Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 989: Swamp Ghost Town 2

Chapter 989: Swamp Ghost Town 2
In addition, this swamp ghost city is also the only city in the southeast where humans, ghosts, and aliens coexist.

Ye Luo learned from the materials of Shangguan's family that this legendary swamp ghost town was created by a mysterious and heaven-defying ghost in the forest of taboo monsters. , with some other ghosts from the hell before the ancient times, formed.

The city lord is that ghost.

That ghost is extremely terrifying and powerful, even if it is an ancient strongman among humans and alien races, no one is willing to provoke this ghost city lord.

The order in the city is also very good.

In the city, there are transactions between humans, alien races, and ghosts. Very few people dare to fight in the city.

Even during the war, there were still bustling transactions in the swamp ghost town. After all, human and alien materials, medicines, and some scarce items were all complementary.

The Shangguan family has a teleportation array leading to the swamp ghost city. The Shangguan family also has part of the business in the ghost town. The huge Shangguan family is comparable to a human race's supreme holy place. There are often disciples of the Shangguan family who take the teleportation array and enter the swamp ghost city. .

After hearing Ye Luo's words, Shangguan Xing'er hesitated for a moment, then remembered the extremely prosperous and noisy swamp ghost town with all kinds of strange things and people that she had been to several times before, she nodded and said: "Then That’s okay, our family’s business is in the swamp ghost city, and there are terrifying and powerful ghosts patrolling it, so it’s also very safe, so it’s good to go around the city.”

An hour later, among the dozens of huge and ancient teleportation formations in the special teleportation hall of the extremely large and profound Shangguan family, there is a teleportation formation leading to the swamp ghost city, which is slowly running.

"Sister Xing'er, haha, why are you bringing this idiot with you when you enter the city? Isn't this embarrassing to our Shangguan family?" A disciple of the Shangguan family's collateral line looked at Ye Ye on the slowly rotating teleportation array. Luo was taken aback for a moment, and then couldn't help laughing.

On the teleportation array, the other three or four young people couldn't help laughing.


However, at the moment when the teleportation array was in full operation, Ye Luo, who was silent and bowed his head, suddenly appeared, and directly punched the Shangguan family disciple who spoke just now on the face. Dan's peak, the sudden burst of explosive power, unexpectedly forcibly smashed the collateral disciple who was taunting directly from the teleportation array!
When the person was in the air, there was already blood spattering from his mouth.

On the teleportation array, the laughter stopped abruptly, and the people above immediately thought of the characteristics of this uncle, dumb, stunned, bored, and ruthless!

He beat people, but also for nothing!
After all, this fool is the only son-in-law of Shangguan's family.

You're fine, why mess with a fool?
I was beaten, and there was no place to complain.

However, on the bright side, a truly powerful collateral disciple cannot directly attack Ye Luo. Directly attacking Ye Luo is equivalent to hitting Shangguan Tian in the face!
The teleportation array was running, and the figures on it disappeared. The disciple who was thrown off the teleportation array fell to the ground with a bang, and many people around couldn't help but look in this direction.

The terrifying aura on that collateral disciple suddenly erupted, and his aura had already reached the Nascent Soul realm. The reason why he was beaten just now was entirely because he had no defense at all!

He was furious, his face was livid, he got up and shouted: "Fool, I'm going to kill you, how dare you hit me!"

"Brother Qiao, have you been beaten by that idiot too? Don't talk nonsense about what you said. That idiot is the son-in-law of our Shangguan family." Another person in the teleportation array looked at the collateral disciple with pity, In the past ten days, he was not the only one beaten by Ye Luo.

It's just that he was indeed the first, a master of the Nascent Soul stage who was beaten!
"That's not right, Brother Qiao, you are in the Nascent Soul stage, and he is only at the peak of Jindan, so you were beaten like this?"


Outside the gate of Shangguan's family, in the snow, not far away.

"Donkey said, are you reliable? Ten days ago, you didn't deduce that the location of Ye Luo's appearance should be in this Shangguan's house in front of you? Why did we rush all the way here and stay here for so many days, even Didn't you get any news about Uncle Ye?" Chu Xiaohuan was excited for a few days when the donkey deduced Ye Luo's position ten days ago.

"Woof, woof, how could the emperor's deduction be wrong? If you scold me, the guards of the Shangguan family are too strict. The emperor sneaked in twice, and only heard the servants of the Shangguan family say Their family hired a fool to be their son-in-law." The donkey also cursed.

"Donkey, why don't you deduce it again, this is so fucking bad, I eat cold food and drink snow water every day, do you think I still have meat on my body?" The fat man crawled in the snow nest, and he was already thin in a circle.

The donkey thought for a while, then took out the deduced compass again, with a serious face, after a while.

"Hey! Bow woof! What the hell, why did the location change again, swamp ghost town?"

"Damn donkey, I already knew you were unreliable, but you're still as bad as ever!" The fat man suddenly got up.

"Wang Wang Wang..."

"Then what do we do?"


Fifteen hundred miles away, the swamp ghost town.

Ye Luo, Shangguan Xing'er, and three or four other Shangguan's collateral disciples walked out of the teleportation circle in the ghost town in the swamp. Those collateral disciples looked at Ye Luo and couldn't help feeling a toothache.

What the hell, is this idiot with an average cultivation base really something they can provoke casually.

It's unreasonable, just do what you say, there is no sign at all.

Even Shangguan Xing felt a strange feeling about her uncle. Although she was a fool, she really hadn't seen her uncle in the past ten days, and she was really at a disadvantage.

The swamp ghost city is extremely old and huge. On the ground, the thick bluestone slabs left convex and concave traces, and the thick moss on the corners of the walls are all shaping the ancientness of the city.

Before the alien race was born, in this city, there were only transactions between the human race and ghosts.

The streets are bustling with humans, strange beasts, alien races, and strange ghosts. From time to time, you can also see some moving, floating souls, and monsters with animal heads and human bodies.

"Grandpa, look, there seem to be a lot of people in front." Walking on the bustling, prosperous, and weird streets, Ye Luo has been studying this weird, peculiar city, and Shangguan Xing'er seems to be Not many come here.

In her eyes, there was also a girl's natural excitement.

Seeing something, she suddenly pulled Ye Luo and walked forward.

And Ye Luo's gaze also saw something, and his body froze suddenly!

(End of this chapter)

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