Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 981 Ye Luo Crawled Out of the Grave 2

Chapter 981 Ye Luo Crawled Out of the Grave 2
Why do they call themselves uncle?

Ye Luo looked at the one in front of him, which was more terrifying than the first one. Three alien races, one male and two female, came from the tomb at the end of the void passage of the enchantment, and suddenly flooded into his mind. Another, very simple The memory instantly opened up in his soul.

The three people in front of me are indeed of different races!

They are all humans among alien races!
Before the ancient times, when the alien races were not sealed, there was communication between humans and alien races, and the fights between them were not big, and occasionally there were disputes, but they were all localized.

However, before the ancient times, in a lost and unrecorded era, humans and alien races suddenly broke apart for some reason. In that lost and unrecorded period, something seemed to change the entire world. big event.

Until later, the human race fought against the alien race, and the terrifying, mysterious, and weird alien race was defeated due to many reasons. They were born by the heavens, the earth, the people, and the oldest emperor of the human race. The strong, on the basis of the original barrier, rebuilt a supreme barrier, completely sealing the alien race and the continent where the alien race lived.

The composition of alien races is not only weird, mysterious, and powerful alien race creatures, in fact, alien race creatures, when they are powerful enough to a certain terrifying state, can all be transformed.

Most alien creatures will transform into human form.

Among the alien races, there were originally human beings!

The most fundamental difference between alien races and human beings is not in physical form, but in the way of cultivation. Human beings use aura as the most fundamental energy to comprehend the laws of heaven and earth, the three thousand ways.

The aliens, on the other hand, use the power of darkness as the most basic energy, and also comprehend the laws of heaven and earth, as well as the three thousand ways of darkness.

The most fundamental difference between humans and alien races is the difference between aura and the power of darkness.

Among the alien races, most of them are mysterious, terrifying, and ancient mysterious alien race creatures. However, among the alien races, there are also three special human families that are extremely against the sky.

The three major families are the Shangguan, Gongyang and Tuoba families.

The three ancient families of the three alien races are rumored to have been living at the bottom of the Lost Sea before the ancient times. The three most strange, mysterious, and heaven-defying ancient families have different physiques from ordinary people.

These three families are also the only ones among human beings who can cultivate and have been cultivating the mysterious power of darkness.

In the great battle before the ancient times, the three major families stood together with the foreign race.

They were also identified as aliens from that era.

Between heaven and earth, whether it is the vast Central Province, or the mysterious Western Desert, or the endless southern border, or the icy northern region, only members of their three major families have the power of darkness.

Just now, one of them, who was dressed like a foreign maid, called her son-in-law, because their real son-in-law, in the transformation, did not withstand the terrifying sky thunder, and was directly turned into flying ash.

The three people in front of them are members of the Shangguan family, one of the three major human families among the alien races!
The Shangguan family, from before the ancient times, in the vast alien continent in the seal, has continued to this generation, and the real direct line is only Shangguantian, a single lineage.

However, the property and influence of the Shangguan family are extremely large. Over the years, the Shangguan family has a huge collateral power, and has always been eyeing the huge family power of the direct line.

And Shangguantian's cultivation realm has already reached the peak of a saint, and he is one step away from becoming a half-step emperor.

But Shangguantian only has one daughter!
The kung fu practiced by Shangguan Tian is the Dark Xuantian Record of the Shangguan family. This kind of kung fu is indeed against the sky, but it has a flaw that cannot be solved at all, that is, the higher the cultivation level, the harder it is to have offspring.

In particular, after reaching the saint level, it is impossible to have any descendants.

Among the descendants of the Shangguan family, the old man of the previous generation was in the realm of the great emperor in the legend. The huge Shangguan family can be called one of the holy places among the foreign races, but the old man has already entered his old age.

Among the next generation, Shangguantian has only one daughter.

As a family inherited by blood, if the third generation cannot inherit the position of the family's holy lord, then, after the death of the old man who has reached the age of Emperor Eternal, the entire Shangguan family may compete for power in the collateral, with the outside world. In the peeping, four or five split.

However, still in Shangguantian, the only daughter, Shangguanyun, has an ice god physique that is rare in thousands of years. Yes, the realm of integration!
In other words, among the alien races, the fifth rank!

This realm is enough to show a crushing attitude among the younger generation of foreign races.

Except for some of the most ancient horror families among the foreign races, the creatures inherited from the horror blood of the younger generation, as well as the Tuoba family, Tuoba Shengtian, a young man who rarely encounters a dark body once in ten thousand years, almost no one in the younger generation is his opponent.

The name of Shangguan Yunbing has already shocked the alien race.

Even during this year's war and confrontation, Shangguan Yunbing has long been known among the generation of supreme young people in Zhongzhou, Donghuang, Ximo, Beiyu, and Nanjiang.

Many people are comparing Shangguan Yunbing with Gai Jiuyou, Tu Tian, ​​Wan Jianyi, Gu Yue and other top legends of the younger generation of the human race.

However, Shangguan Bing was only a daughter after all.

Among the alien races, men have always been preferred over women, especially the three major families.

Women, after all, are meant to be married.

In particular, the Tuoba family, these years, have been proposing marriages like Shangguan Yunbing. Everyone knows that what the Tuoba family wants is not only Shangguan Yunbing, who is aptitude against the heavens, but also the Shangguan family, the supreme Horror background, and endless resources.

In particular, the Shangguan family almost monopolizes the business of rough stones needed for cultivation.

However, who is Shangguan Yunbing, who is Shangguan Tian, ​​and who is Mr. Shangguan? This problem has not become a real problem.

Shangguan Yunbing will not marry!

As the most hopeful Shangguan Yunbing, who has proved himself as the emperor and even broke through the realm of the great emperor, wants a man to marry into the Shangguan family in the form of a son-in-law!
In this way, all problems will be solved easily. She, Shangguan Yunbing, is still a member of the Shangguan family and will not marry. She will also become the next generation of the Shangguan family, the true heir, the Holy Master.

A married man is nothing more than a tool to block people's tongues!

However, in the alien race, marrying into a family has always been the most shameful and shameless thing, but anyone from a foreign race with some foundation and reputation, as well as people from the three major families, will never marry into a family.

(End of this chapter)

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