the collapse of hell, it walked out of hell and evolved through endless years.

In the forest, there are many taboo ghosts, as well as mysterious and strange existences.

These existences occupy some special areas in the Forbidden Monster Beast Forest. Even if they were born from other races, they would not dare to step into these areas easily.

At this time, the donkey and his party were standing on the edge of a special area.

"No, we won't go back if we don't find Uncle Ye." Yang Ying, who was always weak and uninitiated, didn't show any hesitation in her eyes at this moment.

Chu Xiaohuan, on the other hand, pursed her lips, on her immature, beautiful, youthful face, during these days, she appeared a little haggard and a rare maturity.

There are still a few scars on her body.

"It's strange, how do I feel, in this battle against the sky that may be extinct, why the human beings are the oldest, hidden things, did not take action, and the alien race, in addition to the beast gods, should also have the ancient and mysterious Kun and Peng. There are some weird, most ancient existences, and they didn't make a move?" The bronze man asked suspiciously.

"The eight restricted areas are also terrifyingly calm." The pig also opened his mouth and said something.

"At that time, after beheading the three half-step emperors of the human race, the beast god wanted to forcibly open the Nine Dragons Coffin, but why did it stop when the coffin lid was half opened?
At that time, the Nine Dragons pulled the coffin, and it seemed that something terrible happened, and the beast god was injured..." The donkey also said something.

"Could it be that something more terrifying is brewing?"


The horrific, life-and-death battle between the human race and the alien race lasted for eight months, and then came to an abrupt end.

There are shocking rumors that can be recorded into the ages. It is the battle between the eight great emperors of the human world and the beast gods. With the result, three of the eight great emperors of the human world fell, two were seriously injured, and the imperial soldiers were smashed. Four pieces were lost, and the Beast God was also seriously injured, and his realm fell into the Great Emperor Realm.

The beast god returned to the taboo monster forest to heal his wounds. At the same time, more and more terrifying ancient alien races came out of the passage.

As for human beings, after that war, which was enough to be recorded into the ages, the ancient forces in Zhongzhou, Donghuang, Southern Border and Northern Territory sent out supreme powerhouses, as well as the youngest and most top-notch generation, to conquer the entire endless world. In the Monster Beast Forest, on the east and south sides, there are extremely powerful monks stationed in both directions.

Moreover, all major forces, in different regions, have sent out the most top-level formation masters, even emperor-level formation masters, to arrange the emperor's pattern in the section they defend, and even surpass the existence of the emperor's pattern, forming respective locations.

The west and north sides of the Forbidden Monster Beast Forest are the legendary Lost Sea, which do not need to be guarded.

The war just stops, but it is not over at all.

Everyone knows that.

After the armistice, local terrorist wars continued to erupt. The young generation of evil geniuses of the human race began to show their sharpness in this terrifying, death-baptized war.

At the beginning, the people who entered hell with Ye Luo would always mention Ye Luo's name from time to time when comparing the rising geniuses.

However, when many people heard that Ye Luo was just a body cultivator, they couldn't help scoffing. Body training, after all, is a way of cultivation that has been eliminated.

In a blink of an eye, it has been a year.

During this year, the extreme northern sea in the northern region suddenly fell into darkness for three months, and the endless sea was frozen. On this day, in front of an ox cart, a man wearing the clothes of an ancient master The old man turned around and got on the bullock cart. Beside him was a middle-aged man with an ancient book hanging on his waist.

The year is cold and the snow falls.

The number of strong human beings stationed in the Forbidden Monster Beast Forest, as well as people from major forces, has suddenly increased, and the major forces have all entered the first-level alert without warning.

In the Forbidden Monster Beast Forest, the atmosphere was also extremely tense.

In a cave in a special area of ​​the Forbidden Monster Beast Forest, the fat man devoured a freshly roasted pheasant. His whole body had already lost a lot of weight.

"Save some for me, I'll call you uncle!" The white-skinned pig also lost a lot of weight, and in just a blink of an eye, it saw that there were only a few chicken bones left in front of the fat man, and couldn't help being anxious.

Before the cave, in a year, Chu Xiaohuan became more and more silent, immature, and there was already a bit of wind and frost on her youthful face. She, who was always lively and troublesome, had a trace of cold loneliness on her body. meaning.

The aura on her body also became extremely mysterious and terrifying.

The bronze man and the donkey taught her two completely different and extremely strange exercises at the same time. Now, it seems that there has been a change in her body that shocked even the bronze man and the donkey.

Yang Ying and Zhou Xiaoyu's auras were equally strange.

It seemed that among the three of them, none of them practiced normal exercises.

The bronze man, the donkey and the big white pig were not in a hurry to take the three of them back after the war was temporarily over, because the big white pig had already received the news that Ye Luo had beheaded him in hell earlier. An ancient prince from the terrifying ancient Zhongzhou dynasty, two heaven-defying geniuses from the Sirius Academy, and two terrifying forces are secretly trying to take revenge on the people around Ye Luo.

It might be safer for the three of them to stay in the Forbidden Monster Beast Forest for the time being.

They went back once a month ago, and Chu Xiaohuan suffered a horrific assassination. The body of Su Ying, who had lost her soul, was originally placed on the Dazhu Peak of the Qingzong, but was snatched by the supreme existence , disappeared overnight.

"Isn't this area still there? Uncle Ye, where are you?" Chu Xiaohuan stretched out his hand, and snowflakes fell from his fingertips.

(End of this chapter)

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